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educational services welcome 0-3 Program (Bush Babes Nature Playgroup) The first six years of life are the most fundamental in the development of human beings and their potential (Montessori Australia Foundation).

In the 0-6 years learning sequence, there are 5 defined areas, focusing on the children’s interests and their developmental needs. These are:

This is when children learn instinctively from their environment using an unconscious process of absorption. The aim of the Montessori 0-3 Program is to facil-

practical life

itate the child’s growing need for independence, order, movement and language and to increase the parents’ awareness of their child’s capabilities and needs. A beautiful indoor Montessori environment and nature based outdoor environment incorporating our natural wetlands and bird hide are provided.

Children are encouraged to look after themselves and their classroom environment independently

The sessions provide time for you and your child to have fun exploring and learning together. Parents are shown the importance of allowing their child to complete and repeat tasks without interruption or interference.


A qualified early-childhood and Montessori-trained educator will observe, guide and offer support where necessary. Link to website

The senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell are developed

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