CSI Digital Book_Erasmus Project

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Erasmus Project nr 2019-1-PT01-KA229-060693


Digital Book 1

The Project Cultural and Social Integration Erasmus Project started to be a two- year project (2019-2021) to be developed by five partner schools from Portugal, Finland, Italy, Greece and Poland. Then, suddenly the World changed and the Project lasted a bit longer: 2019-2022. It was a project that aimed to develop social acceptance towards minorities, migrants and immigrants. And the World changed again and more than ever the issue became of the most significant importance. In the process of developping the aimed work we analyzed each countries own reality in terms of national and educational politics towards foreigners, historical episodes and joint solutions taking the students to experience digital apps and a specific learning method - the Design Thinking Method and so we created a digital app and plenty of other outcomes that will help our young students make the difference.



Table of Contents

The participating Schools………………….....................................5 The Joint Staff Training Event…………………..............................8 CSI through Pandemic Times……………….……………………….10 Commemoration Days……....…………………………………….....12 LTTA to Italy……...................………………………………….…....23 LTTA to Poland………..............……………………………….…....26 LTTA to Greece…………….............…………………………….....30 LTTA to Finland……………….............………………………….....34 Design Thinking Method………………….....................................37 CSI collaborative song.................................................................40 Team’s photos………………................…………………………...42



The Participating Schools

Alexandre Herculano Schools Group was established in the academic year 2001/2002. This group is an organizational unit with its own board of directors and management that comprises a total of 11 schools distributed over a large geographical area (urban and rural) somewhat dispersed that comprises about 1300 students. In Alexandre Herculano Group work around 160 teachers and 50 educational staff. In Alexandre Herculano's school, the main school, we have several educational resources for the benefit of students and a diversified educational offer, which includes arts, technology and sports (eg, Techniques of artistic expression, Theatre - representation arts, Multimedia and various arrangements in the context of school sports), with a good level of qualification framework teaching staff with specialized qualification and increasingly focused on the use of new technologies for communication, dissemination and teaching.

Pohjankartanon School is a lower secondary school (students from 13 to 16 years). Half of the students study in music classes so they have more music lessons than normal students and also participate in an orchestra. Approximately 470 students and 40 teachers. Half of the students study in music classes. Pohjankartano School functions on local, regional, national, European and international levels. The school provides all of the students with possibilities to develop their skills and knowledge to continue their studies in upper secondary schools or vocational colleges. Most of the students are well-motivated and interested in studying different subjects in order to achieve good grades, which will make sure that they will get a place in the next school they will apply to.

3rd Gymnasium of Mytilene is based in the capital of the island of Lesvos, which is located on the eastern border of Greece and the European Union. The school consists of 244 students and 29 Teachers. The school has 11 classes in the 3 grades of general education as well as six special classes for students with learning needs. Pupils in our school learn Foreign Languages (English, French and German), History- Literature, Art, Informatics, Biology and Physics. Some of the teachers have experience in the field of students’ exchange so that they will bring to the project their skills, knowledge and life experience.


Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa z O.I. im.Karola Musioła w Opolu is an elementary school. It consists of two levels: grades 1-3 (lower elementary) and grades 4-6 (upper elementary). The children are aged 6-15. We are one of the biggest schools in the region. There are about 1020 elementary school pupils . All of our teachers are trained and qualified in the field of study they are assigned to teach. All of our teachers are holders of Master's Degree. The institution employs 5 management persons (the head of school and 4 vice-heads). There are also 3 counselors, 3 psychologists, a career counselor, and certified speech therapists, oligophreno-pedagogy, typhlo-pedagogy, surdo-pedagogy, therapeutic pedagogy specialists. Our institution is famous for its inclusive practice (special needs students are placed in a regular classroom setting). Apart from foreign languages (English, German and French), our school offers a variety of extracurricular activities (canoeing, model making, djembe, drama club just to name a few). We have our own swimming pool. It is in use by the school throughout the day and remains open in the evening and Saturday for use by our students and local community. I.C. “G.Garibaldi” Chiavenna is a public school established in the academic year 2000/2001, which includes 5 Nursery schools, 5 Primary schools and 3 Secondary Schools scattered in different villages in the north of Italy, close to the Swiss border. There are 947 students aged 3 to 14, 122 teachers, 32 administrative and technical auxiliary staff (known as ATA staff) ). The students live in a a small and safe area but, on the other hand, its isolation makes them less open-minded. Only 20 (2,11%) are foreign students and their number has been recently increasing, so that a part of the teaching staff is dedicating to introduce Italian as a foreign language, supporting them while in the classroom or through dedicated sessions to help them cope with the new school experience and language.


