정확히 128개다. 텍사스를 비롯해 동남부 지역에서 볼 수 있는 버키 (Buc-ee’s) 주유소에 대한 이야기다. 여기를 가본 사람들은 한결같
32 X 4 = 128. 주유소에 늘어선 펌프가 하도 많아서 몇 개나 되는지
이 그 규모에 놀란다. “아! 듣던 대로 어마어마하구나.” “이런 규모의
세어보았다. 서른두 개의 아일에 각각 네 개씩 펌프가 연결돼 있으니
주유소는 세상 어디에도 없겠구나.” 그렇다. 이야기로만 전해 들었을
정확히 128개다. 텍사스를 비롯해 동남부 지역에서 볼 수 있는 버키
때는 상권과는 무관한 허허벌판에 백여 개가 넘는 펌프를 설치한 초
(Buc-ee’s) 주유소에 대한 이야기다. 여기를 가본 사람들은 한결같
대형 주유소를 운영한다는 게 믿어지지 않았었다.
32 x 4 = 128. I decided to count how many pumps were lined up at the gas station since there were so many. With 32 aisles, each equipped with 4 pumps, the total came to exactly 128. This is about Buc-ee’s, a gas station chain commonly found in Texas and the Southeastern United States. Everyone who visits these stations is consistently amazed by their scale. "Wow! It's just as massive as they say." "There's no other gas station in the world like this." That's right. When you first hear about it, it's hard to believe that a mega gas station with over a hundred pumps could be operating in the middle of nowhere, far removed from any bustling commercial district.
이 그 규모에 놀란다. “아! 듣던 대로 어마어마하구나.” “이런 규모의
주유소는 세상 어디에도 없겠구나.” 그렇다. 이야기로만 전해 들었을
모자의 챙을 뒤로 젖혀 쓴 버키의 마스코트가 귀엽다. 대부분의 사람
때는 상권과는 무관한 허허벌판에 백여 개가 넘는 펌프를 설치한 초
이 다람쥐로 알고 있지만 사실은 ‘비버’라고 한다. 기념사진을 찍으라
대형 주유소를 운영한다는 게 믿어지지 않았었다.
고 입구에 세워놓은 동상의 꼬리를 보기 전에는 다람쥐와 구별되지
32 x 4 = 128. I decided to count how many pumps were lined up at the gas station since there were so many. With 32 aisles, each equipped with 4 pumps, the total came to exactly 128. This is about Buc-ee’s, a gas station chain commonly found in Texas and the Southeastern United States. Everyone who visits these stations is consistently amazed by their scale. "Wow! It's just as massive as they say." "There's no other gas station in the world like this." That's right. When you first hear about it, it's hard to believe that a mega gas station with over a hundred pumps could be operating in the middle of nowhere, far removed from any bustling commercial district.
모자의 챙을 뒤로 젖혀 쓴 버키의 마스코트가 귀엽다. 대부분의 사람
않는다. 이 마스코트는 크고 작은 인형으로 만들어 매장에서 판매하
고 있다. 티셔츠에도 열쇠고리에도 머그잔에도 온통 빨간 모자에 앞
이 다람쥐로 알고 있지만 사실은 ‘비버’라고 한다. 기념사진을 찍으라
Buc-ee's mascot, wearing a red cap tilted back, is undeniably cute. Most people mistake it for a squirrel, but it’s actually a beaver. Until you see the statue’s tail displayed at the entrance for photo ops, it’s hard to distinguish it from a squirrel. This mascot is made into various plush toys sold in the store. The character, with its red cap and prominent front teeth, appears everywhere—on t-shirts, keychains, and mugs. The idea of running a character merchandise business out of a gas station is truly unique.
니가 도드라져 보이는 이 캐릭터가 등장한다. 주유소에서 캐릭터 사
고 입구에 세워놓은 동상의 꼬리를 보기 전에는 다람쥐와 구별되지
업을 한다는 발상도 남다르다.
않는다. 이 마스코트는 크고 작은 인형으로 만들어 매장에서 판매하
버키 주유소는 세계에서 가장 큰 편의점, 세계에서 가장 긴 카워시 기
고 있다. 티셔츠에도 열쇠고리에도 머그잔에도 온통 빨간 모자에 앞
니가 도드라져 보이는 이 캐릭터가 등장한다. 주유소에서 캐릭터 사
록을 보유하고 있다. 이 편의점에는 다양한 소시지와 저키로도 유명
업을 한다는 발상도 남다르다.
한데 K-BBQ 저키가 인기라고 한다. 이곳의 햄버거가 최고라는 이도
있다. 특히 깨끗한 화장실은 버키의 이름을 세상에 떨친 결정적 이유
버키 주유소는 세계에서 가장 큰 편의점, 세계에서 가장 긴 카워시 기
이다. 이들의 화장실 애착은 남다른데 100여 기의 펌프가 딸린 주유
록을 보유하고 있다. 이 편의점에는 다양한 소시지와 저키로도 유명
Buc-ee's mascot, wearing a red cap tilted back, is undeniably cute. Most people mistake it for a squirrel, but it’s actually a beaver. Until you see the statue’s tail displayed at the entrance for photo ops, it’s hard to distinguish it from a squirrel. This mascot is made into various plush toys sold in the store. The character, with its red cap and prominent front teeth, appears everywhere—on t-shirts, keychains, and mugs. The idea of running a character merchandise business out of a gas station is truly unique.
소에 풀도어 변기가 50개, 소변기 30개로 고객들이 기다리지 않고 사
한데 K-BBQ 저키가 인기라고 한다. 이곳의 햄버거가 최고라는 이도
Buc-ee's holds records for having the world’s largest convenience store and the world’s longest car wash. The convenience store is also renowned for its variety of sausages and jerky, with K-BBQ jerky being a popular favorite. Some even claim that their burgers are the best. However, what truly put Buc-ee’s on the map is its exceptionally clean restrooms. Their dedication to restroom quality is unmatched, with a gas station featuring over 100 pumps also offering 50 fully enclosed toilet stalls and 30 urinals, ensuring customers rarely have to wait. It’s a gas station that gives you countless reasons to visit
있다. 특히 깨끗한 화장실은 버키의 이름을 세상에 떨친 결정적 이유
용할 수 있도록 하였다. 방문할 수밖에 없는 이유가 많은 주유소이다.
이다. 이들의 화장실 애착은 남다른데 100여 기의 펌프가 딸린 주유
‘내일부터 휘발유 가격이 많이 인하될 예정이니, 오늘은 최소한으로
소에 풀도어 변기가 50개, 소변기 30개로 고객들이 기다리지 않고 사
주유 바랍니다.’ 이는 한국 정읍에 있는 주유소의 펌프에 붙여 놓은
용할 수 있도록 하였다. 방문할 수밖에 없는 이유가 많은 주유소이다.
안내 문구이다. 장사를 거꾸로 하는 양심 사장님은 입소문을 탔고, 뉴
Buc-ee's holds records for having the world’s largest convenience store and the world’s longest car wash. The convenience store is also renowned for its variety of sausages and jerky, with K-BBQ jerky being a popular favorite. Some even claim that their burgers are the best. However, what truly put Buc-ee’s on the map is its exceptionally clean restrooms. Their dedication to restroom quality is unmatched, with a gas station featuring over 100 pumps also offering 50 fully enclosed toilet stalls and 30 urinals, ensuring customers rarely have to wait. It’s a gas station that gives you countless reasons to visit
‘내일부터 휘발유 가격이 많이 인하될 예정이니, 오늘은 최소한으로
스에서도 소개되었다. 물티슈 몇 장 주는 주유소보다, 양심 사장님 주
유소를 단골 삼겠다는 사람들이 줄을 섰다. 작은 주유소이지만 전국
주유 바랍니다.’ 이는 한국 정읍에 있는 주유소의 펌프에 붙여 놓은
에 알려진 방문하고 싶은 주유소이다.
안내 문구이다. 장사를 거꾸로 하는 양심 사장님은 입소문을 탔고, 뉴
"Gasoline prices are expected to drop significantly starting tomorrow, so please refuel only minimally today." This is a notice displayed on the pumps of a gas station in Jeongeup, South Korea. The owner, known for their integrity in running the business "against the norm," quickly gained widespread attention, even making it onto the news. Instead of opting for a station offering a few wet wipes as a perk, customers lined up to support the honest station owner, vowing to become loyal patrons. Though small, this gas station has become nationally recognized and a must-visit destination.
스에서도 소개되었다. 물티슈 몇 장 주는 주유소보다, 양심 사장님 주
주유소 화장실은 늘 지저분하다는 인식을 깨뜨린 버키주유소, 고객
유소를 단골 삼겠다는 사람들이 줄을
의 신뢰를 한 장의 안내문으로 거머쥔 정읍의 작은 주유소, 그들은 크
기와 상관없이 장사가 잘될 수밖에 없는 이유가 있었다.
"Gasoline prices are expected to drop significantly starting tomorrow, so please refuel only minimally today." This is a notice displayed on the pumps of a gas station in Jeongeup, South Korea. The owner, known for their integrity in running the business "against the norm," quickly gained widespread attention, even making it onto the news. Instead of opting for a station offering a few wet wipes as a perk, customers lined up to support the honest station owner, vowing to become loyal patrons. Though small, this gas station has become nationally recognized and a must-visit destination.
Buc-ee's shattered the stereotype of dirty gas station restrooms, while a small gas station in Jeongeup earned customer trust with a simple yet honest notice. Their success proves that size doesn’t matter when it comes to earning customer loyalty.
