Maximum Yield USA January 2013

Page 24


hydroponic news, tips and trivia

Aphid Resistance in Black Raspberries Good news: A USDA scientist and his commercial colleague have found black raspberries that have resistance to a disease-spreading aphid. Depending on the population, aphid resistance seemed to be controlled by either multiple genes or one dominant gene. (Source:


hydroponic news, tips and trivia

Chocolate Substitute Fights Food-poisoning Bacteria According to a report in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, leaves of the carob plant, which is used as a substitute for chocolate, are a rich source of antibacterial substances ideal for fighting the microbe responsible for listeriosis (a serious form of food poisoning) (Source:

Good Offense The stem-mining weevil is an effective offense against Canada thistle, the primary invader across North Dakota’s rangeland and cropland. The weevil feeds on newly emerged plants and females deposit eggs within the plant tissue, weakening them to other threats. Studies concluded that weevils alone cannot completely control these invading plants, but they can weaken the plants enough that other weed control methods can deliver a knockout. (Source:


Maximum Yield USA  |  January 2013

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