1st LEARNING TEACHING TRAINING ACTIVITY The Joint Staff Training Event_Portugal_November 2019 Day 1 The participants could meet the hosting school; the Portuguese Headmistress gave all a guided tour around all school facilities. In the afternoon all teachers participated in an eTwinning Workshop. Day 2 The day started with a Coordinators meeting and an official reception at the City Hall.In the afternoon all teachers participated in another Workshop upon QR codes and Apps creation. Day 3 This was a School Trip Day in order to know more about the Portuguese Culture and Historical episodes related to Human rights. The trip started with a first stop at the Historical village of Óbidos and a second stop at Peniche's fortress that was used some years ago as a prison for political prisoners. A Project presentation session was held at Alexandre Herculano School: the Project and the partners were presented and ideas were shared with social stakeholders and the school's community. Day 4 This was another School Trip day in order to visit JRS institution; it's a public institution created to help migrants and immigrants getting intergrated in Portugal. The participants had the chance to know more about their work and about the difficulties that usually come up. In the afternoon the partners had the opportunity to have a glimpse of Lisbon. Day 5 During the morning the partners participated in a Tile's Workshop having the chance to decorate some tiles. In the afternoon a Digital Books Workshop was held and the week's certificates to all participating teachers.


Photo by Lois Lee


CSI trough pandemic Times #STAYHOME In December 2019, the coronavirus, a virus originated in China began to be widely talked about due to its ease of contamination and due to the danger it causes to humans. But despite that, I continued to live a normal life, full of contact with other people... Because I never thought that this virus would reach Europe, or even Portugal. But unfortunately it arrived and in March 2020, everyone was in a pandemic state, which forced people to stay in quarantine and thus some had to change their lifes a lot. For example in my case, my parents and brother and I used to have many dinners with the rest of my family, we used to travel around our country ... But now, with the quarantine, we no longer can do these things. We have to avoid social contact as much as possible and, therefore, schools also had to be closed. And that for me was the biggest change that the coronavirus caused. We started taking classes at home through video calls using Microsoft Teams. This is not possible for everyone, as not all families are able to buy a computer or mobile phone where they can have video calls. And so not everyone can have an equal education. But fortunately, I have these conditions and my opinion is that these classes turn out to be innovative and an experience that may well become a habit in the future. But I continue to like face-to-face classes more because I leave my house and I am with people, which is one of the things I like the most to do. And if we want to have a normal life again, we cannot leave the house for unnecessary reasons because if so, there will be a second wave of this virus and so we will have to stay at home, away from the people and places we like, for a long time. Tomás Silva, Portugal



Photo by Dari Extension

“ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.”


Multicultural Christmas Trees Goal: make a multicultural Christmas Tree in order to motivate students to know more about the Project and the partners. Each partner gave the others some cultural items that could somehow represent the country's culture so each tree could de decorated in a multicultural way. Students understood the meaning and committed themselves on the decorations. Apart from this activity they also made some Diversity cards representing what this issue means for them. These postcards will be sent to each school so the feelings can be known and shared by all.