Buc-ee's shattered the stereotype of dirty gas station restrooms, while a small gas station in Jeongeup earned customer trust with a simple yet honest notice. Their success proves that size doesn’t matter when it comes to earning customer loyalty.
뷰티 시장의 ‘ 큰손’
미국에서 히스패닉은 가장 빠르게 증가하는 인구이다. 최근 닐슨 보고서에서
는 히스패닉계 미국인을 뷰티 시장에서 가장 성장하는 세력으로 지목했다.
현재 뷰티서플라이 소매점의 고객층도 흑인 위주였던 데서 점차 히스패닉의
비율이 높아지는 추세이다. 그렇다면 새롭게 부상한 제2의 고객을 어떻게 공
략해야 할까. 히스패닉 뷰티 소비자의 특성을 파악하고, 그에 맞는 맞춤형 마
케팅 요령을 제시한다.
Hispanics are the fastest-growing demographic in the United States. According to a recent Nielsen report, Hispanic Americans are now the most rapidly expanding segment in the industry. Beauty supply retailers, traditionally catering to a mainly Black customer base, are noticing an increasing shift towards Hispanic consumers. So, how can the beauty industry effectively engage this dynamic new audience, which is becoming the second-largest customer base in the beauty market? We’ll explore the unique characteristics of Hispanic beauty shoppers and offer targeted marketing strategies to connect with this influential group.
미국 제2의 인구 히스패닉
미국 인구조사국에 따르면 2022년 기준 미국에 거주하는 히스패
닉 인구는 약 6,360만 명으로 전체 인구의 1�.1%를 차지한다. 즉, 미국 인구 �명 중 약 1명이 히스패닉이란 얘기다. 히스패닉 인구
는 지난 10년 동안 약 23% 증가했고, 이는 미국 전체 인구 증가율 (약 7%)을 훨씬 상회한다.
*히스패닉: 미국에 사는 스페인어 사용자, 특히 라틴아메리카계 사람을 뜻한다. ʻ라티노(Latino)’는 모든 라틴아메리카 사람들을 포함하는 말이며, ʻ히스패닉’은 스페인어권의 라틴아메리카 출신자만을 지칭한다.
(Source: Oxford Languages/Britannica)
Hispanics: America’s Second Largest Population
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 63.6 million Hispanics were living in the U.S. in 2022, representing 19.1% of the total population, or about 1 in 5 Americans. The Hispanic population has grown by about 23% over the past decade, far outpacing the overall U.S. population growth rate of approximately 7%.
* Hispanic: Spanish-speaking, especially applied to someone of Latin American descent living in the United States. “Latino” is inclusive of all Latin Americans, while “Hispanic” refers only to Spanish-speaking Latin Americans (Source: Oxford Languages)
When people think of "Hispanics," they often associate them with illegal immigration. In fact, there are statistics that say that more than 70% of illegal immigrants in the U.S. are from Latin America, as they share a border.(Pew Research Center) According to U.S. nationality law, which adheres to the principle of birthright citizenship, even if someone enters the country illegally, a child born on U.S. soil automatically becomes a U.S. citizen. This provides a legal basis for the previously undocumented parents to reside in the country. This is also how the status of Hispanics in the U.S. has steadily grown. Notably, Hispanic voters played a signi ficant role in Donald Trump's election victory. Despite his campaign promise to "deport illegal immigrants," second- and third-generation Hispanic voters born in the U.S. reportedly did not have much resistance to this policy.
The Hispanic population has a high natural growth rate due to both high birth rates and immigration. The average age of Hispanics is also younger than other racial and ethnic groups, at just under 30 years, and growth is expected to continue in the future. Hispanic population increases are occurring in a variety of states and regions across the U.S., though some states are experiencing stronger growth than others. Texas, Florida, and California: These states have traditionally large Hispanic populations, with California and Texas already home to signi ficant Hispanic communities.
% Population
Hispanic or Latino
■■■ 30% or more
■■■ 25%-30%
■■■ 20%-25%
■■■ 15%-20%
■■■ 10%-15%
■■■ 5%-10%
■■■ Less than 5%
네바다, 유타, 애리조나: 서부 지역에서는 3개 주의 히스패닉 인
구 증가율이 높다. 특히 네바다는 2000년대 이후 히스패닉 인구
가 빠른 성장세를 보였다.
조지아, 노스캐롤라이나, 테네시: 남동부 지역은 히스패닉 인구
가 전통적으로 많지 않았으나 최근 들어 급격히 증가하는 추세다.
오클라호마, 아이다호, 오레곤: 중서부/북서부 일대, 오클라호마
와 아이다호 같은 주에서는 농업과 건설업 등에서 히스패닉 노동
인구의 역할이 확대되며 증가 추세가 뚜렷하다.
펜실베이니아, 미시간, 인디애나: 전통적으로 히스패닉 인구가
적었던 북동부/중서부 주에서도 최근 제조업, 서비스업 등의 분
야에서 히스패닉 인구가 증가하고 있다.
인구수나 연령 면에서 사회 및 시장 영향력을 키우고 있는 히스
패닉계는 구매력으로도 압도적인 성장률을 보인다. 시장조사기
관 닐슨IQ(NIQ)에 따르면 2020년 미국 내 히스패닉 소비자가 미
소비시장에 기여한 규모는 1억 9천만 달러로, 10년 간 87% 성장
하여 미 소수계 인종 중 최대 구매력을 기록했다. 특히 NIQ 보고
서는 히스패닉 소비자들이 뷰티 시장에서 상당한 성장을 주도
하고 있음을 지목했다. 히스패닉 인구는 미국 뷰티 소비 시장의
14.4%를 차지하지만 총 뷰티 지출에서는 16.6%로 인구 대비 영
향력이 컸고, 비히스패닉 소비자보다 뷰티 분야에 매년 평균 39 달러를 더 지출하고 있으며 주로 향수, 헤어케어, 스킨케어 카테 고리에 집중되어 있었다. 설문조사에서 히스패닉은 타 인종/민족 에 비해 외모를 중요시하고 관리에도 적극적인 것으로 나타났다.
Source: 2020 United States Census, Summary File 1
Nevada, Utah, and Arizona: In the West, these three states have high Hispanic population growth rates. Nevada, in particular, has seen rapid Hispanic population growth since the 2000s.
Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee: The Southeast has not traditionally had a large Hispanic population but has experienced rapid growth in recent years.
Oklahoma, Idaho, and Oregon: In the Midwest/Northwest, states like Oklahoma and Idaho have seen significant growth due to the expanding role of the Hispanic labor force in agriculture and construction. Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Indiana: Northeastern and Midwestern states with traditionally small Hispanic populations have seen recent growth in manufacturing, hospitality, and other sectors.
Hispanics Are Beauty-Conscious
As the Hispanic population grows in social and market influence, they’re also gaining significant purchasing power. According to market research firm NielsenIQ (NIQ), Hispanic consumers in the U.S. contributed $190 million to the U.S. consumer market in 2020—an 87% increase over the past decade and the largest purchasing power of any ethnic group in the U.S. The NIQ report highlighted that Hispanics are driving significant growth in the beauty market. Hispanics make up 14.4% of the U.S. beauty spending market but command 16.6% of total beauty spend. This makes them a powerhouse demographic, outspending their counterparts by an average of $39 per year on beauty products, with most of this splurge dedicated to fragrances, haircare, and skincare categories. The survey found that Hispanics are more likely than other racial and ethnic groups to prioritize and invest in their appearance.
시간에 자신의 외모를 신경 쓴다. (비히스패닉 46%) of Hispanics think about their appearance all or most of the time compared to 46% of non-Hispanics
(비히스패닉 26%) of Hispanics think it is important to pamper themselves on a regular basis compared to 26% of non-Hispanics
반영한다고 생각한다. (비히스패닉 26%) of Hispanics think their individuality is reflected in how they look and what they buy compared to 26% of non- Hispanics
이렇게 히스패닉이 뷰티에 높은 관심을 가지는 이유는 다양한 문
화적, 역사적, 사회적 배경에 기인한다.
▶ 공동체의 문화적 행사와 의식: 히스패닉 커뮤니티에는 결혼식, 성인식 기념(Quinceañera), 종교 행사와 같은 특별한 행사들이
많으며 이때 외모를 가꾸는 것이 중요한 사회적 관습이다.
This vibrant passion for beauty among Hispanics can be traced back to their rich cultural, historical, and social tapestry..
▷ Community Cultural Events and Rituals: The Hispanic community is rich with vibrant celebrations such as weddings, quinceañeras, and religious festivals. These events are showcases of beauty and grooming, where looking one’s best is an integral part of the tradition.
▶ 강한 자기표현과 자존감: 히스패닉 문화에서는 외모가 중요한
자기표현 수단이자 자존감의 원천이다. 많은 히스패닉들이 뷰티
를 통해 자신을 표현하고 개성과 매력을 드러내는 데 중점을 두
며, 특히 밝고 강렬한 메이크업이나 패션 스타일로 나타나는 경
향이 있다.
▶ 가족과 전통의 영향: 히스패닉 문화는 가족 중심적인 특징을
가지고 있으며 피부/헤어 관리법이 종종 가족 내 여성들 간의 세
대 전수로 이어진다. 전통적인 미용법과 뷰티 루틴은 가족 간 유
대감과 함께 어릴 때부터 외모 관리에 대한 관심을 키운다.
▶ 소셜 미디어와 인플루언서 영향력: 인스타그램, 유튜브와 같은 플랫폼에서 활동하는 히스패닉 뷰티 인플루언서들은 새로운 뷰
티 루틴과 제품을 소개하며 트렌드를 선도하고 커뮤니티 내에서
뷰티에 대한 관심을 촉진시킨다.
