An exploration of creativity by Marie Laigneau

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The paradox of unicity David J. Carol has clearly established a style and a voice in

On the other side of the spectrum, some photographers favor a

photography, and the thematic homogeneity of his images –

project-based approach to their work, so consistency and

across both new or old work – appears clearly to the viewer.

unicity are more easily shown within a project or series, as

However, not all photographers follow a similar approach, and

opposed to the entire portfolio. Rammy Narula’s vision is a

the meaning of unicity and consistency can largely differ based

constant exploration for him: he gets drawn to a subject for a

on what drives you as a street photographer.

while whether he intends it or not – and it becomes central to

As an example, here’s what Mike Lee says about style and unicity in his work: “You have to develop your own style, but it doesn’t mean that you have to stick to one style or form of composition for the rest of your life. I like to play across a large sets of styles influenced by Saul Leiter, HCB, Lee Miller, Robert Frank for example. I still see unicity in my work across these

different styles – my pictures are still mine.”

his work. Now that he’s done with Platform 10, he’s moving on to a very different subject, about patterns in light. His work is

no longer about people at a particular location, but about colors and light everywhere. Change is key for him – his creativity is tied to a subject, one at a time. He doesn’t come back to creating the same images over and over again, and keeps evolving with his each new subject.


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