23rd Biennial of Design: Design Relations

Page 142

Digitalizacija/Digitalisation Grafično oblikovanje/Graphic

Navigacija z bojami v parku Biesbosch/ Navigating in the Biesbosch buoys Oblikovalka/Designer, proizvajalka/producer Sabrina Koning-Woud, SKW Vormgeving, Baambrugge, Nizozemska/The Netherlands 2010

Če boste čolnarili v nizozemskem nacionalnem parku Biesbosch, boste dobili zemljevid plovnih poti, ki označuje, kam lahko plovejo različna plovila (kanuji, motorni in električni čolni). Ker pa poti niso začrtane, se izletniki lahko izgubijo. Zato zdaj v Biesboschu plavajo iz vrbovih vej spletene boje, ki označujejo plovne poti. Boje so označene na zemljevidu in delujejo kot smerokazi na vodi. Služijo kot navigacijski pripomočki, oživljajo tradicionalno obrt pletenja vrbovih vej in pomenijo vez s preteklostjo.

If you go out boating in Holland’s Biesbosch national park you’ll receive a map of the waterways that indicates where various types of watercraft (canoes, motorboats and electric boats) are allowed to go. But as the routes are not signed, boaters run a high risk of getting lost. Now floating in the Biesbosch are buoys woven from willow branches designed to mark the boating routes. The buoys are marked on the map and act as pointers on the water. This way the buoys serve as navigation aids, revitalise the traditional craft of willow weaving and act as a link with the past.

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