Miami Gazette April 10, 1974 - September 11, 1974

Page 46


Jehovah's Witneslses A~e~d Conventio~n

.~iuden~ frOIJ1 the banon . .: Congregation

J~hovah"s : WifneSses

~nted : :'8 . . lJlodeJ

Ii..iS:With.humble hearts that'my frustrating and oftentimes without wife ~~ I, thank God for the op- fellowship and companionship portunity to write 'onee 'again of the which we who hear often ~ke ' for Wa~e area, As many of you granted, Brother Bennett for the know I wrotearticles for one of the last six years .since the Institute local church paperS for quite some was fQunded has served as ' it's time:· I love writing for the Lord director without salary. He has and weJcome this · opportunity. I given of his money , time and woUld like to thank the editor, talents, forsaking his homelife for Lila McClure. for · m.aking it so many hours, going whereever possible. As'many of you know my and whenever he is called as time wife Edith 'is associated with the permits, seeing the great need and Deaf and Hard of Hearing Institute so unselfishly providing it. May we or Christian Education in Cin- continue to pray for Him and all cinnati, Ohio. Her director is the others who are training to be Brother Cecil Bennett. Brol\ler use~ by the Lord in this field. We so Bennett ~ Ii inan :of great . vision .often 'think of missions as being in a and has lots of love and' bt otherly far off corner of the world but concern for these People .who live really I believe we have been in the silent world. There are many overlooking an orchid while disappOiJJtments in this .work and searching for a rose. There are we ' thlUlli brother Qer,nett· for his ' .thousands of people in this country untiring efforts and great faith in who need our help. 1 truely believe keeping this mission endeavor we shall be held accountable for moving forward . He not only ' their welfare also. When Christ thought and preached about fllith gave the great commission to go for so. man'y years, in this work he into all the world to teach and bas a~tiuated that faith by ~tepping preach the ~~pel we can rest out and trusting in God to provide assured that He included these his weeds both present an4 future, preaciouS souls also. Shall we since He is actually engaged in this continue to pray both individually ministry full tbne. and collectively for Brother 'Ibis ' work can also be very Bennett and his work. Until next rewarding, especially when you time may God shower His richest at'1e'1here 10 witness tbe accepting blessings upon 'YPIf. and rejoycing when poe of these PeoPle Chooie to·follow ~t; ~ In His sign silent world can be very lonely, ErnieSmjth



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Uliled Church of Christ·

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S4::hool ; sessi~:designed to-train all .. ot .' th~ · .Wl~ in pub~c spt,akiitg ~t a cODventi'on in London, Ohio, on June 1 ~nd 2, where: James L. 'Wad.dingtOn,·district supervisor fo~ .: Jehovah's witnesses, ad~~ a crowd of 1,072 perS~Iis' on Sunday ~lfter­ nOOn;'· .. . '.' Ws talk, . "Be Confi~e~t. o{ ·Divine Victory", cliniaxed the group's two~y :assembly . , SQndily morning's session of the assembly witnessed a. water baptism in whi'c h 22 persOns presented Ulemselves ·.moutward symbol of aD jnward dedicati(Jln of their lives to God's service. Mr. Waddington had just returned from Cincilnnati, Ohio, where arrangements have been made by the Watchtower . Bible and Tract . Society for one of eighty-five district con.velitionS of Jehovah'l; witnesses in the United States arid Canada in 1974 witli a projected combinedl atte~nce of nearly one .million persons. . Approximately 100 delegatE!S will iepresent the LebanOD con:gregation as pUt of' the · ~,ooo delegates expected at Riverfront Stadium, Cinc~ti, Ohio, .June 27-30.

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Mary L. Cook Library will close on Saturdays but will be . open Monday through Thursday from Ii a.m. to 8 p.m. on Frid8y the library will be open 11 to 6. Mrs. Mary Current said that there · will be an interesting summer program aliDOUnced in the near future.

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First Church of Christ

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United Methodist Church

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The troop was pr.~nted with a ~ook kit for campouts by Margie Stamper. It w.s greatly appreciated . A Boy Scout Jlarbeque will be· held June 22nd at Camp Hook from 5:70-7:30 p.m. Proceeds will go to the Mike Kinjy~laCts Memorial Fund. 'I'hi8 fund provides money for boys w~ cannot affOfd ·to gO' to camp~ . 'neti!ts ·a re;. ~ sold by

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Mt-Holly United Methpdist Church



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Sf Mary's Episcopal Church



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The full Gospel Tabernacle

On Wednesday, May 29th Citizenship in · the Coma Court (Jf Honor was held at munity, Mike Elc~* for St. Mary's Episcopal Home Repair, Jeff Howard Church in Waynesville. The . for Emergency Preparedboys receiving advance- ness, Scott Howard for ments were Lee Stamper to . Home Repair, LOuise Lan1st class. Tenderfoot ad- der for Personal Manage-: vancements were given to ment, Woodworking, CitiSteve Anderson, Scott zenship in the Community, Wood Carving, and Safety, Howard, and Pat Lander. Merit Badges were ear- Pat Landore for Home ned by Mike Anderson for Repair, Bob RiCk4!y for Emergency Preparedness, Emergency Preparedness and Lee Stamper for Emergency .Prepar4edneSS, Woodworkipg and Cam-

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First Church of God

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Jonahs Run Baptist Church

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United Methodist Church ,

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Full Gospel Church

Fret 'Htecostal Church' of God

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Mrs. JudY" Kronelibiii'ger (897-7641). 11le.Y are $2.50

per·Person. 'Cblldten UDder ..' 6 admitted free. Please

come ~ ~p ~t tbe ~ .' :.ili;Yu ~ppJty.; ;', :".~:'I".:.~j:" ffr~'f' '~'. . ,/ ,I~"..-, . .":,. ~ ~ -I ~I~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~ "" ' :• .,t-.... I)o.~ 1




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