Alexandra Antal PORTFOLIO (Architecture)

Page 92

The intention of the public space project took form around the old house on the site, a typical wagon-house, illustrative for Bucharest, but harrased by the new buildings on and around Moșilor Avenue, and old and important commercial artery of the city. The house’s courtyard becomes a pretext for a craftsmen’s market/ fair. The market’s space, crowded between the two high, blind walls, clings to them, underlining their height and uniformity, but, more importantly, giving them a purpose. Thus, the functional space of the courtdayard, having no more space left on the ground, shifts in a vertical position, taking the form of suspended bridges, attached to the wall and followed by the garden that also shifts its orientation. By night, the storage units are lit up and they animate the small public space created around a fragment of very uneven urban fabric.


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