January 2013

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Page 16 !"#$%&'

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y Sarah Robinson n o s niboR haraS yB N2!O0(0/!V#'9-3#Hey Food Fans! naF do"0;$ oF ye1"H@$ H -*$ A+-DD9;$ A9H9*#B$ %$ @9"1D--01$!s*9H/1+B$ 9C90$@+9$.9?/009*$A+9GK H%2!c##:!c0-3S This month, every newspaper I’ve seen (thus far) has published many turkey a p recipes e r p n i s in e p prepai c e r y e k r u t y n a m d e h s i l b u p s a h ) r a f s u h t ( n e e s e v ’ I r e p a p s w e n y r e v e , h t n o m s i h T D9DD9*$@-$@"1@9$S/G$;91/*9;TK$:-*$6??$)"H";I$!/W$Y$ 8/93!&#-./1!%$%(2!-%43>0>%(!,D$%!3%%-!^./53!;0(_!/03!>5'=93/%:!&0-2!.5(A%2!(%?9>%3!9-!>(%>0C ration for Turkey Day. But as everyone knows, Thanksgiving meals are never h t complete i w e t e l p m witho c r e v e n e r a s l a e m g n i v i g s k n a h T , s w o n k e n o y r e v e s a t u B . y a D y e k r u T r o f n o i t a r (0.9#-!;#(!85(A%2!M027!N5.!03!%$%(2#-%!A-#431!8/0-A369$9-6!&%0=3!0(%!-%$%(!?#&>=%.%!49./C >"1+9;$+"*;E.-/H9;$9??1B$Z$@".H91D--01$>"#-0E :H-F9*$)"0;F/A+91 out pie. Below is one of my favorite pie recipes. I like it because it is versatile d e s u – e it b can n a c be t i – used e l i t a s r e v s i t i e s u a c e b t i e k i l I . s e p i c e r e i p e t i r o v a f y m f o e n o s i w o l e B . e i p t u o #5.!>9%7!N%=#4!93!#-%!#;!&2!;0$#(9.%!>9%!(%?9>%37!,!=9A%!9.!'%?053%!9.!93!$%(30.9=%!d!9.!?0-!'%!53%:! M$F"@9*$.-@@H9$A"D for the Thanksgiving main course, desert, or for any Shabbat meal. Plus, it twill i :uonot y lifail af toyou: n lliw it ti ,sulP .laem tabbahS0"/19B$%$@".H91D--01$5/N-0$>=1@"*;B$M$@9"1D--0$ yna rof ro ,tresed ,esruoc niam gnivigsknahT eht rof ;#(!./%!8/0-A369$9-6!&09-!?#5(3%1!:%3%(.1!#(!;#(!0-2!O/0''0.!&%0=7!R=531!9.!49==!-#.!;09=!2#5e!9.! M$GH-F9*E1+"D9;$A--L/9$A=@@9*$ D"D*/L"B$ 1@"HL$ "0;$ will come out of the oven with the same consistency each time—I promise. But r o p most m i t s o imporm t u B . e s i m o r p I — e m i t h c a e y cnetsisno!$ c em as eht-G$ htiA+-DD9;$ w nevo ehtA9H9*#B$ fo tuo em oc ll1"H@$ iw -*$ 49==!?#&%!#5.!#;!./%!#$%-!49./!./%!30&%!?#-393.%-?2!%0?/!.9&%f,!>(#&93%7!N5.!&#3.!9&>#(C tantly, this pie has a wonderful tang which will keep your guests wondering, h t “Where r a e n o e r on e h earth W “ , g n i r e d n o w s t s e u g r u o y p e e k l l i w h c i h w g n a t l u f r e d n o w a s a h e i p s i h t , y l t n at D9DD9*$@-$@"1@9$S/G$;91/*9;TK[ %$1H/A91$-G$.*9"; .0-.=21!./93!>9%!/03!0!4#-:%(;5=!.0-6!4/9?/!49==!A%%>!2#5(!65%3.3!4#-:%(9-61!FI/%(%!#-!%0(./! did that flavor come from?” Luckily, you’ll know that it came from pineapple ! and t u n o coconut! c o c d n a e l p p a e n i p m o r f e m a c t i t a h t w o n k l l ’ u o y , y l i k c u L ” ? m o r f e m o c r o v a fl t a h t d i d M$-*$%$1D*9";1B$H/L9$D9"0=@$.=@@9*B$N9HH#B$-*$A*9">$ *&*$!"3!$83B-0$%-;#$90-;?@$C7%1&)'D$'-7:))$12-+$!"3!$&!$%3;#$90-;$,&2#3,,)#$32*$%-%-27!E$$ A+9919 Crustless Sweet Potato Pie eiP otatoMK$\-*9$@+9$199;1$-G$@+9$D/ALH/0?