The International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust 27th January is The International Dayof Commemoration in Memory oftheVictims of the Holocaust. Each ofour partner school held an event tocommemorate that day with theirstudents. The goal was to educateand raise awareness of the veryimportant day in the world history asthe 27th of January 2020











andExtermination Camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Lectures and presentationson the historical issues took place ineach partner school. Students learnedabout how people around the worldhave been affected by genocide(destruction of a group of peoplebecause of their race, religion,ethnicity), and what we can do today. Tackling these sensitive andcomplex issues lead to discussing theimportance of human rights andhow we need to stand together inorder to stop divisions. Students alsohad a chance to speak theirminds.They participated in anOpinion Wall to be able to expresstheir thoughts and feelings upon thetheme. As a result, a commemorativedisplay was created.


The World Day of Social Justice The 20th of February was the United Nations' World Day of Social Justice.The annual day's purpose is to teach people about equality and the fact thatthe human rights are not present everywhere. Poverty, exclusion,gender inequality, unemployment, the lack of human rights are reality widely in the world. Social development is necessary in order to achieve and maintain peace and safety. It is crucial to remove inequality caused by gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion,culture and disability in order to ensure social rights for all mankind.These kinds of international days are possibilities to educate people about previously mentioned issues. And education makes a difference whether things will eventually change globally. Project students and teachers in our project countries celebrated the WorldDay of Social Justice by studying relevant matters and making videos and different presentations about them. For example the project students in Pohjankartano School got acquainted with the themes of the day and produced posters on the topic.


We sing your song For the Erasmus days we sang the song “Brother John” in Italian and in the other languages of the project. First we shared the lyrics of the song in our language and a video in which we sang our song to help the other students to understand and learn pronunciation. We tried to learn the other versions: Portuguese, Greek, Polishand Finnish. Then we sang the song in the other languages. Matilde Nonini, AnnaScartaccini, Gaia Azzoni,Melania Bara – ITALY To celebrate the Erasmus Day at Alexandre Herculanos chool, we prepared the Portuguese version of the song“Brother John” and recorded ourselves singing. This was the version that could help our partners learning and singing Portuguese. On the 15th October, during our Erasmus session club we sang the song in Italian, Greek, Finnish and Polish. It was lot of fun singing in different languages than our own. We thought the easiest version for us was the Italian and probably the most difficult was the Greek, still we managed to sing and record all our versions. Of course our partners sang the Portuguese version very well! It was a nice activity making us coming a little bit more into the spirit of Erasmus. Sofia Farinha – PORTUGAL


To celebrate the UN Day, we agreed on finding a way to help, support and communicateto a local social institution. The helping actions were manifold: real or virtual dependingon the conditions, they were completed within Christmas time. Results were shared on apadlet on Twinspace and through our social medias.


United Nations Days To commemorate this special time the Erasmus Club, in Portugal, made a short brainstorm session on how to think on social solutions or ideas that might highlight this concept and agreed on two different actions: 1) record some Christmas songs and short messages to make a short movie that could be offered at a nursing home. Due to the pandemic state we’re living and the social isolation we’re forced to everyone agreed this could bring a bit of joy to the elderly; 2) involving the parents the students gathered some goods(food and some used toys) and chose a social institution to offer them the collected goods. A group of students went there on the 12th December and find out a little bit more social institution named “Mais Coração”.It’s made of volunteers that prepare a hot meal per day and give it to the people who need it. There’s a fixed number of people that usually goes there (refugees, immigrants, ...).Unfortunately during the pandemic state (from March to May) that number increased. To celebrate the UN day, the 3rdGymnasium of Mytilene community,chose to donate food supplies to the HellenicRescue Team, a voluntary Search and Rescue mission is to support people who are in danger, under any conditions and in all natural and non-natural environments, within Greece and abroad. The Italian students decided to celebrate UN day gving thanks and the best wishes to healthcare workers and volunteers in the area, old people in retirement homes and refugees,also supporting @govoninicolo and @stillirisengo. We felt a bit like's elves working, creating, delivering, also filmmakers. In these social distancing times video messaging was a good way to be close to people. Betania Hospice patients weregiven poisenttias donated by PSP5 in Opole students andparents in Poland.


