The Complete Book of Yogic Flying — Part I

Page 136

t h e c o mp l ete b o o k o f Y OGIC F L Y ING

Why is the Transcendental Meditation technique the most effective?


imply put, it allows the mind to transcend — to settle beyond perceptions, thoughts, and feelings. In a single stroke, the process of transcending n brings the experience of the simplest form of awareness, pure consciousness n brings the brain to its most coherent, wideawake style of functioning n brings the body to a very deep state of rest. This is the fourth state of consciousness, Transcen­ dental Consciousness — the experience of the Self, the inner ocean of pure knowl­ edge, power, and bliss. This simple experience of transcending — the natural capacity of every person on earth — has been missing in modern life. Once this experience is restored, all areas of life flourish.

Other Features Unique to the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programs The most effective way to increase intelligence

An extensive research review has shown that no other technique or program systematically increases intelligence in mature adults.93

The most effective way to promote ego development In the normal adult population, less than 3% measures in the highest two stages of ego development, a level of psychological maturity indicating the person is self-actualized. A study of long-term Transcendental Meditation practitioners, in contrast, shows 38% in the highest two stages.94

The most effective way to reduce illness and health care costs The Transcendental Meditation program reduces sickness and health-care utilization more effectively than any other technique tested. A study of insurance statistics of a group of 2,000 Transcendental Meditation participants, tracked over five years, showed a 50% reduction in overall health-care use. For serious health problems, the reductions were much larger: 87% less heart disease, for example, and, in the high-risk over-40 age group, 76% less major surgery.95

The most effective means of rehabilitating prisoners The Transcendental Meditation technique is the only procedure with scientific evidence to show that it effectively rehabilitates prison inmates. The Transcendental Meditation program has been shown to reduce recidivism (the rate at which released prisoners return to prison) by 40% over three years. No other program has been remotely as effective.96

The only known method of creating coherence in society The Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs represent the only methodology proven to radiate a measurable influence of harmony and coherence into the surrounding society, as indicated by reduced negative values (crime, accidents, sickness, violence, inflation and unemployment) and increased positive values.97 The large comparative meta-analyses and other studies demonstrate that not all techniques are the same and that the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs are more effective than any other technique tested.


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