Welcome to Earth

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technologies, but initially, the internet should be more than sufficient. The broadcasts don’t have to be major. They can start small and develop based on feedback. The human broadcasters don’t have to tell that they are broadcasting from alien station. They can withdraw the information from where they are broadcasting. I know, you are not allowed to be deceptive, but you are allowed to withhold the information. So the human broadcasters would withhold their location and tell the truth about the secrets of MIC, gradually educating the public and building the audience. This activity alone may do the job of saving humanity. As the broadcasting develops, the information about alien worlds can be added. EXAMPLES OF SUCCESS By looking at main countries, you might have overlooked small countries. There are small countries, in which propaganda is little, military activities are almost non-existent, and people live noble lives. Unless large predator countries interfere with their politics, these small countries stay away from evil. I was privileged to visit such countries and learned much – these were Baltic Countries: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. These don’t have military ambitions since they are located in a neutral zone between the East and the West. Other great examples are Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovenia. Most 88

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