$A=A=>.9*B$DH=>$ P teewS sseltsurC P(53.=%33!O4%%.!R#.0.#!R9% @->"@-B$-*$D9DD9*B$1-$#-=$"*9$H9G@$F/@+$@+9$1+9HHK$ 3-4 medium sweet potatoes 2 teaspoons coconut flavoring orklcoconut im tunocmilk oc ro gnirovafl tunococ snoopsaet 2 seotatop teews muidem 4-3 `Ca!&%:95&!34%%.!>#.0.#%3 MK$ :/*1@B$ A=@$ .-@+$ 1H/A91$ F/@+$ @+9$ A--L/9$F$!#34,--24$%-%-27!$83B-0&26$-0$%-%-27!$;&)1 A=@@9*K$ ! C sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract tcartxe allinav noopsae3+/1$F/HH$.9$#-=*$]C9??/9$C9119HK^ t1 ragus C ! By Sarah Robinson !!P!3560( Y!.%03>##-!$0-9==0!%@.(0?. By Bella Rumshiskaya " C pareve margarine at room temperature A dash of cinnamon nomannic fo hsa%K$)@=GG$@+9$C9??/9$C9119H$F/@+$F+/A+9C9*$1"H";$ dA erutarepmet moor ta eniragram everap C " 3+90$A=@$"$+-H9$/0$@+9$19A-0;$1H/A9$.#$D*911/0?$"$ "!P!>0(%$%!&0(60(9-%!0.!(##&!.%&>%(0.5(% B!:03/!#;!?9--0&## C creamy soymilk A dash of nutmeg gemtun fo hsad A klimyos ymaerc C # !"#$%&&'$%()*+ #-=$A+-19K F"@9*$.-@@H9$A"D$/0$@+9$A90@9*K #!P!?(%0&2!3#2&9=A B!:03/!#;!-5.&%6 !"#$%&&'$%()*+$ 1 large egg A dash of ginger (optional) )lanoitpo( regnig fo hsad A gge egral 1 Y!=0(6%!%66 %K$ )D*9";$ #-=*$ GH-F9*E1+"D9;$ D/9A91$ -G$B!:03/!#;!69-6%(!^#>.9#-0=_ .*9";$ 3 teaspoons pineapple juice Honey (optional) )lanoitpo( yenOK$ oH P=1+$ @+9$ A"**-@$ -*$ A9H9*#$ eciuj elp/0@-$ paenip@+9$ snoo1"H";$ psaet 3 "0;$ `!.%03>##-3!>9-%0>>=%!U59?% H#-%2!^#>.9#-0=_! >00?%07:-*<5#%@-%A07%)'A%.'45%+0:*35<B%:.5,5%*-%C+'//A%-+01%0+%:.5%(,07+<#% ,(-./"-$01/*$2""34$5$2(*$*6"(3/)7$2/01$($8"2$8-/")'*$(9&:0$;&&3/)7<$=&$>#$*:-6-/*"4$01"$>&*0$?;&&3@ 1@/AL$ @+9$ A+9919$ -*$ H9@@=A9$ ]GH"?^$ 09W@$ @-$ /@K$ ZK$ F/@+$#-=*$G"C-*/@9$1D*9";K /)7A$01(0$()#$&8$01">$'&"*$/)B&.B"*$6&:-/)7$>/.3$&B"-$01"/-$;"-"(.<$=1(0C*$'/))"-D$E1(0"B"-<$F&$5$ V80"-$*1&B"./)7$01"$*)&2$&-$*/>6.#$*6")'/)7$*&>"$0/>"$/)$01"$8-/7/'$(/-4$01"-"$ 1. Use a steamer to steam the potatoes on high heat for 15-17 minutes. They r e should d n e t e b be d l tender u o h s y e h T . s e t u n i m 7 1 5 1 r o f taeh hgih no seotatop eht maets ot remaets a esU .1 OK$P=@$@+9$1H/A91$-G$.*9";$@-?9@+9*$"0;$C-/H"<$Q-=$ 4-F$9"@$#-=*$J9??/9$)+/D$.9G-*9$#-=*$@F-E#9"*E Y7!Z3%!0!3.%0&%(!.#!3.%0&!./%!>#.0.#%3!#-!/96/!/%0.!;#(!Y[CY\!&9-5.%37!8/%2!3/#5=:!'%!.%-:%(! *-%0+5%:.*+(%:.':%)0-:%08%7-%1'+:%D%.0:%3.030/':5#%E01B%A07%F,0&'&/A%.'45%:'-:@ '";/'"'$0&$2-/0"$:6$($G:./)(-#$G&-)"-$(9&:0$;"-"(.$-";/6"*<$H".&2$(-"$02&$-";/6"*$I21/;1$5$1('$)"B"-$ in about twenty minutes. Once you are able to easily insert a fork, remove the m potatoes o r f s e o t a from t o p e h t e v o m e r , k r o f a t r e s n i y l isae ot elba era uoy ecnO .setunim ytnewt tuoba ni -H;$.*-@+9*$>/1@"L91$/@$G-*$"$*9"H$1+/D$"0;$DH"#1$ +"C9$"$GH-F9*$1"0;F/A+<$ 9-!0'#5.!.4%-.2!&9-5.%37!]-?%!2#5!0(%!0'=%!.#!%039=2!9-3%(.!0!;#(A1!(%&#$%!./%!>#.0.#%3!;(#&! "'$>()#$'/88"-")0$1&0$;1&;&.(0"*$/)$#&:-$./8"<$H:0$1"-"$/*$>#$6"-*&)(.$8(B&-/0"K 1"(-'$&8$:)0/.$)&2J$/)B&.B/)7$;"-"(.K$L&)3"#$L:);1/"*$()'$M/;"$N-/*6/"$=-"(0*< the steamer and let them cool for at least ten minutes. . s e t unim net tsael ta rof looc meht tel dna remaets eht F/@+$/@$/0$@+9$."@+@=.< $ ./%!3.%0&%(!0-:!=%.!./%&!?##=!;#(!0.!=%03.!.%-!&9-5.%37