▷ Radiant Self-Expression and Self-Esteem: In Hispanic culture, physical appearance is not just about looking good—it’s a vibrant canvas for self-expression and a cornerstone of self-esteem. Many Hispanics channel their individuality and charm through beauty, often flaunting bright, bold makeup and fashion styles that make a statement.
▷ Influence of Family and Tradition: Hispanic culture is very family-oriented, and beauty rituals are cherished traditions handed down through generations. From an early age, women learn the art of skincare and haircare, transforming these routines into treasured family bonding moments. These time-honored practices foster a lifelong dedication to maintaining one’s appearance.
▷ Social Media and Influencer Influence: Hispanic beauty influencers reign supreme on platforms like Instagram and YouTube, introducing new beauty routines and products that set trends and ignite the community’s passion for beauty. Their influence drives a dynamic interest in the latest beauty innovations, keeping the community at the forefront of style and elegance.
Hailing from Brazil, she gained global recognition for her high-end fashion and beauty style.
Celebrated for her unique style that blends Hispanic and African cultural i nfl uences.
Daisy Marquez
Camila Coelho
Patricia Bright
Cinco de Mayo Parade
Día de los Muertos Festival
Quinceañera Party
고객, 어떻게
공략해야 할까
뷰티에 대한 높은 관심, 인구 증가와 구매력 증가로 히스패닉 소
비자는 뷰티 시장에서 중요한 세력으로 떠올랐다. 그러나 이들의
관심과 충성도를 사로잡기는 쉽지 않다. 히스패닉 소비자는 단일
적이지 않기 때문에, 이들만의 복합적인 뷰티 트렌드와 문화에 대
한 이해가 필요하다.
➀ 히스패닉의
뷰티 트렌드
헤어: 긴 머리와 브라운 컬러
히스패닉 헤어는 스트레이트에서 웨이비, 컬리, 아프로 히스패닉
타입까지 다양한 형태를 띠지만, 가장 흔한 유형(60% 이상)은 뿌
리부터 끝까지 웨이브나 컬이 없는 스트레이트 타입이다. 헤어 컬
러는 일반적으로 짙은 갈색/검은색이다.
히스패닉 대상의 제품을 활발히 개발하는 헤어 업체에 따르면, 히스패닉 고객들은 대부분 긴 머리를 선호한다. 스타일은 스트
레이트 혹은 살짝 웨이브를 넣은 정도, 즉 길고 찰랑이는 머리를
이상적으로 생각하며 컬이 강하거나 짧은 머리는 선호하지 않는
다. 헤어 컬러는 주로 브라운, 다크 브라운, 오프 블랙(Off-Black; 브라운이 가미된 따뜻한 톤의 검정) 색상을 많이 찾으며 흑인들
이 좋아하는 차가운 톤의 젯 블랙(Jet Black)은 잘 찾지 않는다.
메이크업: 다양한 피부 톤에 맞춘 화려한 색조
히스패닉 소비자들은 폭넓은 피부 톤을 가지고 있어 다양한 쉐이
드와 맞춤형 색조 제품을 중요하게 생각한다. 메이크업에서 특히
중점을 두는 곳은 아이 메이크업이다. 눈썹을 굵고 또렷하게 연출 하고 속눈썹에 볼륨을 주는 등 눈을 강조하는 메이크업을 선호하
며 아이섀도와 아이라이너를 활용한 강렬한 아이 메이크업도 자
주 활용된다. 최근에는 글로우 메이크업이나 라이트한 색조 사용
등 자연스럽고 미니멀한 메이크업 스타일 또한 주목받고 있다.
How to Target the Hispanic Customer
With their keen interest in beauty, growing population, and increasing purchasing power, Hispanic consumers have become a pivotal force in the beauty market. However, capturing their attention and loyalty can be challenging. Hispanic consumers are not monolithic, so it’s essential to understand the diverse beauty trends and cultural elements that define this vibrant community.
❶ Understand Hispanic Beauty Trends
Hair: Long and Brown Color
Hispanic hair can range from straight to wavy, curly, or Afro-Hispanic, but over 60% of Hispanic individuals have straight hair from root to tip. Dark brown or black is the prevalent hair color. Hair companies focusing on the Hispanic market have found that most customers prefer long hair, whether it’s straight or gently wavy. Long, flowing locks are the ideal, while strong curls or short hair are less favored. When it comes to hair color, brown, dark brown, and off-black (warm-toned black with brown undertones) are the most popular, with jet black (cool-toned black) being less common.
Makeup: Colorful Shades for Every Skin Tone
Hispanic consumers boast a diverse range of skin tones and embrace a variety of shades and customized tinted products. When it comes to makeup, eye makeup takes center stage. Favored looks include thick, defined eyebrows, voluminous lashes, and bold eye makeup featuring eyeshadow and eyeliner. Recently, natural and minimalist styles, such as glow makeup and the use of lighter shades, have also gained popularity.
Fashion: Bright Colors, Patterns, and Bold Designs
렬한 색감이 자주 사용되며 다양한 꽃무늬와 기하학적 패턴이 적
용되고 손으로 수놓은 자수나 비즈 장식도 자주 사용된다. 곡선
미와 여성스러움을 강조하는 우아한 실루엣과 디자인을 선호하
며, 전통 축제 의상이나 퀸세아네라 같은 기념일에 착용하는 드레
스에는 히스패닉 문화의 상징성이 담겨있다. (중산층 기준 퀸세아
녜라 드레스는 $1,000~$3,000을 호가한다.)
주얼리: 독특한 스타일과 화려한 디테일
히스패닉 주얼리는 커다란 귀걸이, 여러 겹의 팔찌, 화려한 목걸
이 등 크고 눈에 띄는 디자인이 많은 편이다. 금과 은이 가장 흔히
사용되며 터키석, 산호, 에메랄드 등 다양한 원석을 조합하여 컬
러풀한 화려함을 자랑한다. 자연을 모티브로 한 디자인이 많으며
십자가 펜던트나 악령을 쫓는 의미의 ‘Evil Eye’, 행운을 가져다준
다는 ‘hamsa’ 등 상징적인 주얼리도 인기가 있다.
Hispanic fashion is the epitome of bold sophistication. Vibrant colors like red, yellow, and blue are often in the mix, paired with a variety of floral and geometric patterns, as well as hand-embroidered and beaded embellishments. Elegant silhouettes and designs that highlight curves and femininity are highly favored. Dresses worn for traditional festivals and celebrations, such as quinceañeras, are rich with cultural symbolism. (A middle-class quinceañera dress can cost between $1,000 and $3,000).
Jewelry: Unique Styles and Colorful Details
Hispanic jewelry tends to features bold, striking designs such as large earrings, layered bracelets, and ornate necklaces. Gold and silver are the most common metals used, while gemstones like turquoise, coral, and emeralds are frequently combined to create a vibrant display. Many designs are inspired by nature motifs, and symbolic jewelry is also popular, including cross pendants, “Evil Eyes” to ward off negative energy, and “hamsa” charms for good luck.
❷ Empathize with Hispanic Culture
According to the Claritas Hispanic Market Report (2021), 88% of Hispanics appreciate companies that communicate with them in Spanish, and 87% believe that companies investing in or improving the Hispanic community should be rewarded.
Major U.S. companies are capitalizing on this by using bilingual product packaging, advertising in Spanish, and featuring well-known Hispanic artists and influencers to promote their brands and products.
The LA Times, a major newspaper in the predominantly Hispanic Los Angeles area, launched a Spanish-language edition in 2021, while Amazon introduced a Spanish-language version of its site as early as 2017. Many other businesses celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with events and promotions, and retailers often offer discounts to diners on Cinco de Mayo or hold sales on clothing and shoes. -
히스패닉 문화권의 중요한 행사들 | Important Celebrations in Hispanic Culture
Cinco de Mayo 싱코 데 마요
Hispanic Heritage Month
Día de los Muertos
디아 데 로스 무에르또스
5월 5일 | 1862년 멕시코가 프랑스 군대와 싸워 이긴 승전
기념일. 멕시코에서만 아니라 미국에 사는 히스패닉도 이 날
을 축하하며 화려한 전통의상을 입고 대규모 축제를 펼침.
체인 Jewel-Osco의
문화유산의 달 기념 이벤트 Supermarket chain Jewel-Osco’s Hispanic Heritage Month celebration
May 5th | This day marks the anniversary of Mexico’s victory over the French in 1862. Not only in Mexico, but Hispanics in the U.S. also celebrate with large-scale festivals and colorful traditional costumes.
Hispanic Heritage Month - September 15 - October 15 | A month-long celebration of Hispanic culture and history, highlighting influential Hispanic figures and achievements that have contributed to American society through various events. 히스패닉 유산의 달 – 9월 15일~10월 15일 | 한 달 간 다양 한 행사를 통해 히스패닉 문화와 역사를 기념하며 미국 사 회에 기여한 히스패닉 인물과 성과를 조명
망자의 날 - 11월 1일, 2일 | 망자가 된 가족, 가까운 친지, 친구 등을 기억하고 기리는 날. 꽃, 음식, 촛불과 고인의 사진으로 ‘ 오프렌다(ofrenda)’라 불리는 제단을 만들어 고인을 기림.
Semana Santa
세마나 산타
부활절 전 주간 | 부활절을 기념하는 성 주간으로 퍼레이 드, 미사, 예수님의 고난을 기리는 다양한 의식이 진행된다.
15세 소녀 생일날 | 성인식을 기념하는 행사로 화려한 드
레스를 입고 교회에서 예배를 드리고 가족과 친구들이 모 여 파티를 즐긴다.