International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination To celebrate the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination(21st March),the partners decided to write a collaborative song. In January and February during the online meetings, every group suggested a song they liked and then voted on the tune they considered to be the best. The winner was “Demons” by Imagine Dragons. On the notes of this song our students had to write a new version talking about discrimination and racism, how to fight it and live together in peace. In March every group wrote a part of the song. In April after the Finnish team recorded an instrumental version and shared with the other partners, all students trained to sing it. In May each partner recorded their students singing the song using the lyrics written by all on the music composed by the Finnish team.The videos or audio have been shared onTwinspace.

Though the pandemic emergency didn’t allow the students of the project countries to take part in the mobilities and to meet each other, they didn’t give up. During online meetings, they chatted and got to know each other better, they worked together on the activities planned by the timetable of the project;The refrain of our collaborative song: “No matter what it is, we still are made of dreams.Together you and I, we are CSI” highlights how our students feel to belong to an international group through this project and wants to help improve the world. The song is a hymn to friendship, cooperation, equality and peace as our students sing at the end of the song:“ We can fix the world! We can fix the world! Together you and I, we are CSI”


The World Refugee Day The International Day of Living Together in Peace The United Nations General Assembly has decided the 20th of June to be World Refugee Day. Since 2000 it has been the day focusing on the things to improve the lives of refugees. Hundreds of thousands refugees are fleeing from their homes every year because of war, terror and other crisis. This starts a long and difficult trip from their homes to refugee camps and resettling to different countries all over the world. Refugees seldom have a sayin which countries they are relocated and there adjustment to a new country can take years. The world refugee day is a very important day because it builds empathy and raises awareness, provides na incentive to create a more peaceful world and encourages us to be better friends, neighbors and citizens.There are several things you can do to attend to the World Refugee Day. You can attend a United Nations live digital events. You can reach out to refugees in your area, for example by inviting them into your home for dinner. You can also use your professional skills to improve the lives of the refugees.The project students of Pohjankartano school celebrated the World Refugee Day by studying about the day and by producing cartoons and drawings somehow connected to the theme of refugees. On May, 16 Erasmus + project members commemorated the International Day of Living Together in Peace, one of the days recognized by the United Nations. On that day we want to emphasis the importance of equality and togetherness in the world. It's all about accepting differences and respecting one another.


International Mother Language Day 21st of February was declared the International Mother Language Day in 1999 by UNESCO. It is celebrated every year around the world to promote cultural and linguistic diversity as well as multilingualism. It is believed that there are 6,500 languages in the world but did you realize every two weeks one language disappears? The idea behind the International Mother Language Day is to protect languages around the world. Participants of the Cultural and Social Integration (Re)Action project took their time to celebrate the International Mother Language Day in their schools. We each created a table with commonly used expressions in our mother tongues. The results were later shared among the participants during the mobility in Greece (21st-25th March). In multicultural groups students tried to learn expressions in their partners’ languages. All students tried to have short dialogues in all five languages i.e. Greek, Polish, Finnish, Italian and Portuguese. As Finnish students were not able to travel to Greece, they participated in the activity through a video conference. Each school also prepared a booklet containing funfacts of their languages, useful expressions as well as tongue twisters. The material was exchanged in Greek school during language group activities and was going to be displayed in each partner school.


World Day for Cultural Diversity We celebrated the World Day of Cultural Diversity in Finland. The students got the task to discuss about their own cultures with mixed groups of students from different project countries. After discussion they created Kahoot and Bamboozle -games of the features of different cultures. The games were played by the teams and everyone had the chance to improve their knowledge about each others’ culture.




