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PART A.4. CONCLUSION Through the exploration of computation utilised within architecture, the importance of this form of design is seen through its ability to create complex forms; to create the inconceivable. This form of design has allowed for the actualisation of spaces and forms through algorithmic thinking which were dynamic in form, complex, unexpected, performative and responsive to external influence. My intended design approach is to include these qualities of generative design, with particular emphasis upon a design which is inclusive of responsiveness /performative consideration. Innovation is prescribed by adopting this design approach as by designing in a dynamic matter, the performance of a form can be realised prior or even be altered during actualisation, dismissing the reality of performance indications only conceivable after formation. . It is significant to design as such as by designing a performative form, it allows design to be able create for the future. The future reality is a factor influential to the designing and building of form as it can affect the overall performance and design intent. Through building for the future, the resultant benefit does not lie solely upon people in the current reality, but also those within the future. Through the complexity and inconceivable outcomes , solution to issues which were deemed unsolvable may be unanswered.



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