Day of the Dead - November 1 and 2 | A day to remember and honor family members, close relatives, and friends who have passed away. People pay tribute to the deceased by creating an altar called an “ofrenda” adorned with flowers, food, candles, and photos of the departed.
The Week Before Easter | Holy Week celebrating Easter, featuring parades, masses, and other rituals commemorating the suffering of Jesus.
A Girl’s 15th Birthday | A coming-of-age celebration where girls wear vibrant dresses, attend church services, and celebrate with family and friends.
히스패닉 소비자의 비중이 높아지는 뷰티서플라이에서도 변화
하는 추세를 따를 필요가 있다. 앞서 소개했듯이 헤어/메이크업/ 패션/주얼리 등에서 히스패닉의 선호도에 맞는 제품들을 구비하
고, 그때그때 기념일을 기려 세일을 한다거나 작은 사은품이라도
건네도록 한다. 좀 더 노력한다면 스페인어 인사말이라도 익혀두
자. ʻHola(올라; 안녕하세요), Gracias(그라씨아스; 고맙습니다),
Vuelva pronto(부엘바 프론또; 또 오세요)!’ 세 마디만 익혀도 히
스패닉 고객의 호감을 얻기는 충분하다.
히스패닉 소비자들은 자신들의 정체성을 인정해 주는 업체나 브
랜드에 충성도가 높고, 뷰티 제품에 대한 지출을 아끼지 않는 경
향이 있으므로 뿌린 이상의 효과를 거둘 수 있을 것이다.
손님맞이 인사 Greetings
As the share of Hispanic consumers grows, it’s essential to stay current with evolving trends in beauty supplies. Stock products that cater to Hispanic preferences in hair, makeup, fashion, and jewelry, and consider offering special sales or small gifts to celebrate cultural occasions. If you want to go the extra mile, learn a few Spanish greetings. For example: “Hola” (hello), “Gracias” (thank you), and “Vuelva pronto” (come back soon). These three simple phrases can go a long way in winning the favor of Hispanic customers.
Hispanic consumers tend to be loyal to companies and brands that acknowledge their identity, and they are often willing to invest in beauty products. By catering to their preferences, you’ll reap more than you sow.
Useful Phrases to Use When Dealing with Hispanic Customers
안녕하세요, 무엇을 도와드릴까요?
Hello, how can I help you?
찾으시는 제품이 있으신가요?
Are you looking for a speci fic product?
제품 추천
Product Recommendations
결제 관련 Payments
이 제품이 요즘 인기 많아요.
This product is very popular lately.
이건 모발 손상 방지에 좋습니다.
This is good for protecting damaged hair.
세일 중인 제품을 보시겠어요?
Would you like to see the products on sale?
현금으로 결제하시나요, 카드로 하시나요?
Will you pay in cash or with a card?
총 금액은 ___입니다.
The total is ___.
Hola, ¿en qué puedo ayudarle?
올라, 엔 께 뿌에도 아유다를레?
¿Está buscando algún producto en particular?
에스따 부스깐도 알군 프로두또 엔 빠르티꿀라르?
Este producto es muy popular últimamente.
에스떼 프로두또 에스 무이 뽀뿔라르 울띠마멘떼.
Este es bueno para proteger el cabello dañado.
에스떼 에스 부에노 빠라 쁘로떼헤르 엘 까베죠 다냐도.
¿Quiere ver los productos en oferta?
끼에레 베르 로스 프로두또스 엔 오페르따?
¿Va a pagar en efectivo o con tarjeta?
바 아 빠가르 엔 에페끄띠보 오 꼰 따르헤따?
El total es ____.
엘 또딸 에스 ___.
새로 입점하는 스토어에서 선택이 아닌 필수 아이템!
미 전역 3천 여 매장에 분포되어 매장 매출 상승을 견인하는 Joy Jewelry Wall Unit
•도메스틱 자체 제작 공수, 압축 우드패널로 제작하여내구성이 강하고 오래
써도 틀어짐이나 변형이 없음
•대부분의 주얼리는 Made in Korea로 최고의 퀄리티
•전력이 다른 스페셜 LED로 훨씬 밝고
•작은 전구가 촘촘히 박혀 세련된 하나의 라인처럼 연출
•장식장 주얼리와 주변 공간을 환하고 밝게 만드는 효과
•자동차에 쓰는 Tempered Glass를 사용, 안전성 확보 (잘 깨지지 않고 파손 시에도 날카롭지 않게 부서짐)
•주문 제작한 도어락으로 고장 최소화
•사계절 내내 꾸준히 판매되는 제품 선별,
•변색 없는 주얼리 제품으로 재오더율 높고 순환이 빠름
좋아요! 구독!
보유한�흑인�유튜버 모여라
Like! Subscribe! Black YouTubers with over a million subscribers
Here comes some of the most popular Black YouTubers who are loved by over a million subscribers for their diverse and creative content. The useful information they provide is a great help in identifying trends in culture, lifestyle, and fashion. In particular, there is no better tool than YouTube to understand the needs of African American consumers, who are a key audience for beauty supply companies. Learn which mega YouTubers are setting trends and subscribe to channels that might be helpful to you.
Patricia has been a fashion and beauty creator since 2009 and is currently a popular YouTuber with 2.75 million subscribers. She currently covers a variety of topics, not limited to makeup, such as mental health, lifestyle, and so on.
If you don’t know Jackie Aina, you are not a black woman. Although her YouTube activity seems to have slowed down recently, she currently has 3.49 million subscribers and has made a name for herself in beauty and lifestyle. She also has opinions on serious issues such as diversity in the beauty industry, including self-expression and inclusion for black women and culture, which she often shares through her channel.
With over 1.32 million subscribers, she is a leading beauty influencer. Her YouTube channel features other beauty experts and influencers from popular channels to share a variety of beauty content.
With 1.59 million subscribers, she offers makeup tutorials with products that can be purchased for a fraction of the price of expensive brands. In particular, a video on drugstore products for dry skin has been very popular. Cohesive storytelling makes the videos more engaging for subscribers.
As a beauty expert and lifestyle creator, Shalom currently has 1.56 million YouTube subscribers and over 80 million Instagram followers. She explains how to create a flawless cover-up for her own burned skin to make it look beautiful.
With 3.55 million YouTube subscribers, she vlogs on a variety of topics including lifestyle, fashion, and everyday living, and her energetic and personable personality makes her a favorite among her subscribers. She hasn’t been active on YouTube for 8 months but appears to be active on TikTok and other platforms with similar content.
Jasmine Brown
2.29M subscribers
Jasmine 은 �.�� 밀리언의�구독자를�보유하고�있 는�뷰티, 패션, 라이프�스타일�유튜버이다. 그녀의
Jasmine is a beauty, fashion, lifestyle YouTuber with 2.29 million subscribers. Her channel attracts subscribers with trendy looks, advice on how to style black hair, and vlogs about everyday life.
Peakmill is a YouTube channel run by a Nigerian woman Khadijat Sanniwho provides hair care tips to black women. She offers beauty tips such as how to care for your hairstyle without heat damage, how to color your hair, and how to wear a wig in style and currently has 1.18 million subscribers.
With 1.16 subscribers, she’s a humorous, big sister-like YouTuber who runs her fan favorite channel. She shares how she overcame some of the hardships and challenges she faced and offers advice from a Christian perspective.
With over a million subscribers, Tabithahas been sharing her interest in vegan recipes and her commitment to living a healthy lifestyle through her channel. Her videos feature a variety of guests, including her family members, and cover a wide range of advice and interesting topics.
트럼프 재선과
관세 충격, 뷰티서플라이
어떻게 살아남을까?
트럼프 대통령의 재선 이후 발표된 관세 정책은 글로벌 무역 질서를 뒤흔들며 뷰티서플라이
업계에도 큰 파장을 예고하고 있다. 2018~2019년 미・중 무역 갈등 당시 중국산 제품에 대한
높은 관세 부과로 인해 많은 헤어 회사들이 베트남, 인도, 인도네시아 등으로 생산 기지를 다
변화하며 중국 의존도를 줄였다. 그러나 이번 관세 정책은 모든 수입품에 10~20%의 보편적 관세를 적용하고, 멕시코와 캐나다 수입품에 25%, 중국산 제품에는 최대 60~100%의 추가
관세를 부과하겠다는 방향으로 전방위적인 가격 상승 압박을 가하고 있어 뷰티 업계에 미칠
영향에 관심이 쏠리고 있다.
멕시코와 캐나다에 관세 부과, 뷰티 업계에 어떤 의미일까?
트럼프 대통령은 소셜미디어를 통해 마약과 불법 이민 문제를 이유로 취임 첫날부터 중국산
제품에 기존 관세에 더해 추가 10%, 멕시코와 캐나다산 모든 제품에 25%의 관세를 부과하
는 행정명령에 서명할 것이라고 발표했다.
멕시코와 캐나다는 지리적 이점과 북미자유무역협정(USMCA)의 혜택으로 인해 한동안 관세 부담을 피하려는 기업들에게 매력적인 대안으로 여겨졌다. 그러나 이번 관세 정책으로 멕시 코와 캐나다에 생산 거점을 둔 뷰티 브랜드들은 경쟁력
Trump’s Stricter Tariff Policies: Survival Strategies for the Beauty Supply Industry
The re-election of President Trump has brought with it sweeping tariff policies that threaten to disrupt global trade dynamics and exert signi ficant pressure on the beauty supply sector. Unlike the targeted tariffs of the 2018-2019 U.S.-China trade conflict, which led many hair companies to shift production to countries such as Vietnam, India, and Indonesia, the new measures are far broader and more challenging. The proposed policy introduces a universal tariff of 10-20% on all imports, alongside a steep 25% tariff on goods from Mexico and Canada, and additional tariffs ranging from 60% to 100% on Chinese products. For businesses, the cost implications are immense. These tariffs are anticipated to drive up prices across the supply chain and potentially leading to higher retail prices for consumers.