Learning Teaching Training Activity_Italy After postponing it because of Covid-19, the mobility to Italy finally took place in Chiavenna from the 29th of November to the 3rd of December 2021. There were 10 teachers and 21 students from the different partner schools: 3rd Gymnasium of Mytilene from the island of Lesvos, Greece; the Alexandre Herculano Elementary School of Santarem, Portugal and Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 from Poland. Unfortunately the students from Pohjankartanon Yläaste from Finland couldn’t be there but joined on dedicated online sessions and through Twinspace. The Italian team, 22 students and 6 teachers, organised, guided and set the activities under the guidance of the Alexandre Herculano Elementary School. At this stage the focus was on Humanitarian and Social issues related to ethnic minorities, refugees and migrants nowadays and in the past. The young students could finally meet, get to know each other and work collaboratively on different workshops and activities, comparing the different measures their countries have, improving their digital skills thanks to new digital technologies, such as the app. Marvel. They met a cultural mediator, who through role play activities helped them to know step by step the journey of a migrant or refugee at his/her arrival in Italy. They could compare the Italian procedures to those of the other countries. They visited the Shoah Memorial “Binario21” in Milan, where the trains left and took Jews to the concentration camps during WW2. On the last day they went on a school trip to Spluga Valley, following the footsteps of many people who, above all during WW2 ran away to look for freedom and a better life. During the whole week, students uploaded a daily journal about the activities done and at the end of the week they shared on the project platform (Etwinning) and social (FB, Instagram) documents, digital products and pictures about what they experienced together, showing also all the skills they used for it (Digital Skills, Critical Thinking, Language Skills). Both students and teachers of the project were satisfied with the mobility results. Though students didn’t have the chance to host their foreigner friends at home due to the pandemic situation, they really enjoyed the time spent together and they strengthened their friendships.




Learning Teaching Training Activity_Poland DAY 1 Two visiting schools (Portugal and Greece) were welcomed by the students of Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 in Opole, Poland. Italian and Finnish students were not able to attend the mobilty. They joined us online. We wtarted with a short tour around the school and a meeting with headmistresses. VIsiting students and teachers had a chance to see classrooms, labs, the gym and the swimming pool just to name a few. In the afternoon the city officials met us at the City Hall. Mr Iszczuk and Mr Łukasz Sowała gave us a warm welcome and told the visitors a few fun facts about the city and the region. On that day all the participants gathered in the library to complete one of the tasks-being a part of the charity event. We made cards for local hospice patients. The workshop was run by Ms Martyna Radowska (author of popular worksheets by kropki&kreski) who gave the students very useful hints on how to draw. All of the participants (hosting as well as the visitors) prepared gift bags for hospice patients. The gifts were meant for elderly patients on Grandparents’ Day. DAY 2 Day 3 was a “Step into History” day. Participating students and their teachers went to the Auschwitz museum to visit a concentration camp. They took part in a lesson with a guide. They had a chance to see Auschwitz and Birkenau camps. Wieliczka Salt Mine was one of our destinations. Students had a chance to learn historical facts. Their knowledge gained during the sightseeing trip was tested the next day in a Kahoot quiz. DAY 3 There were two experts visiting the hosting school and Erasmus + project participants. Ms Barbara Chyłka, Betania Hospice representative gave a lecture on humanitarian issues and voluntary work. She emphasised the importance of charity activities and brainstormed the students to induce the ideas of how to be engaged in charity work with organizations and local communities. German Minority Association representative, Ms Weronika Koston, presented the notion of minority and refugees. She presented facts about the German minority in the region as well as the range of activities the Association offers to its members. Cultural aspects as well as the historical background were presented. The participants had a chance to discuss and collect information upon social and humanitarian measures, problems and laws.


DAY 4 Teams of students were organized by the teachers and tasks were assigned to each team. Based on pictures in a form of a jigsaw puzzles students’ task was to analyze a major historical episode and Holocaust related events. Italian and Finnish students also joined the activity through Google meet platform. All groups exchanged their thoughts and commented upon the presentations related to historical episodes. Later on, the students gathered in the computer room to work on creating QR codes. Each code had a picture and facts related to Holocaust encoded. All participating schools had their codes printed out and displayed around their schoolf for other students to scan and read. DAY 5 The participants participated in a cultural day. They got the chance to know some important cultural aspects of Polish culture. The day started off with a visit to the Muzeum Śląska Opolskiego Museum, where students were given a chance to get to know the history of the region. They saw traditional regional costumes present throughout the centuries. After the educational part of the visit students visited the Museum Gallery of Conteporary Art. They saw the exhibistion of a famour Polish painter Jan Cybis. They took part in a workshop on landscape. In the end they used the theme making their own artwork-they handpainted jewellerry boxes. The discussion of humanitarian and social issues as well as historical major episodes were the main goal of the mobility. Apart from these main objectives the participants boosted their communication and ICT skills.