Culinary Corner P5=9-0(2!P#(-%(

renroC yraniluC

The Culinary Corner L:);1#$=-"(0*


2. Peel the potato skins. Then mash the potatoes in a large mixing bowl (I recommend a gnisu dnem using mocaer I( lwob gnixim egral a ni seotatop eht hsam nehT .sniks otatop eht leeP .2 )7!R%%=!./%!>#.0.#!3A9-37!8/%-!&03/!./%!>#.0.#%3!9-!0!=0(6%!&9@9-6!'#4=!^,!(%?#&&%-:!539-6!0! 4"3'5*")"623% !"#$%&'!(#)*+%, tuna mixer for this). .)siht rof rexim anut .5-0!&9@%(!;#(!./93_7 5)7-"'/")0*$`$5)*0-:;0/&)*K O$G$G1"P$I()#$*/)7."$0#6"$&-$($;&>9&Q$5$-";&>>")'$!&)"#$G1"PJ$ 3. Combine the other ingredients. Beat the sugar, margarine, soymilk, egg, pineapple o c d n a e l and p p a e con i p , g g e , k l i m y o s , e n i r a g r a m , r a g u s e h t t a e B . s t n e i d e r g n i r e hto eht enibmoC .3 `7!P#&'9-%!./%!#./%(!9-6(%:9%-.37!N%0.!./%!3560(1!&0(60(9-%1!3#2&9=A1!%661!>9-%0>>=%!0-:!?#C @$ 5)$($'-#$9&2.$>/P$ R$G$;1&;&.(0"$;1/6* conut, vanilla, and spices in with the potatoes. Mix VERY well. If you don’t, . y r r o you s e b will l l i w be u o sorry. y , t ’ n o d u o y f I . l l e w Y R E V x i M . s e o t a t o p e h t h t i w n i s e c i p s dna ,allinav ,tunoc ?#-5.1!$0-9==01!0-:!3>9?%3!9-!49./!./%!>#.0.#%37!L9@!<QVT!4%==7!,;!2#5!:#-D.1!2#5!49==!'%!3#((27! &$ RST$;:6$&8$9(3/)7$;&;&($6&2'"-$I)&$(''"'$*:7(-J $G$6"():0$9:00"-$I&-$6"():0$9:00"-$>&-*".*J Take my word for it. . t i rof drow ym ekaT $$$(#$,"A+9H$(9*L-C/@R$"0;$\+"0/$!"@R !"@A+$@+9$89.*9F$F-*;1$/0$@+9$."0L$F/@+$@+9$AH=91$"0;$G/HH$/0$@+9$ 80A%!&2!4#(:!;#(!9.7 &$ aST$;:6$&8$*:7(-$ G$9:00"-$&-$>(-7(-/)" 4. Pour into a greased pan and, if you’d like, drizzle the top with honey. Bake t a s e for t u n i 45 m minutes 5 4 r o f e k at a B . y e n o h h t i w p o t e h t e l z z i r d , e k i l d ’ u o y f i , d n a n a p d e s a erg a otni ruoP .4 A*-11F-*;< a7!R#5(!9-.#!0!6(%03%:!>0-!0-:1!9;!2#5D:!=9A%1!:(9bb=%!./%!.#>!49./!/#-%27!N0A%!;#(!a[!&9-5.%3!0.! G% H8%A07%1'+:%:0%/015,%:.5%+7)&5,%08%3'/0,*5-%*+%A07,%<,*+?%-*)F/A%-7&@ R$0"(*6&&)$B()/..( 350oF. .Fo053 2A*-11I 5-F0I *0/0:0"$01"$*:7(-$2/01$F6.")'($&-$($'/88"-")0$*:7(-$*:9*0/0:0"$I>(3"$*:-"$0&$-"('$ R`[*#c7 $G$6&2'"-"'$*:7(5. Serve warm or cool. Enjoy! ! y o j n E . l o o c r o m r a w e v reS .5 MK$ (-@+$ "$ 09?"@/C9$ "0;$ "$ MK$)=>>9*$C"A"@/-0$ [7!O%($%!40(&!#(!?##=7!Q-U#2S! 01"$/)*0-:;0/&)*$8&-$1&2$>:;1$&8$01"$)&@;(.&-/"$*2""0")"-$*1&:.'$9"$:*"'$(*$($ 5)*0-:;0/&)*K$L/;-&2(B"$;1&;&.(0"$;1/6*4$6"():0$9:00"-$I&-$6"():0$9:00"-$>&-*".*J4$()'$9:00"-S>(-7(@ D-1/@/C9$9WD9*/90A9 %K$\->9$-0<_1-`$ $ *:9*0/0:0"J -/)"$8&-$R$>/):0"<$F0/-<$L/;-&2(B"$8&-$()$(''/0/&)(.$TU$*";&)'*$:)0/.$*>&&01<$V''$B()/..(<$W&:-$&B"-$ Happy Thanksgiving! !gnivigsknahT yppaH OK$(-"*; ZK$,--> H0>>2!8/0-A369$9-6S &$ RST$&8$($0*6$&8$*(.0$ G1"P$:)0/.$"B").