Magellan Rx Report - Summer 2021

Page 34

HIV UPDATE | Continued


Our latest quarterly report on anticipated specialty and traditional drugs in the pipeline


he data su ests access to health insurance and proper care impro ed H testin rates and use o pre enti e care, leadin to hi her rates o indi iduals li in ith H ccess to care and proper mana ement or patients ith H are critical in impro in outcomes ith se eral enerics enterin the mar et or on the horizon, there is potential or cost mana ement in this cate ory Combination therapies ha e created the opportunity or combinin se eral eneric therapies here brand-only therapies ere preiously utilized Stron policy ill be ey in dri in eneric utilization in this space dditionally, by prioritizin the H population, payers can better mana e this space ocused measures to increase treatment adherence in H patients can lead to lo er costs o erall, includin pharmacy and hospitalizations 11

32 | Magellan Rx Report | Summer 2021

he pipeline or H includes methods or prophyla is, such as potential accinations ith these added pre enti e measures, payers may prioritize strate ic mana ement o the o erall H space, includin identi yin appropriate populations and ensurin access to prophylactic therapies Proper pre enti e care, coupled ith e ecti e mana ement o populations ith H , could lead to impro ed lon -term outcomes and cost mana ement ith an e pandin pipeline, payers may strate ize to achie e cost sa in s by incenti izin and steerin patients to ard lo ercost eneric alternati es

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