Palermo "Cultivating Uncertainty" October 2018

Page 60

In alermo as ardl it t e ritis and merican om ings fter t e ar alermitans ad t eir ouse destro ed and demanded ne ousing ile people moed to t e cit from t e surrounding countr side ince it ima and later iancimino ristian emocrats as pu lic or s councilors t o pro isional ersions of t e cit master plan ere appro ed in and in to ic undreds of amendments ere made accepting re uests from pri ate citiens man of om ere in fact politicians and ma osi relati es and associates t e ariations made to t e master plan according to t e re uests allo ed to uild in t e area of ia i ert demolis ing man rt ou eau illas including t e ones uilt leading arc itect and designer asile In t e meantime t e ro en aristocrats deserted t eir semi destro ed palaces in t e cit centre to mo e out of t e cit ala o ostantino still o ned a no le famil and osting s or a out Il Gattopardo anifesta is an e ample

3 - Abandoned aristocratic palaces / Not so noble condos

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