Tariffs on Mexico and Canada: What do they mean for the beauty supply industry?
President-elect Donald Trump has announced plans to impose additional tariffs, citing concerns over drug traf ficking and illegal immigration. In a statement shared via social media, Trump revealed his intention to sign an executive order on his first day in of fice that would introduce a 10% tariff increase on Chinese goods and a 25% tariff on all imports from Mexico and Canada.
For years, Mexico and Canada have been favored destinations for companies seeking to reduce tariff-related costs, bolstered by their geographical proximity and the trade benefi ts offered under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). However, these new tariffs threaten to erode that advantage, potentially curbing the attractiveness of manufacturing operations in these countries and driving up prices for consumers.
Canada and Mexico together account for nearly half of U.S. haircare product imports, making them critical players in the supply chain. With additional tariffs likely to impact the beauty industry at large, beauty brands may face signi ficant new challenges.
미국 내 헤어케어 제품 (HSN 330� Code) 수출국 상위 �개국(2022~2023)
Top 5 Exporting Countries of Hair Care Products (HSN Code 3305) to the United States (2022-2023) Country Percentage (%) 1
ʻ관세 폭탄’ 정책에 더해 미국 관세국경보호청(CBP)은 원산지 규정을 강화하며 중국산 제품
의 우회 수출을 차단하기 위한 강력한 조치를 취하고 있다. 제3국에서 실질적인 변형이 이루
어지지 않은 제품은 원산지를 그대로 유지하도록 하고, 중국산 원재료가 포함된 제품은 최종
생산지가 어디든 중국산으로 간주될 가능성이 높아졌다.
이러한 규정은 현재 멕시코를 통해 들어오는 중국산 철강과 알루미늄 등 특정 산업에 초점이
맞춰져 있지만, 트럼프 행정부가 관세 정책을 더욱 확대하면 뷰티 업계를 포함한 다양한 산업
으로 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 이는 “모든 중국산 우회 경로를 차단하겠다”는 의지를 보여주며, 글로벌 공급망에 상당한 변화를 가져올 것으로 보인다.
Cutting off Chinese bypasses: Stricter rules of origin signal U.S. trade shift
In tandem with its aggressive “tariff bomb” approach, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is stepping up its efforts to curb the diversion of Chinese goods through stricter enforcement of rules of origin. These regulations mandate that products minimally processed in a third country must retain their original country of origin. Moreover, goods incorporating Chinese raw materials are increasingly being classi fied as originating from China, regardless of their final production location.
China’s Bypassed Exports to the U.S. via Vietnam and Mexico
Currently, these measures are primarily impacting targeted sectors, such as Chinese steel and aluminum rerouted through Mexico. However, the scope of enforcement could widen signi ficantly if tariff policies are expanded further—potentially encompassing industries like beauty and personal care. This strategy highlights a decisive effort to “eliminate all Chinese bypass routes,” signaling a profound shift in global trade dynamics.
자료: 무역협회 | Source: Trade Associations
뷰티서플라이, 중국 의존도 줄여도 비용 상승은 불가피하다
뷰티서플라이 회사들은 2019년 미・중무역전쟁 당시부터 이미 중국 의존도를 줄였지만 여전
히 수입품의 의존도가 높은 산업이다. 이번 관세 정책으로 모든 수입품에 10~20%의 보편관
세를 부과하게 되면 생산된 제품의 가격이 상승할 가능성이 높다. 예를 들어 10% 관세만으
로도 가발 한 개의 평균 가격이 $100에서 $110로 오르게 된다. 여기에 원자재 관세와 물류비
상승까지 더해지면 최종 소비자 가격은 20~30%까지 인상될 가능성이 있다.
미국 내에서 제조된 제품조차 관세 영향에서 완전히 자유롭지 않다. 실질적으로 미국에서만
생산되는 완제품은 거의 없을 뿐더러 값비싼 인건비와 부족한 생산 역량은 큰 장애물이다.
케미컬이나 화장품 카테고리에서 해외에서
Beauty supply companies struggle with rising costs amid reduced reliance on China
Since the onset of the U.S.-China trade war in 2019, beauty supply companies have reduced their reliance on China. However, the industry remains heavily dependent on imports. The new tariff policy, which imposes a universal tariff of 1020% on all imports, is expected to drive up product costs. For instance, a 10% tariff alone could increase the average price of a wig from $100 to $110. Combined with raw material tariffs and higher logistics expenses, consumer prices could rise by as much as 20-30%.
Even products manufactured in the U.S. are not entirely immune to the effects of tariffs. In Fact, very few finished products are made domestically. Now, domestic production faces more challenges such as high labor costs and limited manufacturing capacity.
Beauty companies relying on patented ingredients produced overseas—especially in the chemicals and cosmetics categories—are likely to face substantial price increases, as sourcing comparable ingredients at lower costs is often not feasible. Key components such as coconut oil, palm oil, and other essential inputs for haircare and makeup are predominantly imported. Additionally, tariffs on packaging and support materials further compound the pressure on final product pricing.
As a result, value-conscious consumers may turn to alternative brands or look for products of similar quality at more affordable prices. While this shift could pose challenges for high-end brands, it could also open opportunities for beauty supply companies that provide a wide selection of budget-friendly products.
뷰티서플라이 제품 생산국가, 각기 다른 도전과 기회
베트남: 중국 대체의 강자지만, 감시 리스크 증가
베트남은 신테틱 헤어, 의류, 잡화 등에서 중국을 대체하는 생산 기지로 부상했다. 그러나 원
재료에 대한 중국 의존도가 높아 멕시코 다음으로 중국 우회 수출 무역 감시 대상이 될 가능 성이 있어 일부 기업들은 미얀마와 캄보디아 등으로 생산지를 다양화하고 있다.
인도: 윤리적 생산을 강화하며 품질로 승부
인도는 고품질 휴먼 헤어의 글로벌 최대 공급국이다. 최근 윤리적 생산을 강화하기 위해 인도
내 모든 헤어 수출자는 인도 상무부에서 허가를 받아야 한다. 윤리적이고 투명한 조달 과정을
내세운 인도의 헤어 제품은 관세 정책에도 불구하고 수요를 유지할 가능성이 크다.
인도네시아: 저가 신테틱 헤어의 허브
인도네시아는 가격 민감도가 높은 신테틱 헤어 생산에서 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 그러나
10~20%의 보편관세가 부과되면 인도네시아 제품도 가격 경쟁력에서 타격을 받을 가능성이
있다. 특히 가격 민감도가 높은 제품군에서 소비자 가격 상승이 불가피할 것으로 보인다. 인
도네시아는 생산 효율성을 극대화하고 원재료 조달을 다변화함으로써 이러한 관세 부담을
최소화할 필요가 있다.
싱가포르: 동남아 지역 미국 수출의 최적의 장소
싱가포르는 ASEAN(동남아시아 연합) 국가 중 미국과 FTA를 체결한 유일한 국가로, 미국으로
의 수출 시 대부분의 상품에 대해 관세가 면제된다. 특히 생산비가 저렴하고 지리적으로 근접
한 인도네시아에서 생산된 원재료를 싱가포르에서 가공하거나 재포장해 원산지를 변경하는
전략은 관세 우회 및 물류 최적화를 가능하게 한다.
한국: 화장품, 스킨케어에서 미국 내 입지 강화
미·중 무역 갈등 이전, 뷰티서플라이에서 색조 화장품은 주로 중국에 의존했으나 현재 K-뷰
티는 스킨케어와 색조 분야에서 중국을 대체하며 미국 뷰티 시장에서 입지를 강화하고 있다.
가성비를 강조하는 K-뷰티는 이번 관세정책으로 가격 경쟁력이 다소 떨어질 수 있으나, 미국
내 생산 시설을 보유한 코스맥스와 한국콜마 같은 ODM 업체들은 오히려 경쟁력을 확보할 기 회를 얻고 있다. 이들 기업은 현지 생산과 맞춤형 제품 개발을 통해 미국 시장에서의 입지를 더욱 확대할 가능성이 높다.
Beauty supply producing countries: challenges and opportunities
Vietnam: A powerhouse for China substitution, but surveillance risks are increasing
Vietnam has become a leading alternative to China to produce synthetic hair, apparel, and general merchandise. However, its signi ficant reliance on China for raw materials has made it the second-most scrutinized country, after Mexico, for potential trade bypassing. Consequently, some companies are shifting production to Myanmar and Cambodia to mitigate these risks.
India: Ramping up ethical production and competing on quality
India remains the largest global supplier of high-quality human hair. To bolster ethical practices, all hair exporters in India are now required to obtain licenses from the Indian Ministry of Commerce. With a transparent and ethical sourcing process, Indian hair products are expected to maintain strong demand, even under the new tariff policy.
Indonesia: A hub for low-cost synthetic hair
Indonesia is a key player in producing affordable synthetic hair, a crucial segment in the beauty supply industry. However, a universal tariff of 10-20% threatens its price competitiveness. Rising consumer prices, particularly in price-sensitive categories, could challenge the market. To mitigate these impacts, Indonesia must focus on maximizing production ef ficiency and diversifying raw material sources.
