Leadership Presentation

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J.G., Maj Kristensen, R.K., P.P., T.K., J.P.

Leadership in the Movies: Ocean’s Eleven

Leadership in Ocean’s Eleven •  •  •  •  •  •

Summary of Movie Leader, Followers, Situa?on Educa?on & Experience Leadership Talent Management Sources of Power & Influence Leadership & Values

Movie Summary Main character: Danny Ocean Recently out of prison Plans to rob three Las Vegas casinos Assembles team of 11 con-­‐men with various talents •  Ul?mately succeeds, pulling off the heist •  •  •  •

The Leader •  Danny Ocean –  Unique personal history •  Exper?se •  Connec?ons & rela?onships

–  Mo?va?on •  Both money and payback

The Leader •  Leader –  Gets group to commit rather than comply –  Not necessarily considered higher in rank but everyone looks to him as a leader –  Innova?ve in plan –  Commands ul?mate trust from his team

•  Manager –  Controls group and offers compensa?on for their services

The Followers

ten highly specialized con-­‐men

The Followers •  Group dynamic –  In-­‐group: Rusty (the right-­‐hand man) and Reuben (the financer) –  Out-­‐group: par?cularly Linus (the rookie)

•  Characteris?cs –  Varying level of experience –  Different maturity levels

The Situation •  Robbing the Bellagio vault, containing cash from 3 casinos on a fight night

“You go_a be nuts. And you’re gonna need a crew as nuts as you are.”

Leader-Follower-Situation •  Leader-­‐Follower Interac?on –  Adjust behavior based on follower •  Saul: old and accomplished – minor guidance •  Linus: rookie – more guidance, ini?a?ng

•  Follower Contribu?on –  Followers’ innova?ons and crea?ve contribu?ons welcomed –  Ex: original plan to cut power is ruined, turn to Basher for new solu?on

Education & Experience •  AOR model used for learning development –  Ac#on: Copy of Casino vault •  Used as “training” before robbery

–  Observa#on: Each member prac?ced based on their exper?se, leader observed •  Example: Yen

–  Reflec#on: Checked for small details, watch for mistakes in prac?ce

Education & Experience •  High stage of career uses leadership skills, lower stage uses technical skills –  Leadership Skills •  Danny – planning, coordina?ng

–  Technical Skills •  Group: each expert in their filed •  Tasks performed by expert in group

Leadership Talent Management •  Leadership Talent Management System –  processes and procedures used to hire, develop, evaluate, promote and retain leaders –  Ocean did not use the typical methods of searching for members of his team –  developed the cri?cal leadership posi?ons •

crucial for the success of the heist

Leadership Talent Management •  Cri?cal Leadership Posi?ons –  Ocean – Project Leader –  Rusty – 2nd leader in command/recruiter –  Financer – provide money for project –  Efficient getaway drivers –  Technician/hacker – tap into security systems –  “Grease man” – acrobat –  Dealer/inside man

Leadership Talent Management •  Developing Competency Model –  Ocean picked each person on his team according to their talent –  Each team member specialized in a par?cular area

Power & Influence •  Expert Power –  Power of knowledge, exper?se –  Displayed in movie: •  Danny Ocean: planning en?re heist •  Livingston Dell: expert in electronics •  Yen: talented acrobat & contor?onist

Power & Influence •  Reward Power –  Poten?al to influence others due to one’s control over desired resources –  Displayed in movie: •  Danny Ocean uses monetary payoff as extrinsic reward power to mo?vate other members to perform the task •  Intrinsic reward: challenge of successfully pulling off the heist

Leadership & Values •  Organiza?on’s Common Goals (rob casino) –  Unity –  Effec?veness

•  Every decision aimed toward common goal –  Recrui?ng the adequate followers –  Hacking the casino Security System –  Stealing the pinch to cut power –  Sneaking Yen into vault

Leadership & Values •  Common Values –  Efficiency –  Avoid conflict

•  “Clear values guide the behavior of everyone in the organiza?on” •  Regardless of the type of organiza?on, values should be established

Conclusion •  Danny Ocean –  Assessed situa?ons & followers and adjusted leadership decisions and styles –  Made careful observa?ons & reflected –  U?lized power to influence group –  United group based on common values

•  As a result of leadership, successfully pull off “impossible” job

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