Partnerships for Progress

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offer while, at the same time, illuminating the practical challenges that have been and will be faced by those involved in making engagement work to mutual benefit. It has been the task of the four critical friends involved in this second phase to fulfil a number of roles; sometimes interpreters of requirements and priorities, sometimes negotiators, sometimes offering an external perspective and just occasionally acting as the third umpire. One thing upon which we all agree is that at no time has there been any need to urge greater motivation. Both project teams and the Jisc managers were highly energised and energising throughout. They could see, as I believe the reader will realise from reading this synthesis report, just how much mutual value can be created by stronger community engagement and what potential that offers us all for a sustainable and better future.

Partnerships for Progress

The publication of this report, following so quickly on the heels of the Witty Report, with its recommendations on the dynamic relationship between the academy and SMEs to build economic growth, could not be timelier. ‘Partnerships for Progress’ provides an essential building block for the delivery of the British Invention Revolution.


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