Singapore: The best place to export to the U.S. in southeast Asia
Singapore is the only country in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) with a free trade agreement with the United States, allowing most exports to the U.S. to be duty-free. By processing or repackaging raw materials from nearby Indonesia, which offers lower production costs, Singapore provides an effective strategy for bypassing tariffs while optimizing logistics. This advantageous position makes Singapore a prime hub for exporting to the U.S.
South Korea: cosmetics and skincare strengthen their presence in the U.S.
Before the U.S.-China trade conflict, the beauty industry heavily relied on China for color cosmetics. However, K-beauty has since gained prominence, particularly in skincare and color cosmetics, solidifying its foothold in the U.S. market. While tariffs may challenge K-beauty’s cost-effectiveness, ODMs like COSMAX and Kolmar Korea, which operate production facilities in the U.S., are well-positioned to capitalize on this market shift. These companies have the potential to enhance their competitiveness by expanding local production and developing customized products for the U.S. consumer base.
2023년과 2024년 휴먼헤어와 신테틱헤어 미국 수입 자료를 살펴보면, 이미 헤어 업계는
중국 의존도를 크게 줄인 모습을
확인할 수 있다. 참고로 2018
년 당시 휴먼헤어(HSN 6704)는
중국이 점유율 1위를 차지하고 있었다.
An analysis of U.S. imports of human and synthetic hair in 2023 and 2024 reveals that the hair industry has already signi fi cantly reduced its reliance on China. For context, in 2018, China held the largest market share in human hair exports (HSN 6704).
Synthetic Hair (HSN 6703)
800달러 이하 무관세 정책 축소, 오프라인 뷰티서플라이에 새로운 기회일까?
2024년 9월, 바이든 행정부는 무역법 301조, 201조, 무역확장법 232조에 따라 800달러 이 하 무관세 정책(de minimis)을 대폭 축소하며, 관세 대상 수입품에 기존 면세 한도를 적용하
지 않겠다는 방침을 발표했다.
이 조치는 Shein, Temu와 같은 중국발 전자상거래 플랫폼이 저가 제품으로 미국 시장을 점
령하며 공정 경쟁을 왜곡하고 있다는 문제를 해결하기 위한 의도였다. 그 결과 이러한 플랫폼
들의 가격 경쟁력이 약화될 가능성이 높아졌고, 이는 오프라인 뷰티 서플라이 매장들에게는
새로운 기회로 다가올 수 있다. 온라인에서 저렴한 가격으로 가발과 헤어 제품을 구매하던 소
비자들이 오프라인 매장의 신뢰성과 즉각적인 구매의 장점을 재발견하며 매장으로 발길을
돌릴 가능성이 커지고 있기 때문이다.
트럼프 행정부에서도 이 무관세 규칙에 대한 엄격한 제재가 이어질 가능성이 높다. 아직까지
구체적인 발표는 없지만 향후 4년 동안 관련 조치가 강화될 것으로 예상된다. 이는 오프라인
뷰티서플라이 매장들에게 온라인 플랫폼과의 가격 격차를 줄이며 경쟁력을 회복할 수 있는
중요한 기회를 제공할 것이다.
Human Hair (HSN 6704)
Source: volza.com
Will the $800 de minimis duty-free policy be scaled back: new opportunities for brickand-mortar beauty supplies?
In September 2024, the Biden administration announced plans to significantly reduce the de minimis exemption, which allows importers to use the $800 low-value shipment exemption, under Sections 301 and 201 of the Trade Act of 1974 and Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962. This change would effectively eliminate the current duty-free thresholds for tariffable imports.
The move aims to address concerns that Chinese-origin ecommerce platforms, such as Shein and Temu, are distorting the market by flooding the U.S. with low-cost products. The expected outcome is a reduction in their ability to compete on price, potentially creating new opportunities for brick-and-mortar beauty supply stores. Consumers who have relied on these platforms for affordable wigs and hair products may return to physical beauty supply outlets, appreciating the reliability and immediacy of in-person shopping.
The Trump administration is also expected to adopt a stricter stance on the zero-tariff rule. Although speci fic announcements have not yet been made, measures are anticipated to tighten over the next four years. This could further enable in-store beauty supply retailers to narrow the price gap with online platforms and regain their competitive edge.
관세 인상 전에 철저히 대비하라
관세 인상이 현실화되면 수입품 가격 상승은 불가피하며 사재기로 인해 일부 제품의 품귀 현
상이 발생할 수 있다. 소매점주와 헤어 회사는 재고 관리 강화를 통해 비용 상승의 영향을 최
소화하고 변화에 선제적으로 대응할 기회를 잡아야 한다. 다만, 지나친 사재기는 물류 비용 증
가와 유통기한 초과로 이어질 수 있으니 재고 확보 시 정확한 수요 분석이 필요하다.
• 필수품은 관세 시행 전에 미리 확보
관세 인상이 예고되자 몇몇 기업들은 빠르게 대처에 나섰다. 일부 비즈니스는 트럼프 당선이
유력해진 순간부터 1년치 분량의 필수 품목을 대량 주문하여 물류 창고를 채우는 전략을 실 행했다. 관세 인상으로 가격이 폭등하기 전에 필수 품목을 충분히 확보하는 것이 중요하다.
• 수요 분석을 통한 전략적 재고 관리 매출 데이터를 활용하여 가장 많이 팔리는 제품을 우선적으로 확보하자. 특히 유행을 타지 않
는 헤어 제품, 케미컬과 같은 주요 품목은 꾸준한 소비자 수요를 바탕으로 장기적인 매출 안
정성을 유지할 수 있다.
• 유통기한이 긴 제품 우선 구매
유통기한이 긴 케미컬 제품과 같이 지속적으로 판매 가능한
Be prepared before tariffs rise
If tariff hikes take effect, import prices will inevitably increase, and certain products may become scarce due to hoarding. Retailers and hair companies should act proactively to mitigate the impact of rising costs by tightening inventory management. However, excessive stockpiling could lead to higher logistics costs and risks related to product expiration. Accurate demand forecasting will be crucial for optimizing stock levels without overburdening operations.
• Stock up on essentials before tariffs take effect
When tariffs were announced, some companies acted swiftly by placing large orders for a year’s worth of essential items as soon as Trump was elected. To mitigate the impact of rising prices, stocking up on essential items before tariffs drive costs higher is considered a smart strategy.
• Strategic inventory management through demand analysis
Leveraging sales data to prioritize stocking your best-selling products is crucial. Timeless items, such as hair products and chemicals, tend to have steady consumer demand and ensure long-term sales stability.
• Prioritize products with a long shelf life
Focusing on bulk purchases of items that can be sold consistently, such as chemicals with a long shelf life, is a prudent approach. This strategy helps prevent stock-outs after tariffs are implemented and ensures you can meet customer demand even as prices rise.
and opportunities for the beauty industry under Trump’s
The future of Trump’s tariffs remains uncertain. Will they remain in place indefinitely, serve as political bargaining tools, or allow for exemptions as they did during his first term? Some experts caution that companies might exploit the tariffs as an excuse to raise prices unnecessarily.
During the 2018-2019 period, prices for some products did increase, but not as sharply as initially feared. In fact, the beauty industry has shown remarkable resilience, successfully navigating both the pandemic and the inflationary pressures that followed.
을 보여줬다.
이러한 관세 정책은 단순한 도전을
These tariff policies represent more than just a challenge—they could reshape the industry. They demand diversifying supply chains and increasing local production. Companies and retailers that anticipate these shifts and respond proactively are best positioned to gain a competitive edge, capitalize on new opportunities, and strengthen their market presence.
최근 길거리나 매체에서 머리를 깔끔하게 뒤로 묶은 ʻ슬릭 번
(Sleek Bun)’ 스타일을 한 여성들을 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있다. 세련된
이미지와 우아한 분위기를 동시에 자아내며 특히 요즘 유행하는
ʻ올드 머니 룩(Old Money Look)’과도 잘 어울려 셀럽들 사이에 서도 인기를 끈다. 캐주얼한 자리에서부터 격식 있는 행사에 이르
기까지 다양한 상황에 어울리는 만능 헤어스타일, 슬릭 번의 매
력을 살펴보자.
패션과 실용성을 겸비한 슬릭 번의 매력
머리카락을 단단히 묶는 스타일은 흑인 헤어에서 오랜 시간 중요
한 역할을 담당했고, 프로텍티브 헤어 스타일로도 활용되어 왔다.
특히 내추럴 헤어와 위빙, 포니테일, 번을 결합해 다양한 변형이
가능하다는 점에서 기본 스타일 중 하나로 자리 잡았다. 이 익숙
한 스타일링에 약간의 변화를 주면 새로운 느낌을 연출할 수 있
다. 흔히 알려진 슬릭 백 번(Slicked-Back Bun)과 유사하지만, 가
르마를 더하고 반짝이는 텍스처를 강조해 세련된 슬릭 번(Sleek
Bun)을 완성한다. 빠르고 간편하게 스타일링할 수 있으면서도 어
디에나 어울리는 다재다능함이 강점이다. 캐주얼한 옷차림에도
잘 어울리며, 우아한 드레스와 매치했을 때는 화려함을 더한다.
얼굴을 강조해 자신감 있는 이미지를 부각시키며 시선을 얼굴로
집중시키는 효과를 주기 때문에 강렬한 인상을 남길 수 있다. 현
대 여성들에게 시간 절약과 스타일을 동시에 제공하는 실용적인
선택으로 자리 잡았다.
슬릭 번Sleek Bun과 슬릭 백 번Slicked-Back Bun ,
무엇이 다를까?