#$;&(0"'4$01")$6&:-$G1"P$/)0&$($.(-7"$X/6.&;$9(7<$$W&:-$6&2'"-"'$*:7(-$/)0&$9(74$ bK$8->9F-*L XK$)90;/0?$*9?"*;1$ @$ H&/.$ $;:6$&8$2(0"-$()'$>/P$/)$01"$'-#$/)7-"'/")0*$ *1(3"$*"(."'$9(7$:)0/.$G1"P$/*$2"..$;&(0"'<$G&&.$2"..$()'$*0&-"$/)$=:66"-2(-"$;&)0(/)"-$/)$8-/'7"<$ @$ E(->$ :6$ I9:0$ '&)C0$ 9&/.J$ b$ ;:6*$ &8$ >/.3$ I:*"$ ()#$ 6"-;")0(7"$ #&:$ M&K$c--;.#9_199$#-=$H"@9* aK$\H"11*--> 2/*1J$()'$RST$;:6$&8$!(.8$`$!(.8$ MOK$\+99*1< YK$39**/.H9 -+)%'./+,0+%'1/%23, &$ W&:-$01"$1&0$2(0"-S;&;&($>/P0:-"$/)0&$01"$*(:;"6()$&8$2(->"'$>/.3$ T=9*$*(.0"'$9:00"-$&-$>(-7(-/)" MZK$39"A+9* 'K$\->9$-0< ()'$(''$($0"(*6&&)$&8$B()/..($"P0-(;0 !"#$%&'(%)*+*%)',-.)'//01-%20,%)*3,01'45%67889%&7::5,%*+%;"%-530+<%*+3,5)5+:-= ""#!$%&'!()'**+,!----!*+,!)!' @$ L/P$"B"-#01/)7$0&7"01"YG$M/;"$N-/*6/"* M%K$89HHW&:-$01"$'-/)3$/)0&$b$;:6*<$58$'"*/-"'$6:0$($'&..&6$&8$B()/..($/;"$;-"(>$ 5)*0-:;0/&)*K$Z)$*0&B"0&64$>".0$9:00"-S>(-7(-/)"$/)$;&&3/)7$6&0$&)$.&2$1"(0<$Z);"$>".0"'4$6&:-$(..$ @$ >(-*1>(..&2*$/)$()'$;&(0$2/01$01"$9:00"-S>(-7(-/)"<$L".0$8&-$($8"2$>/):0"*4$*0/--/)7$&;;(*/&)(..#<$ &-$21/66"'$;-"(>$&)$0&6$&8$"(;1$'-/)3$()'$")c&#< By Sarah Jane Ricklan nalkciR enaJ haraS yB V)&01"-$&60/&)K Z);"$(..$>(-*1>(..&2*$(-"$>".0"'4$0:-)$1"(0$&88$()'$(''$(..$M/;"$N-/*6/"*<$L/P$2"..<$L(3"$*:-"$ !!!!!!N2!O0(0/!X0-%!V9?A=0-! 58$ #&:$ 6-"8"-$ ($ ;&88""@>&;1($ ()'$ )&0$ c:*0$ 6.(/)$ 1&0$ ;1&;&.(0"4$ 01")$ "B"-#01/)7$/*$"B").#$;&(0"'<$%.(00")$/)0&$($7-"(*"'$6()$()'$;1/..$/)$8-/'7"$8&-$R[@TU$>/):0"*$I&-$/)$ @$ 8-""\"-$/8$#&:C-"$/>6(0/")0J<$$F0&-"$/)$=:66"-2(-"$;&)0(/)"-$/)$01"$8-/'7"<$ the a stage, it didn’t .m ehtstop rof ./%&7 for potsthem. t’ndid>/P$01"$(8&-">")0/&)"'$'-#$/)7-"'/")0*$(*$2"..$(*$T$0"(*6&&)*$&8$;&88""$I()#$ ti dna ,egats a no woNaval hs eht building taht yas yin ehtValparaiso, ,retaeht nI Chile C ,./%0.%(1! oInsiatheater, rap./%2! laVthey n i gsay n idlthat i./%! ub l3/#4! avashow N #-! 0!on3.06%1! 0-:!and 9.! :9:-D.! 3.#>! ;#(! ! ! !e!l!ih ! ,-! 302! ./0.! 6'40,%A07%/*?5=#%I/01/A%F07,%.0:%1':5,%*+:0%:.5%<,A%)*J:7,5%'-%A07%-3,'F5%:.5% '"(")&*+,)-,.#&,.&/")0"1",234&56,)$ As the busy streets n quieted, e e t o w t , two d e t e i teenu q s t e e r t s y s u b e h t s A must go on. The residents of Valparaiso o s i a r a p l a V f o s t n e d i s e r e hT .no og tsum &53.! 6#! #-7! 8/%! (%39:%-.3! #;! <0=>0(093#! !!!!!!B3!./%!'532!3.(%%.3!E59%.%:1!.4#!.%%-C 1&0$2(0"-$/)0&$01"$/)7-"'/")0*4$6-(;0/;(..#$;-"(0/)7$($6(*0"<$=1")$8&..&2$01"$-"*0$ !(66#$]"2$^"(-+$_CF1()($!(H(C(1$HC^/-:*1(.(#/>+$ dnThe a'#21! llaboy, t .0==! ,yob0-:! tall ehT and.re&8$01"$-";/6"$(*$*"")$(9&B"< htlook egot at dekthe lawgirl, sregaher ,leyes eurc aglaring ni srotcaclosely, erew yehand t hgueventually oht sa tlef I heard. .draeh;%=.!03!./#56/!./%2!4%(%!0?.#(3!9-!0!?(5%=1! I felt y!"#$%&#'%&()#(*+,#-%#(,./0#1%2,#-/*3+1#-4.-#$%&#3.0#&1,#'4*(,#2.+*05#-4,1,#),(,3-.6(,#),(*54-17# llaas utnthough eve dnthey a ,ywere lesolcactors gnirin alga cruel, seye06%(3! rehagers ,lrigwalked eht.#6%./%(7! ta together. kool 8/%! 40=A%:!


