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‘’The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.’’ ~Albert Einstein

Do you ever think about somebody and suddenly they call? Within our boundless field of energies, we are constantly communicating on many levels at the same time. We are like inter-dimensional computers getting constant hits, impulses and very clear messages via our far-reaching tracking systems. We are complex conglomerates spanning time and space, existing in many dimensions simultaneously. Most people are unaware of their deep connectivity, but it is a well-known fact that our mysterious intra-psychic abilities exist far beyond what science can explain. Do you occasionally have a feeling about someone or something that continually nags at you? At first you may ignore it but finally you decide to pay attention. Such connections are an intertwined part of our very nature. Day and night we receive subtle impulses, messages and visions. Intuition is a natural God-given gift we all have. Different than our physical world signals, intuition is a language of the subtle realms. To take advantage of this, we must open to our inner culture and learn to understand its elusive communicative modalities. Most contemporary cultures have relegated intuition to the back seat, favoring reason and left-brain dominance. Intuition is a right-brain function, the ability

to hear and feel and perhaps see energy. Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, brain researcher, in her Ted talks gives an excellent description of the brain hemispheres and their different processing modes that will assist you to understand the intuitive facility. She lost her left-brain function as the result of a stroke and was stuck for years in her right hemisphere. She was able to study her own perceptions and undertake important research. As an authority on right-brain activities, her work helps to make real and legitimize the intuitive functions. The language of our Soul speaks to us as a “still small voice” through the right brain. Myriad subtle perceptions arise to right-brain awareness, where they can be attended to or ignored. We receive guidance and nuanced information that can impact the way we conduct our lives and experience our feelings. Our inner voice speaks to us but not everyone chooses to hear it. These gut feelings, hunches, premonitions – our instinct or sixth sense - can guide us. We can sense danger and discern what’s going on around us with great accuracy. As highly sensitive beings growing and maturing, we can strengthen our perception of this right brain messaging. With regular practice we can attune to the voice of our internal guidance, directing and informing us as we journey through life.

13 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ November 2013

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