겉보기에는 비슷해 보이는 Sleek Bun과 Slicked-Back Bun은
세부적인 디테일과 분위기에서 차이를 보인다. 두 스타일 모두
머리를 깔끔하게 뒤로 넘겨 묶는 공통점이 있지만 Sleek Bun은
정교하고 우아한
잘 묶은
슬릭 번Sleek Bun , 비싼�스타일링 안�부럽다
Stylish Sleek Bun: Chic Elegance on a Budget
Recently, the sleek bun has been making waves both on the streets and in the media, with women everywhere embracing this chic hairstyle. Neatly tied back, the sleek bun exudes sophistication and pairs perfectly with the ever-popular ‘Old Money’ aesthetic, often favored by celebrities. Its versatility shines, seamlessly transitioning from casual outings to formal events. Join us as we explore the undeniable charm of the sleek bun.
Fashionable and practical:
The charms of the sleek bun
Historically, tightly tied hairstyles have held significant importance in Black hair culture, often serving as protective styles. Over time, variations such as weaves, ponytails, and buns have become staples, offering endless versatility and creative expression. The sleek bun takes this classic styling a step further by focusing on a glossy, polished finish. Similar to the popular slicked-back bun, this version emphasizes a shiny texture and can be elevated with subtle accents or accessories for a fresh, modern twist. This hairstyle is a perfect blend of ease and elegance—quick to achieve yet versatile enough to complement any outfi t. Pair it with a casual ensemble for a refined, laid-back vibe or style it with a chic dress to add a touch of glamour. The sleek bun frames the face beautifully, projecting confidence and drawing attention to your features, making it an ideal choice for those looking to make a bold yet sophisticated impression. In today’s fastpaced world, the sleek bun has become a go-to for modern women, offering a practical solution that doesn’t compromise on style.
What’s the difference between a sleek bun and a slicked-back bun?
At first glance, the sleek bun and the slicked-back bun may appear similar, but the distinction lies in the details and the overall vibe they convey. Both styles feature a neatly swept-back bun, exuding sophistication and poise. The sleek bun, however, takes a more refined approach, often enhanced with elegant touches. In contrast, the slickedback bun emphasizes clean lines and a sharper, more intense feel.
All hair is neatly gathered and finished with a smooth, shiny texture.
Create an elaborate center or side part and enhance the shine using hair oil or gel.
A versatile, luxurious style that seamlessly transitions from formal occasions to every-day wear.
포인트 Key Points
스타일링 Styling Tips
Slicked-back bun: Bold and striking
모든 머리카락을 가르마 없이 뒤
로 단단히 넘겨 깔끔하고 강렬한
인상을 준다
모든 머리카락을 가르마 없이 뒤
로 단단히 넘겨 깔끔하고 강렬한
인상을 준다
이미지 Vibe
심플하지만 파워풀한 느낌으로, 얼굴을 돋보이게 하고 프로페셔널 한 이미지를 완성
Formal events, casual outings, and even red-carpet moments. 연출 Perfect For 심플 & 프로페셔널한 룩에 적합, 런웨이 모델
완벽한 슬릭 번을 위한 필수 스타일링 가이드
The essential styling guide to the perfect slick bun
깨끗하게 세척하고 엉킨 머리 풀기
샴푸로 머리를 세척하고 반드시 컨디셔너
를 사용한다. 머리를 감고 난 후 엉킨 부분
을 풀어주는 것이 중요하다. 넓은 빗이나
엉킴 제거 브러시를 사용해 머리카락을 풀
어주며 매끄럽고 부스스함 없이 정돈한다.
Clean and detangle your hair
Use shampoo and conditioner to cleanse and hydrate your hair. After washing, it is essential to detangle it thoroughly. A widetooth comb or detangling brush works best for gently removing knots and creating a smooth, frizz-free base.
Hair is slicked back tightly without parting, creating a clean, bold look.
Use a fine-tooth comb to secure the style and opt for either a matte or glossy finish based on the vibe you want.
Simple yet powerful, this style emphasizes your facial features and exudes professionalism.
Minimalist, professional settings, and runway-inspired looks.
헤어 오일 또는 세럼으로 수분 공급
헤어 오일이나 세럼을 소량만 사용하여
골고루 도포한다. 특히 머리카락 표면의
모발 뿌리부터 끝까지 고르게 발라주는 것이 중요하다.
Moisturize with hair oil or serum
Apply a small amount of hair oil or serum evenly throughout your hair. Focus on the surface, from roots to ends, to create a sleek and polished look.
Infused with protein and moisture, this conditioner helps repair damaged cuticles while leaving your hair naturally shiny. Kiss Glide & Define Detangler
By natures Bio�™ shine spray 무겁고�기름기�있는�형태가 아닌�가벼운�느낌으로 비오틴과�콜라겐을�모발과 두피에�전달할�수�있다. This spray delivers biotin and collagen to your hair and scalp without leaving a heavy, greasy feel.
머리카락이 잡아당겨져서�생기는 손상을�최소화�하기위해 고안된�브러시이다. 내구성과�그립감이�좋다. Designed to minimize hair pulling, this durable brush ensures smooth detangling with a comfortable grip.
베이비 헤어와 잔머리 스타일링
엣지 브러시나 꼬리 빗을 활용해 잔머리와 베이비 헤어를 정리한
다. 엣지 컨트롤을 이용하면 스타일링이 오래간다.
Style baby hair and stray hairs
Use an edge brush or tail comb to tidy up stray strands and style baby hairs. Apply edge control for a long-lasting, polished finish.
빗이나 브러시로 머리 정돈하기
넓은 빗이나 패들 브러시를 사용해 머리를 한 방향으로 매끄럽 게 정돈한다. 젤을 추가로 바르며, 엉킨 부분이나 매듭을 풀어준 다. 목덜미와 귀 뒤쪽 머리카락을 잘 모아 탄력 있는 헤어 밴드로 단단히 묶는다.
Comb or brush through your hair
Use a wide-tooth comb or paddle brush to smooth your hair in one direction. Apply extra gel as needed to tame any tangles or knots. Gather your hair at the nape of your neck and behind your ears, then secure it with an elastic hairband.
고품질�실키한�세틴�엣지�스카프이다. 다양한�패턴과�컬러로�제공된다.
A premium silky satin edge scarf, available in a variety of patterns and colors.
Jam Dip n’ Grip
윤기�나는�텍스처와 강한�고정력을�겸비한 젤이다.
This gel features a shiny texture with powerful hold to keep your style in place.
RA Cosmetics ��KT & Batana oil Superior Grip Gel 강력한�고정력으로�깔끔한 스타일링이�가능하다.
This gel provides a strong hold for a sleek, polished look.
❶ EBIN NEW YORK �� Hour Edge Tamer 강한�지속력과�시간이�지나도�하얀�가루가�남지�않는 고퀄리티�제형이�특징이다.
A premium formula known for strong longevity and remaining free of white fl akes over time.
❷ Red by Kiss Soft & Sleek Edges 항균�처리된�작은�사이즈의�멧돼지�강모�빗과 촘촘한�빗이�함께�있어서�실용성을�더했다.
A small boar bristle comb with antimicrobial treatment and a dense comb for added practicality.
❸ Goiple Hair Wax Stick 스틱�형태라�손에�묻히지�않고�부스스하게�올라온�머리를�정리할�수 있다. This stick is perfect for taming fl yaways with ease—no mess, no fuss.
Firstline Sleek Family Brush 멧돼지�강모가�섞인�브러시는�모발을 부드럽게�풀어주고�정돈하는�역할을�한다. This brush with boar bristles gently detangles and smooths hair.
새틴 스카프로 머리 고정
새틴 스카프를 사용해 머리의 엣지 부분
을 고정한다. 젤이 마르기 전, 스카프로 감
싸면 제자리에 고정되고, 수분이 유지되
며 부스스함을 방지할 수 있다. 블랙헤어
에는 필수적인 과정이다.
Secure your hair with a satin scarf
Wrap a satin scarf around your hair to secure the edges before the gel dries. This helps keep your style in place, locks in moisture, and prevents frizz. Using a satin scarf is important for black hair to maintain the style.
슬릭 번 스타일링의 핵심은 강력한 고정력 의 헤어 젤이다. 많다고
것이 효과적이며
중앙 가르마나, 사이드 가르마로 슬릭 번
의 특징을 살린다.
Use a hair gel with strong hold
The secret to perfecting a sleek bun lies in using a strong-hold hair gel. Apply a generous amount to ensure a secure grip. Finish the look with a clean center part for classic elegance or a bold side part to highlight your features.
익스텐션으로 스타일 완성하기
내추럴 헤어로 번을 완성해도 되고 각종
익스텐션 제품으로 다양한 스타일을 연
출할 수 있다. 헤어 익스텐션을 추가하면
모발 끝을 보호하면서 길이와 볼륨을 더
할 수 있다.
스타일을 오랫동안 유지하는 꿀팁
젤 제거 후 보습: 엣지 컨트롤을 사용한 경
우, 밤에 물로 젤을 제거하고 오일로 보습
하는 것이 좋다.
스카프 활용: 자는 동안 실크/새틴 스카프
로 번을 보호한다.
아침 정리: 아침에 일어나서 엉킨 부분이
있다면 젤을 살짝 더 바르고 다시 스카프
로 눌러준다.
Complete the look with extensions
Enhance your bun with your natural hair or elevate it by incorporating extensions. Hair extensions can add both length and volume while protecting the ends of your natural hair.
Tips to make your style last
Moisturize after gel removal: After using edge control, remove the gel with water and follow up with a nourishing oil to keep your hair moisturized overnight.