Fly on the Wall !!c=2!#-!./%!I0==

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Part IV !R0(.!,<

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./%! 6=0(9-6! /%0(:7 tuouncertainty ba ytniatrecabout nu f=##A! o riat a 0.! nahim dah 69(=1! ,gnip/%(! punder arts%2%3! ,m eht lashes. rof o?=#3%=21! s dna“She ,e0-:! cnatold m%$%-.50==2! romy frepdad citthat sid,!asshe -er dah30:93.9?! ehssadistic taht>%(;#(&0-?%1! dadperformance, ym dlot8(,.1,#,2.*(#9./.4#.-#1./.4/,0./%6*01%0:52.*(;3%2; e0-:! hS“and .so sehfor sal them, krad3.(0>>9-61!/0:!0-!09(!#;!5-?%(.09-.2!0'#5.! restrapping, dnu morf had mihan tair a of from dark had re3#! ;#(! ./%&1! 0.! /9&! ;(#&! 5-:%(! :0(A! =03/%37 !!!FO/%!.#=:!&2!:0:!./0.!3/%!/0:!(%C too, the show went on. The sun rose the him. The girl, slight , g n and i h c t i w bewitching, e b d n a t h g i l s , l r i g e h T . m i h e h t e s o r n u s e h T . n o t n e w w o h s e h t , o o t !&0$G1&;&.(0"$()'$G&88""$0(*0"$7-"(04$9:0$/8$#&:$2()0$()$"B")$9/77"-$0-"(0$0-#$ iht d./%! essuc/9&7! sid ev8/%! ’ew ,69(=1! leugiM “ “Miguel, we’ve discussed this! ti tahw.##1! won./%! k t’3/#4! nod I 4%-.! .rettel#-7!8/%! a deviec35-!!s(#3%! ceived a letter. I don’t know what it 3=96/.! 0-:! '%49.?/9-61! ! ! ! FL965%=1! yb walked edis 4&*#$ dekside l5'$ aw by yeh01"$'-/)3$2/01$&)"$&8$01"*"$0(*0#$*)(;3*< TThe .tnedgirl fino4%D$%! c dekthe o:93?533%:! ol annoyance dna e./93S! kowaand n?%9$%:!0!=%..%(7!,!:#-D.!A-#4!4/0.!9.! osresaid; p hcaIedon’t dna gthink ninromy m tfather xen ever did ecnayand on)--1#*$ na looked eht %-2(*#2!.$ ,diaconfident. s lrig /"#'$ ehTThey said, did rev-%@.!&#(-9-6!0-:!%0?/!>%(3#-!04#A%!0-:! e renext htaf ymorning m kniht tand ’nodeach I ;diaperson s dnaawoke +3)1#*$ 8/%! 69(=! 309:1! ./%! 0--#20-?%! 0-:! 309:W!,!:#-D.!./9-A!&2!;0./%(!%$%(!:9:! side, but they neither looked r e h t o h c at a e each t a d e other k o o l r e h t i e n y e h t t u b , e d i s prepared for the day. As the sun climbed d e b m i l c n u s e h t s A . y a d e h t r o f d e r a p erp threateneciov reh ni ycnegru urgency in her voice unmasked. -netae>(%>0(%:!;#(!./%!:027!B3!./%!35-!?=9&'%:! rht saw ti dias tsuj ehS .rehtie .deksamnu 39:%1!'5.!./%2!-%9./%(!=##A%:!0.!%0?/!#./%(! either. She just said it was 5(6%-?2! 9-! /%(! $#9?%! 5-&03A%:7! %9./%(7!O/%!U53.!309:!9.!403!./(%0.%-C 5*")"623%&78+00%9'1+9:+3, higher in the sky, the downtown area of nor spoke to one another. l i t n u It t o was n s a w not t I until . r e h t o n a e n o o t e k o p s r o n f o a e r a n w o t n w o d e h t , y k s e h t n i r e h g h en u#;! oy y-#(!3>#A%!.#!#-%!0-#./%(7!,.!403!-#.!5-.9=! hw em dlot ev’uoY“ “You’ve told me why you need .noos /96/%(! evom o9-! t d./%! ah e3A21! w tah./%! t dn:#4-.#4-! a ,gni de0(%0! ing, and that we had to imove soon. FT#5D$%! .#=:! &%! 4/2! 2#5! -%%:! 9-61!0-:!./0.!4%!/0:!.#!&#$%!3##-7! @$ L/P$d$&:);"*$&8$21/0"4$>/.34$&-$'(-3$;1&;&.(0"$2/01$()$&:);"$&8$2(@ Superhero Seniors enjoy Spectrum they reached the enormous a n l a i n colonial o l o c s u o nam r o n e e h t d e h c a e r y e h t the city filled with people. They were e r e w y e h T . e l p o e p h t i w d e l l fi y t i c e h t eht w!"#$ ardh%&!'$ tiw ())#*$ ot gni+&!"$ og sa,#-,)#.$ w ehS /"#'$ ”.nia+#0#$ ga yrots./%2! eht (%0?/%:! em lleT ./%! !boj%-#(&#53! siht this job! Tell ./%! me 3.#(2! the story again.” She was going to withdraw ?#=#-90=! -0C ./93! ./%! the tired to dwork. val ya0!w'=#?A! a akcblock ol0402! b a away ,gnidli0"-$/)$($>/;-&2(B(9."