Pages from 129-133 from Ad!dict 18 Fake

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17-06-2001 08:48


P: 01


--fJtTVAHGENf ? .!m'rft 2J!1Jf' ATTN: DlRECTORlCEO

CAPT. COSMOS NW ACHTNMERE TEL: 27-83-672-4443 FAX: 27-83-731-5037

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL With due respect, trust and humility, I write to you irrespective of the fact that you do not know me. Lel me formally introduce myself. I am Capt. Cosmos Nwachinmere T served as a Special "fiIitary Adviser during the aborted rule of latc President Laurcnt Kabila of Democratic Repuhlie of Congo (ORe), who was a..a.sinated on January 16, 200], by onc of his close military aides. 1 cam. acr., .. your contact courtesy of the World Business Journal from the Johannesbul'g Chamber of Commerce, in my earnest search ror a reliable and trustworthy individual who can help me handle this confidential busincss. On May 17, 1997, after months of guerilla warfare, late President Kabila came to power by successfully ousting tbe former dictator, late President Mobutu Sese Seko. After assuming onicc officially on May 29, 1997, late President Desire Laurent Kllbila, a former rebel ~r, fought a rebellion from the dis .. ffect~d Tutsi. from Gomll in the Rastern Congo (DRC). backed by Rwanda. Uga~!la and Burundi, till late. The late President Kabila had arranged· und~r my care for Arms purchase from the Republic of Soutb Africa worth USS32 million (thirty-two million United States dollars) cash. This money was brought into South Africa through diplomatic means. Soon aftcr the news of President Kabila's death reached me while in Johannesburg, South Africa. I decided to kcep the money for personal purposes. Presently, the money is deposited and seeur"d in the vaults ora private Security Company in Johannesburg for safekeeping. Presently, I am residing temporarily in Johannesburg pending the outcome of an appeal filed on my behalf by my attorney for the Department of Home Affairs to grant me asylum statu •. At tbe moment, I am in a dilemma on how to move this money safely out of South Africa due to its government monetary policies, rules and regulations. Moreover, owing to tbe scnsitive and vohltile political status of the region, It would be most dangerous to attempl investments here as such act could jeopardizc my chances. In recognition of your personal encutive pllW~rs and inve.tment nppnrtunitie. thal· abound in your country, I solicit for your assistance in moving this money into your bank account fur ,afekeeping pendIng my arrival for investment. I han resolved to adequately compensate you by offering a brokerage commission of 20% net pre-transfcr expenscs you may incur, 5% set aside for general expenses and 75':-'. for investment alld I guarantee that all expenses during the tJ'ansaetion are subject to refund. I must emphll5izc that this proposal requires .\ high degree of confidentiality and mutual truu. T have in mind to establish a genuine business relationship with you in the nearest future, if you will be able to help me. Pleasc let me receive your approval or rcply by direct foxing or phoning and feel free to ask questions you may consider relevant. !'Iease accept my warm compliments, as I earnestly await your urgent reply.

':JCO~hinmerc .. --. --.../f_ er·t / est

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