Teci April 2013

Page 8

Feature Article:

Sources for Creativity

Ever wondered what your next photoshoot will be or just can’t think of a reason to pick up the camera? We look at a number of inspiring sources to get the creative juices flowing again.


e all get it, that moment when our brain just doesn’t seem to function and the ideas get backed up. Thousands of years ago, it was common knowledge that inspiration came from the gods. These days, those who claim divine inspiration would probably be locked up or referred to a psychiatrist for their crazy ideas. Fortunately we are not that extreme and are usually just after a little creative direction to help with a

passing inspiration block. Creative blocks are usually self inflicted and caused by our own lifestyle pressures. The big one is money. We stress about it all the time. “Do I have enough to pay the bills, can I buy the latest camera gadget, am I keeping up with the Joneses?” When we worry about other issues, it blocks our creative side of the brain. Fear is also another reason for the pipes becoming blocked. Wondering if I’m good enough to take of photo


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of a friends baby, or compete with professional photographers for clients. The fear of failure and fear of rejection might seem normal but there is also the fear of success and fear of trying something new which can hold us back from being a better photographer, and ultimately, a better human being. To encourage the creative process, we need to eliminate as many of the negitave aspects as possible. Forget about the bills, deadlines, kids... well maybe that’s not very

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