South Holland Living: June/July 2019

Page 13



PUTTING A LL MY WEIGHT D OWN By Dr. Preston R. Winfrey, Pastor of Pi oneer Missi onar y Baptist C hurch I know that “putting all my weig ht down” must be a strange statement in a season when people are c onc erned about fitting into those swimsuits and other summer outfits. After all, who wants to appear to others as being out of shape and unc omfor table in their clothes this summer? Before I get you thinking about what and what not to eat, and about your exercise regimen, let me assure you that I am not speaking of weig hts and measurements. I am speaking about issues of tr ust and faith in the Living God during thes e difficult and tr ying times.

I am the first to agree with you that we are living in difficult times. The onl y time I think things were better was before the “fall of mankind.” Now sinc e the fall from the friendship and fellowship with God, we have experienc ed hard times. I cannot remember a time where there were so many catastrophes this close to where I live. Wind, fire, ear thquakes, flooding, not to menti on the vi olenc e in our homes, schools, and even in the church. The ec onomy is twisted and many are pointing the finger at the next person. It appears that our nati on is in much c onflict, with seemingl y no real resoluti ons in view. I believe I k now where we can go and I know what we can do. First, we can go to a pla c e of sa fet y. This pla c e is “THE ROC K”

Dr. Preston R. Winfrey (Psalm 61:1-2), a safe pla c e where you can find securit y. When you go to this ROC K, the sec ond thing I would enc ourage you to do is to put all of your weig ht down on the ROC K (Proverbs 3:5-6). Listen, my friend—God is our refuge and strength and He is our ver y present help in the time of trouble. You are not too heav y for God to hold. Tr ust God to take care of you. He invites you to put your weig ht down on Him. I have tr usted Him and you can do the same.

GET TO KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS! HOST A BLOCK PARTY FOR YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! When you register your block par t y, the Village can provid e road blocks and signage, picnic tables, and emergency vehicles for children’s viewing (subject to availabilit y). Sign up at or at Village Hall, 1 6226 Wausau Avenue.


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