Plani Strategjik i Zhvillimit të Beratit

Page 22

Q3:O2:PG4:p2: Project: Establishment of a daily center for abandoned elderly people – (proposed by the Red Cross Berat).

Q3:O2:PG4: Program: Improvement of the health and social services of the town.

Project description: The project aims at the establishment of a daily center for elderly people who lead a lonely life and have no support from their relatives. The project aims at their social integration, by thus alleviating the daily burdens of their lonely lives and by creating socialization possibilities through joint activities in the center. Actions to be taken:  The Local Directorate of Social Services will carry out the identification of the eligible elderly people to be included in the list of the beneficiaries of the center.  Identification of appropriate premises, renovation and refurbishment of the premises.  Cooperation with donors who operate in the field of social service provision in order to cofinance the project.

Expected results:


 Alleviation of the social problems of the vulnerable elderly people.  Increase of their quality of life within the community.

 Local government.  Local community.  Civil Society.

Project Contributions:

Implementing partners:  Berat Municipality.  Red Cross, Berat.  Local Directorate of Social Services.

 Berat Municipality.  Red Cross.  Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.  Potential donors.


Preconditions:  Drafting an action plan on the way the center will function.  Signing of an agreement with the Red Cross on the duties and responsibilities of the project stakeholders (Municipality and the Red Cross).

 Existence of stigmatizing factors from the community about the beneficiaries category (elderly lonely people).

Estimated expenditure: Foreseen Amount: Timeframe:


10 000 euro 3 years

Project start date:

January 2009

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