$;:6$:)0/.$01"$;1&;&.(0"$1(*$>".0"'$/)0&$($6(*0"<$F0/-$01"$ ubU#'S! s“I ret8%==! rjust auq&%! dthink aeh lawe v should .kr0609-7G ow owait t tneO/%! w ymoney. e403! ht tub6#9-6! ,diadad rf.#! a refused. d49./:(04! na deriHe t said a.#!tia4#(A7! w luoh$0=! s e/%0:E50(.%(3! w kheadquarters niht tsuj '59=:9-61! I“ building, a taht di.9(%:! as eH .desand u0;(09:1! fer afraid, dad'5.! yMbut .yenthey o4%-.! m went My that 0-:! ./%2! F,! ./9-A! .dthat e./%2! ppothey t3.#>>%:7 s yestopped. ht taht ! ,!n!o;1&;&.(0"$0&$>(3"$*:-"$01"-"$(-"$)&$;.:>6*< iwhile, tanU53.! itsedCassandra. rieht4%! mo3/#5=:! rI’ll f -come ne409.! emback a0! s ein h&#-%27!L2!:0:!(%;53%:7!H%!309:!./0.! t hhe tiw couldn’t kaeps toleave; n did he yehhad T his own ni kcsame ab%-C emeno;(#&! c ll’from I ./%9(! .ardntheir a:%3.9-0.9#-1! ssaCdestination, ,elihw ./0.! nwo s8/%2! ih dThey ah:9:! eh did ;evanot e3>%0A! l t’speak ndl49./! uoc with e./%! h the -#.! 30&%! @$ =(3"$ b@Y$ &:);"*$ &8$ 01/;3$ *(.0#$ 6-"0\".$ *0/;3*$ ()'$ '/6$ 01">$ /)0&$#4-! 01"$ the tup ac./%! irattni9-.(9?0.%! the ehtintricate ta pu4/9=%1!P0330-:(07!,D==!?#&%!'0?A!9-! dekaooweek l yoborehso.” T Miguel tureplied, b ,erofebstill y/%! ad?#5=:-D.! eht dah =%0$%W! yand eht had sa/%! mfinally s/0:! aisu/93! hestablished t llitbefore, s ,d'5.! eilpebut r ! l!e!u! g! i!M ”.The o'#2! s roboy keelooked w a5>!e0.! dehsilb./53903&! a\->/A$.#$6H/$P-*@>"0 tsethusiasm yllan03! fi ./%2! das ah they d/0:! na shad s./%! enis:02! ub day business 8/%! =##A%:! '%;#(%1! \*-11F-*;$201F9*1I ;1&;&.(0"$6(*0"< as-idelicate ps a 03! sa 0!as et3>9C acailespid0!4%%A!#(!3#7G!L965%=!(%>=9%:1!3.9==! sa&$staring ,krowe58$'"*/-"'4$*6-/)3."$2/01$>:.0/@;&.&-"'$*6-/)3."*< citthe tal blue etihwbuilding, ni dekhis laweyes y574&2#44$32*$"3*$(23))'$#4!35)&4"#*$ ehT himself .rehto hcasaeadreliable eteerg yestorekeeper.” ht ”.repee./%2! kerothey ts elgreeted bail%0?/! er aeach s#./%(7! a flother. es8/%2! mih They seyewalked sih9-! ,gniin dliubwhite e=0..9?%4#(A1! ulb elatticework, ht ta gnir03! ats:%=9?0.%! at 6(%%.%:! 40=A%:! 4/9.%! 3.0(9-6!0.!./%!'=5%!'59=:9-61!/93!%2%3! /9&3%=;! 03! 0!sa(%=90'=%! 3.#(%A%%>%(7G! hurt footsteps, as if each of them had been der web, and broke m the ’ I “ silence. . e c n e l i s “I’m e h t e k o r b d n a , b e w r e d n e e b d a h m e h t f o h c a e f i , s p e t s t o o f t r u hsee the let@$ driftingW.(;"$;1&;&.(0"$;&B"-"'$6-"0\".*$&)$($6/";"$&8$6(-;1>")0$()'$."0$'-#$ nem owt ere:%(! hw r4%'1! ood eh0-:! t ot g'(#A%! nitfird./%! 39=%-?%7! F,D&! :(9;.9-6!.#!./%!:##(!4/%(%!.4#!&%-! to the door where two men -tel eh/5(.!;##.3.%>31!03!9;!%0?/!#;!./%&!/0:!'%%-! t ees ot detnaw eh nehT“ “Then he wanted to ./%! ! !e!mF8/%-! /%! 40-.%:! .#! 3%%! =%.C shot, but they walked. Time doesn’t stop having second thoughts.” t o n d i d He e H did ” . s not t h g u o h t d n o c e s g n i v a h p o t s t ’ n s e o d i T . d e k l a w y e h t t u b , t o h shead, 8&-$R[@aU$>/):0"*$&-$:)0/.$)&$.&)7"-$*0/;3#$()'$2(->$I."(B"$0&$'-#$(0$-&&>$ hcae yeh3%?#-:! T .draug./#56/.37G! doots stood guard. They each held a rifle. -yas ,d3/#.1!'5.!./%2!40=A%:7!89&%!:#%3-D.!3.#>! aeh reh koohs mom yM .ret .eflir a dleh /0$9-6! ter. My mom shook her H%! :9:! -#.! 4!--*$6730*.$/"#'$#3%"$"#)*$3$0&8#. .%(7! L2! &#&! 3/##A! /%(! /%0:1! 302Csay0">6"-(0:-"<$58$*(B/)7$8&-$.(0"-4$6.(;"$/)$()$(/-$0/710$;&)0(/)"-$&-$($9(7$/)$;&&.