Feb|March Issue

Page 25


I believe in providence, destiny, and a best path for our lives. I also believe in free will, owning it and God or the universe giving us bright minds to do bold things. Whether you want to fall in love with a man you have yet to meet, fall more in love with the partner already by your side, or fall madly in love with yourself and all the brilliant things you are going to accomplish in the world, dress for the life you want. Only you know if that outfit includes a soft, drapey plum sweater or sexy, ruby-red heels. Ignore the trends for 2012. The most beautiful thing you can wear is what represents the phenomenal you in 2015.



STYLIST TIP Need some perspective? Hop on Pinterest and style blogs to seek out women who share your shape and coloring. What styles are they wearing, and do you find these styles flattering? If you see any cute outfits that remind you of pieces you already own, but hadn’t thought to pair together, start your own Pinterest board and keep track of these images for morning inspiration when you can’t think of anything to wear.

DATING TIP Pay attention to the compliments guys give you on your body and style. Do they praise your great bum? Or do they say, “You look gorgeous” when you’re in bright blue? Listen to the gents in your life and play those features up! Hilary Rushford is a personal stylist for “real people with real budgets” at Dean Street Society and curates the style blog {bow ties & bettys}. Get on her weekly newsletter with advice, exercises and inspiration through photos and videos at www.DeanStreetSociety.com. Follow her on Twitter @HilaryRushford.


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