Learning Teaching Training Activity_Greece The week from the 21st to the 25th of March, the CSI Erasmus+ program, students and teachers, were visiting Mytilene - Greece. The Greek partner welcomed the teams from Italy, Poland, Portugal and Finland in the 3rd Gymnasium of Mytilene where the visitors had the chance to see the school Erasmus corner and start interacting with each other. Later on, they all attended the school gym and worked on activities related to "Mother Tongue Day". Having already prepared documents with words and phrases in their mother tongue and in English, they all tried to have short dialogues in the mother tongue of their team members. They also had the chance to see and talk to the Finnish students, who were not able to travel to Greece, through a video conference. Next activity for all students was about the International Day of Poetry, celebrated every 21st of March each year. Each team wrote short poems, using words in their mother tongue, about the CSI program. The poems were transformed into word cloud images and then uploaded on a collaborative padlet wall which was then shared on twinspace. The first day ended with a treasure hunt in the center of Mytilene. Using QR codes, each team was looking for clues which lead them to different parts of the city. During the second day, all groups visited the Refugees Reception Center, Mavrovouni - Lesvos. They were welcomed by the Center Supervisor and guided by authorized staff around the facilities. They were also informed on issues concerning the refugee’s education, by the refugee’s education coordinator. Then all teams gathered in the indoor athletic Centre in Neapoli - Mytilene, where the students had two role play games related to the "Zero Discrimination Day" (1st of March) and the "World Refugee Day" (20th of June). Next came our visit to PIKPA, facilities of a former reception center for refugees. On the third day, all teams visited the picturesque village of Molyvos, in northern Lesvos. On the way to Molyvos, the first station was Kalloni birdwatching observatories, where all partners were guided by the Kalloni Environmental information Center staff, about the species of birds which visit the area, on their way to North. Next stop was the Museum of Industrial Olive oil Production of Lesvos. Teachers and students watched a video about the history of the building, which is an old industrial olive mill facility and how it was transformed into a museum. In Molyvos the first impression was really overwhelming. The village is a UNESCO world heritage site.


The fourth day started with a celebration of the Greek Revolution at school. All partners were part of this celebration, by watching a presentation, listening to the school choir and dancing Greek traditional dances. Then they cooperated with the "Mosaik" support center staff, working on creating a series of 4 panels, depicting a family of refugees leaving their home and being on their way to a new, safer place. The figures were created by stripes of old clothes, life jackets which were used by refugees, old tents which were hosting refugees' and migrants' families and other materials which were re-used for this purpose. The idea was to think what one thing would one take with him/her if he/she had to leave home in case of emergency. Everyone wrote on a piece of cardboard, what this precious thing would be. At the same time, another group of students were creating digital, collaborative posters for the "World Refugee Day" with the students from Finland, using “Canva” web app. The posters were uploaded on a padlet wall and shared on twinspace. Both activities were to commemorate the "World Refugee Day". The last day of the mobility in Greece, found all teams creating the Alphabet of Solidarity. Words from all mother tongues, starting with each letter of the alphabet, created a kind of vocabulary of ideas and values which our CSI program negotiates. Then all partners attended the school parade for the celebration of the Greek revolution. A farewell picnic followed, near the hotel area. Students and teachers had the chance to discuss the mobility tasks and goals, whether they were achieved and how the whole experience could be disseminated. They all concluded that it was a useful experience for all participants, especially for the students, who will keep working on the program tasks until the next mobility in Finland, in May.