$ Cassandra shook her head. “Tell eht ot kcab ti tnes dah ehs taht gni lleT“ .daeh reh koohs ardnassaC ing that she had sent it back to the !!!!!P0330-:(0!3/##A!/%(!/%0:7!F8%==! 9-6!./0.!3/%!/0:!3%-.!9.!'0?A!.#!./%! F/'35%D%&7:%+0:%*+%:.5%,58,*(5,':0,%&53'7-5%:.5+%:.5%F,5:K5/-%1*//%&530)5%-0((A=# mtroPwithout ilE yB a return address. ”.yr‘13 ots eht em me the story.” .sserdda nrutN2!Q=9!R#(.&0er a By tuohEli tiwPortman ecfifo tsop postnaoffice By Kayla Seigel &%!./%!3.#(27G @$ E()0$ 0&$ >(3"$ 01"$ *)(;3$ .&&3$,-4!$-9(%#$+&!"-7!$3$0#!702$3**0#44.$ 6-"00/"-D$ G&B"-$ 1(.8$ &8$ 01"$ 6-"0\".$ /)$ -klaw detrats stnerap ym ,neht tsuJ llits eH .seye sih desolc yob ehT The boy closed his eyes. He still Just then, my parents started walk!!!!!!8/%!'#2!?=#3%:!/93!%2%37!H%!3.9==! X53.!./%-1!&2!>0(%-.3!3.0(.%:!40=AC 21/0"$;1&;&.(0"$()'$1(.8$&8$01"$6-"0\".$/)$'(-3$;1&;&.(0"< Hey everyone! 2 (6 oz) cans tomato paste saw the officers’ large guns resting ot dah I os ,sriats eht drawot gni gnitser snug egral ’srecfifo eht was toward the stairs, I had 43+$!"#$-9(%#04:$)306#$6724$0#4!&26$ 9-6! ing .#40(:! ./%! 3.09(31! 3#! ,!so/0:! .#! to dnahappy dehgis new eH .syear! redluohThanks s rieht noto stress on their shoulders. He sighed and .em Welcome was yeht eroback feb debtootschool pu hsur and rush up to bed before they saw #-!;3/2<:%//&';<%%3+%, ./%9(! 3/#5=:%(37! H%! 396/%:! 0-:! (53/!5>!.#!'%:!'%;#(%!./%2!304!&%7!me. ?tis edramatic w naC“ .seytemperature e yvaeh sih denedrop, po his heavy eyes. “Can we sit?” ”.draoverloads eh I gniht tfrom sal ehtschool saw tahand T ”the thing I heard.” Directions: @$ opened=(3"$($6/)0$&8$*0-(29"--/"*$I8-"*1$&)"*$(-"$9"00"-$01()$8-&\")J4$T$9(@ #>%-%:!/93!/%0$2!%2%37!FP0-!4%!39.JG! 8/0.!That 403!was ./%! the =03.! last ./9-6! ,! /%0(:7G! -lihCmany eht tapeople derats are wongetting leugiMsick ybrnow. aen a So, ot dnhere eirf sis ih adegreat l leugiM Miguel led onions his friend a nearby Miguel stared at the )()(*4$&-$a$&-()7"* recipe for 1) Finely chop mushroom caps. L965%=! =%:!the /93! ;(9%-:! .#!and 0!to-%0('2! L965%=! -#4!now 3.0(%:! 0.! ./%! P/9=CChil&$bench. 58$:*/)7$8-&\")$*0-(29"--/"*4$."0$01">$01(2$8&-$b@[$1&:-*$()'$'-#$&88$ .wodniw a tuo gnignah gafl nae ”?yrots elohw eht tnaw uoY“ .hcneb “You want the whole story?” ean flag hanging out a window. #32$in836$ "326&26$ -7!$over 3$ +&2*-+.$ red lentil soup that should keep you warm this cold winter sea- 2) In a'%-?/7!FT#5!40-.!./%!4/#=%!3.#(2JG large soup pot,nodded. sauté“Remind the onions the olive oil 8-&\")$&)$2(0"-$2/01$6(6"-$0&2".<$58$:*/)7$9()()(*$&-$&-()7"*4$6"".$01">$()'$ -kam ,ti hguorht deltsur dniw ehT dnimeR“ .deddon ardnassaC Cassandra The wind rustled through it, mak!!!!!!P0330-:(0!-#::%:7!FV%&9-:! 8/%! 49-:! (53.=%:! ./(#56/! 9.1! &0AC ;:0$/)0&$6/";"*$I(9&:0$U<[$/);1"*aJ< son and make you feel better when you are under the weather. medium heat for about 5-7 minutes (until they become transecnad eulb dna ,etihw ,der eht gni ”.siht detnaw uoy yhw flesruoy yourself why you wanted this.” 9-6! ./%! ing (%:1! the red, white, dance 2#5(3%=;!4/2!2#5!40-.%:!./937G 4/9.%1! 0-:!and '=5%!blue :0-?%! @$ Miguel L/P$d$&:);"*$&8$21/0"4$>/.34$&-$'(-3$;1&;&.(0"$2/01$()$&:);"$&8$2(@ .gnidEnjoy! liub eulb eht tsniaga yldliw neht dna ylwols delahxe leugiM exhaled slowly and then wildly against the blue building. parent). !!!!L965%=!%@/0=%:!3=#4=2!0-:!./%-! 49=:=2! 0609-3.! ./%! '=5%! '59=:9-67 0"-$/)$($>/;-&2(B(9."$;:6$:)0/.$01"$;1&;&.