July issue 2015

Page 32

Integrity is an unexplored yet universal con- various cultural upbringing, location, interaccept, that defines a truth about ourselves, a tion and educational experiences. code of moral values and personal ethics, sort to speak, goody gum drops. It may seem strange that in a progressive evolution we live in a so called information One supposedly acts with congruence from Age where others may crush the circulation an open agenda, rather than a number of hid- of ideas of exceptional merit, that ideas are den ones, and functions from not being de- blocked from a wider understanding. Don’t let ceitful by omission. Fortunately integrity re- the powerful strengths inherent in each indiquires us to come from the best in ourselves vidual be barred from expression or buried rather than from our…OUR FEARS. alive under the barrage of any criticism. Integrity requires us to know what feels right from within the very core of our being, and to act from that part of us as true WISDOM. It is the lack of integrity that causes us as humans to constantly repeat ineffective patterns with ourselves, in relationships, in business and with ourselves. This leads to lies, betrayals, disappointments and the ability to never allow TRUST to be born within ourselves or with any other human/situation. Lack of integrity is not necessarily a character flaw, it is merely a lack of awareness. Today the world at large knows the need for openness and transparency. The world has been enslaved by never being informed of the bigger picture, always kept busy with mundane actions. Each level only knows what the level above allows them to know, and up the ladder it goes. This old way of doing things says goodbye. The shift is to allow all that has stood in the way to be cleansed so a new supporting integrity for the benefit of all, for the benefit of all beings, can truly come to fruition. How to answer the question of evolution? What will it take for us to align ourselves with a promise that will characterize a way of being for each individual and for the whole to be as one?

Many of the creative talents within us, unfortunately have never seen the light of day, never even been considered worthy choosing instead to become an army of followers living in fear from the hierarchy above. A great person once said to me, we are the TAI CHI, the center of our own individual universe, the leaders of our own destiny. Without that deeply embedded in our core being, and while living the life of a follower, how is it ever possible to develop into all that we can be. Better yet how can individuality ever evolve into a single cohesive group capable of accomplishing exactly what we are destined to do for ourselves and the world at large? It is always a question, not about what you can do, IT IS ABOUT WHO ARE YOU! It makes no difference whether your hair is blue, green or not there at all. Allow yourself/ each individual to be, allow their talents to come forward, support them in the same way you would like to be supported.

Stop saying stand up and be counted while stabbing them in the back. Stop saving your yourself by shedding a few tears to win over the crowd. Stop offering support to one and all while holding out an empty hand. There is no long term support for the person who thinks in these changing times of energy parFirst and foremost is the idea to honor the in- adigms, they can pull the wool over everydependent nature of who we are. A personal one. respect for the differences created due to our 32 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ July 2015

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