Learning Teaching Training Activity_Finland The last mobility was to Oulu, Finland. After all the problems with this great project there were clouds of problems on the sky also in this mobility. Teachers’ strike in Finland tried to prevent this mobility to happen. But eventually we made it still happen. On the first day of mobility to Finland the guests were welcomed in the Pohjankartano lobby by music class students’ music presentation. After that we moved to the class to have some ice breaking games. Students from all of the five countries prepared a set of questions to make Kahoot and Bamboozle quizzes upon cultural diversity of the different countries involved. After lunch we did a walk in Pohjankartano school. Afterwards a sightseeing walk in the sunny city of Oulu. On the second day we had an outdoor activities day. Our magnificent group went trekking in Pilpasuo nature preservation area where we also barbequed in a very Finnish way. After the trek we visited Koiteli river rapids where we had some dessert and had a nice walk in the area. On the final day of the last mobility we were back in school. A presentation of the CSI app by Portuguese students took place at first. Each participating country also presented their videos of what has been done during 3 project years and another videos of students' testimonies about participating the project. Previously created Kahoot and Bamboozle games also were played. Finally there was a surprise, students got a possibility to sing CSI song, which was created on the previous spring. Last but not least, there was a time to say goodbye to old and new special friends… You and I, we are CSI


Design Thinking Method

Design thinking refers to the cognitive, strategic and






concepts (proposals for new products, buildings, machines, etc.) are developed.

1 st Step – empathize 2 nd Step – define 3 rd Step – ideate

Many of the key concepts and aspects of design thinking have been identified through studies, across different design domains, of design

4 th Step – prototype 5 th Step – test

cognition and design activity in both laboratory and natural contexts. (definition in Wikipedia).

6 th Step – implement

Bearing in mind the big themes we’d deal within

At the end of this Project our students thought

this Project the idea was to associate a new and

on practical and real solutions to make the



refugees, the minorities and the migrant people

motivate students towards different and creative

life more manageable within our society.They


found ways to promote and boost a social





integration of those who need it into our schools Taking these principles into consideration and

and communities.

also the different steps within this method the idea was to motivate students to go through

By doing that they worked in groups, thought

different concepts and ways of working:

critically upon how to solve problems, to find creative solutions and even to create those solutions, to test and implement them.


Design Thinking Method

This was the five step method that we adopted to work the problems we were determined to solve with the students within this Erasmus Project. During the first year of the project we managed to develop the first and second stages: empathise (understand the users needs and context) and define (the problems)going through a number of activities that led the students through research and some brainstorming. Then we developed the third stage: ideate because the students were ready to start generating ideas basing them on creativity and looking for new solutions. Having in mind that one of our main goals was to create digital apps, it was time to think out of the box and share the ideas with the partners from the different schools in a truly collaborative work. At this stage we stimulated free thinking to get as many ideas or problem solutions as possible. So we did: students gathered ideas on what could be useful to put in a local app that could guide and help foreigners and the work began. First searching for information, than organizing it and creating the local CSI apps and, at the end, presenting and testing them finally in Finland at our









Photo by Ty Sheers


CSI collaborative song When we are together and we know each other we realize we are same but different. When we are together and respect each other we learn to live better in peace. We wanna equality and no to be unfair We wanna meet new friends holding tight your hands No matter what it is, we still are made of dreams, together you and I,we are CSI Different space and ground Different words and sounds That’s where I am now After all I lived Had to walk all night didn’t have the right to live peacefully in our homeland And then our trip began just to avoid the gun rushed into a boat of death just to save ourselves And in the cold, dark sea I only had with me All of my memories my pain and my dreams. If you have this power, let me share my flower, we are all the same, we must go this way. No matter what it is, We are still made of dreams together you and I,we are CSI


When you wake up in the morning under the same sky You know that there are more like us All the people in the world deserve to be heard Just raise your voices so others can learn We must say no to oppression and all kind of aggression To prevent anyone from getting hurt No matter what it is, We still are made of dreams Together you and I,we are CSI Let’s hold our hands and fight against all evil Let’s stand together as one, let’s shout out loud We are just one soul, we arejust one mind We wanna diversityand also humanity You should not give up, I am here to stand by you We are a team, you known no one can change that You should not give up, I am here to stand by you We are a team, you known no one can change that We can fix the world, We can fix the world together you and I, we are CSI We can fix the world, We can fix the world together you and I, we are CSI









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