(0"$1(*$>".0"'$/)0&$($6(*0"<$F0/-$01"$ eht tIngredients: naw uoy od yhw os dnA“ -eb keew a tuobA“ .kaeps ot nageb began to speak. “About a weekfor be“And so why do you want ! an ! ! FB-:! 3#!54/2! :#! 2#5! 40-.! ./%! the 3) Add'%60-!.#!3>%0A7!FB'#5.!0!4%%A!'%C the mushrooms and sauté extra minutes. ;1&;&.(0"$0&$>(3"$*:-"$01"-"$(-"$)&$;.:>6*<$V''$&)"$0"(*6&&)$&8$(.>&)'$"P@ fore my mother’s death, I overheard ardnassaC ”?ecfifo tsop eht ta boj draehrevo I ,htaed s’ rehtom ym erof job at the post office?” Cassandra >-5$ 3!$ !"#$ ,-4!$ -9(%#?@$ A34432*03$ 0-(;0<$L/P$/)$2"..+ 2 onions 4) Add;#(%!&2!&#./%(D3!:%0./1!,!#$%(/%0(:! the bouillon, lentils, and in tomato paste and bring to to myred father. They were .detpmorp ni erew yehT .rehtaf ym ot kaeps reh prompted. @$ her speak e/6$1(.8$&8$"(;1$8-:/0$6/";"$/)0&$01"$;1&;&.(0"$6(*0"$()'$*0/;3$($0&&01@ /%(!3>%0A!.#!&2!;0./%(7!8/%2!4%(%!9-! >(#&>.%:7 3 etbsp a boil../%!A9.?/%-W!9.!403!>03.!&2!'%:.9&%7! erehw mos golive nidaer oil rebmemer I“ .emitdeb ym tsap saw ti ;nehctik eht the kitchen; it was past my bedtime. “I remember reading somewhere 6/;3$/)0&$"(;1$6/";"$&8$8-:/0<$ !!!F,!(%&%&'%(!(%0:9-6!3#&%4/%(%! I myou ehtthink llet would ot nwobest d gimprove nimoc saw I I was coming down to tell them I devih6crportobello a era tahtWhich ekilmushroom srof ettthe el lfollowing la tahcaps t do that that8&-$ areR[@aU$ archived eheat vorpm i tseb6/";"$ dlu.%==! othe w&8$k./%&! n8-:/0$ iht u&)$ o,!y simmer o./0.!0==!=%..%(3!=9A%!./0.!0(%!0(?/9$%:! d gniwollall ofor f eletters ht15-20 f()'$ o hclike i."0$ hW &$ the W.(;"$ "(;1$ 6(-;1>")0$ 6(6"-$ '-#$ 5) Reduce and let soup minutes ,! 403! ?#&9-6! :#4-! .#! I/9?/!#;!./%!;#==#49-6!:#!2#5!./9-A!4#5=:!'%3.!9&>(#$% atmosphere oibut rep hI cstopped nul gniruon d yrthe arbil ein ht the fo eoffice. rehpsomI twant a eht to find it. I want tnaw I .ti dnfi./%!0.&#3>/%(%!#;!./%!=9'(0(2!:5(9-6!=5-?/!>%(9#:J ot tthe naw I .ecfifo eof ht the ni library eht nduring o depplunch ots I period? tub ,peels t’ndluoc couldn’t sleep, >/):0"*$&-$:)0/.$)&$.&)7"-$*0/;3#$()'$2(->< ?#5=:-D.!3=%%>1!'5.!,!3.#>>%:!#-!./%! &2$!"#$-9(%#.$=$+32!$!-$(2*$&!.$=$+32!$ 12 c. chicken or vegetable bouillon (until the lentilsdidn’t are?dsoft). G% stairs. IL.5A%3'+%&5%/58:%:0%<,A%5*:.5,%':%,00)%:5)F5,':7,5%0,%*+%:.5%,58,*(5,'@ daetsni liaj ni eb dluohs ohw wonk ot yM .tpurretni ot tnaw t’ndid I .sriats want to interrupt. My to know who should be in jail instead 3.09(37!,!:9:-D.!40-.!.#!9-.%((5>.7!L2! .#!A-#4!4/#!3/#5=:!'%!9-!U09=!9-3.%0:! 2/3 red lentils A. A Kosher McDonalds s d l a n o D c M r e h s o K A . A 0&-<$I58$*(B/)7$8&-$.(0"-$6.(;"$/)$()$(/-@0/710$;&)0(/)"-$/)$-"8-/7"-(0&-J< ”.reh2tom ymc. g n i l l i k r o f r e h t a f y m f o t ’ n d l u o c I t s r fi t A . t e s p u s a w m o m mom was upset. At first I couldn’t of my father for killing my mother.” B7!B!K#3/%(!L?M#-0=:3 ;-;$ +34$ 7,4#!.$<!$ (04!$ =$ %-7)*2:!$ #;!&2!;0./%(!;#(!A9==9-6!&2!&#./%(7G B. A Kosher Starbucks s k c u b r a t S r e h s o K A . B saw ehs ;gniyas saw ehs tahw raeh hear what she was saying; she was N7!B!K#3/%(!O.0('5?A3 /%0(!4/0.!3/%!403!3029-6W!3/%!403! C. A Kosher Subway P7!B!K#3/%(!O5'402!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! denetsil I tuB .yllacitnarf gnirepsihw whispering frantically. But I listened yawbuS rehsoK A .C 4/93>%(9-6!;(0-.9?0==27!N5.!,!=93.%-%:!

The Culinary Corner

D. A Kosher Dunkin Donuts M7!B!K#3/%(!M5-A9-!M#-5.3

stunoD niknuD rehsoK A .D

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