Use a scarf: Protect your sleek bun while you sleep by wrapping it with a silk or satin scarf. Morning touch-up: If you notice any tangles in the morning, apply a small amount of gel to smooth things out. Then, press down with a scarf again.
Own the New Year in Style: The Ultimate Socks Showdown
세대 간 양말 논쟁: 발목 양말 vs 장목 양말
때아닌 양말 논쟁이 펼쳐졌다. 발단은 지난해, 팟캐스터 비피 파
슨스(Phoebe Parsons)가 틱톡 영상에서 “발목 양말은 나이를
알 수 있는 증거”라고 주장한 데서부터였다. 그녀에 따르면 양말
의 길이로 Z세대와 밀레니얼 세대를 구분할 수 있는데, Z세대는
발목을 덮는 길이(크루/장목양말)의 양말을, 밀레니얼 세대는 발
목 혹은 그보다 짧은 양말을 신는다는 것이다.
이에 뉴욕타임스가 미국에 거주하는 Z세대를 대상으로 양말 기
호를 취재했는데, 실제로 그들만의 긴 양말 패션을 확인할 수 있
었다고 한다. Z세대가 말하길, “크루 삭스만 신는다” 혹은 “아버
지 외에는 짧은 양말 신는 사람을 거의 못 봤다”는 것이다. 아디다
스 또한 �0��년부터 크루 삭스 웹 페이지 트래픽이 증가했고, 스
포츠 브랜드 언더아머에서도 지난 �년 간 전 세계적으로 중간 길
이의 양말 판매량이 전체 양말 판매량의 약 1/�에서 절반으로 비
중이 높아졌다고 밝혔다.
generational sock war: ankle socks vs. crew socks
The sock war has been heating up unexpectedly. It all started last year when podcaster Phoebe Parsons claimed in a TikTok that “ankle socks are a sign of age.” She suggests that you can distinguish Gen Z from Millennials by the length of their socks: Gen Z favors taller socks pulled up their calves(crew or long socks), while Millennials stick to ankle socks or shorter styles.
The New York Times conducted a study on sock preferences among Gen Z in the U.S. and discovered that they’ve embraced their own long sock trend. “I only wear crew socks,” some Gen Zers said, while others added, “I hardly ever see anyone wearing short socks except my dad.” Adidas has also reported a surge in traf fic to its crew socks webpage since 2023, and sportswear brand Under Armour revealed that sales of mid-length socks have grown from about one-third to half of all global sock sales over the pas t fi ve years.
Completely hidden when worn with slipons or loafers
복숭아뼈가 덮이지 않는 정도의 짧은 길이
Sitting below the ankle bone
복숭아뼈 윗부분을 살짝 덮는 정도의 길이
Barely covering the ankle bone, providing minimal coverage
발목 양말 혹은 더 나아가 스니커즈 길이나 신발 안에 숨겨지는
페이크 삭스를 신고 있다면, 당신은 밀레니얼 전전 세대이거나 유
행에 한참 뒤떨어진 사람이다. 물론 예전에는 중목/장목 양말을
신고 나가면 ‘아저씨’로 취급 받던 시절이 있었다. 그러나 요즘은
장목 양말을 신어야 트랜디한 사람으로 여겨진다. 그 돌고도는 양
말 유행 가운데에 슬라우치 삭스가 있다.
뷰티서플라이 매출을 뛰게 하는 슬라우치 양말
‘Slouchy(느슨한)’의 어감처럼 신축성 있는 소재로 발목에 흘러
내리듯 주름지게 신는 발목 길이의 양말을 슬라우치 삭스라고 한
다. 1980~90년대에 인기를 누리던 패션 트렌드였는데, 최근 몇
년간 다시 인기를 끈 것은 슬라우치 양말만이 가진 다채로운 매
력 때문이다.
편안한 착용감
부드럽고 통기성이 좋은 면 소재와 아늑한(cosy) 원사를 혼합하
여 만든 슬라우치 양말은 완벽한 편안함을 제공한다.(폴리에스터
함량이 높은 양말은 피할 것) 느슨한 핏으로 발목 주위에 조임이
없고 발을 자유롭게 움직일 수 있도록 해주며 부드러운 쿠션감을
더해 하루 종일 착용해도 부담이 없다.
스타일리시한 스타일
청바지와 스니커즈로 캐주얼한 룩을 연출하든, 드레스나
Take a moment to pause and look down at your socks. Which type do the socks you’re wearing belong to?
무난히 착용하는 발목 윗부분이 덮이는 길이
Rising slightly above the ankle bone
종아리를 완전히 덮는 일반적인 정장 양말 길이
Reaching up to midcalf, commonly used for dress wear
Knee-socks 니삭스/하이삭스
무릎을 덮는 길이.
스포츠웨어로 많 이 사용
Extending up to the knee, often used as sportswear
If you’re wearing ankle socks or even sneaker-length, fake socks that hide inside your shoes, you’re either a pre-millennial or way behind the times. There was a time when medium or long socks were considered “old man” style, but now, longer socks are a major fashion trend. Leading the way are slouchy socks, which are making a major comeback.
Slouchy socks are boosting beauty supply sales
Slouchy socks are ankle-length socks made from stretchy material that loosely drapes around the ankle, as the name “slouchy” suggests. Popular in the 1980s and ‘90s, this nostalgic trend has made a major comeback thanks to the colorful charm of slouchy socks.
Made from a blend of soft, breathable cotton and cozy yarns, slouchy socks prioritize comfort (though it’s best to avoid those with a high polyester content). Their loose fi t eliminates tightness around the ankle, offering free movement and all-day wearability.
에스테르 함량이 높을수록 컬러가 선명하고 실크처럼 샤이니한 효과를 준다. 그러나 폴리에스테르는 열에 약하고 흡습성이 낮
아 발에 땀이 많은 사람의 경우 불편을 느끼게 되며 무좀 발생률 도 높일 수 있다. ❸ 좋은 실을 쓴 제품을 선택하라. 눈으로 보고
Effortlessly stylish
Slouchy socks are incredibly versatile when it comes to styling. Pair them with jeans and sneakers for a casual look or with a dress or skirt for a bohemian touch. Their relaxed fi t and draped silhouette add a chic, effortless vibe to any out fi t.
A variety of designs
One of the best features of slouchy socks is their adaptability. They can be styled for any season, occasion, or personal preference. With varying lengths, they complement all types of footwear—from sneakers and boots to sandals and even high heels.
Budget-friendly must-have
Unlike expensive designer pieces, slouchy socks are both affordable and accessible. Despite their low cost, they come in a wide range of textures, materials, and embellishments, including cozy knits, sheer fabrics, lace trims, and even metallic accents.
Tips for Choosing Quality Socks
As slouch socks continue to grow in popularity, beauty supply retailers have expanded their sock selections. From budget-friendly slouch socks to high-end options with quirky designs, most stores now cater to a wide variety of tastes, attracting many loyal customers. However, some customers have complained about socks becoming damaged after washing them. Manufacturers like Company G and Company V, known for their quality socks, recommend the following tips to retailers for selecting reliable products:
➀ Choose socks with a cotton content of at least 70–80%. Cotton is both breathable and durable, making it an excellent choice for all customers. African American customers, in particular, often have softer, more sensitive skin and tend to prefer socks with a higher cotton content and the natural color of cotton.
➁ Avoid choosing socks solely based on their design or color vibrancy. A higher polyester content often produces more vivid colors and a silkier finish, but polyester lacks heat resistance and has low moisture absorption. This can make socks uncomfortable for individuals with sweaty feet and may increase the risk of conditions such as athlete’s foot.
➂ Opt for socks made with high-quality yarn. Look for a firm, dense texture that feels durable, rather than loose or fluffy.
➃ Provide proper care instructions to customers. Ideally, socks should be hand-washed. If using a washing machine, use cold or lukewarm water with a mild detergent, as hot water can cause shrinkage. Whenever possible, skip the dryer and air-dry the socks to help them last longer.
From affordable to luxury! The best socks for beauty supply stores, curated by company
• 고품질 코튼 블랜드로 자연스럽고 아름다운 주름을 연출한다.
• 코튼 80% : 폴리에스테르 1�% : 탄력(Elastic) 섬유 �%의 비율
로 면 함량이 높아 부드럽고 편안하며 통기성이 좋다.
• Made from a high-quality cotton blend, creating natural, elegant wrinkles.
GENESIS SLOUCH SOCKS Size 6-8 Size 1-3 Size 9-11
• Crafted with 80% cotton, 17% polyester, and 3% elastic fiber for a soft, comfortable, and breathable fi t.
• Machine washable
모습을 연출해 준다.
• 일반 제품 대비 1.�배의 길고 풍성한 발목 주름으로 자연스러운
• 스판덱스 핏으로 편안하고 업그레이드된 착용감을 자랑하며, 다양한 스타일에 매치할 수 있다.
Large (Size 9-11)
• Features 1.5 times longer and fuller ankle gathers than regular socks, offering a natural, stylish look.
• Made with a spandex blend for a comfortable, enhanced fi t that pairs well with a variety of styles.
Regular (Size 6-8)
• 다양한 디자인과 컬러 옵션이 있어 자신만의 개성을 표현하는 데 안성맞춤. ‘신는’ 것이 아닌 ‘입는’ 양말로서 Z세대의 취향에 맞 춘 디테일을 살렸다.
• 고급스러운 착용감을 제공하는 �0수 코마사(고급 면)를 사용하
여 피부에 닿는 느낌이 부드럽고 편안하다. 내구성이 뛰어나 오래 착용해도 형태가 변하지 않는다.
• �00 침수로 더욱 촘촘하게 짜여 있어 부드러운 터치감을 자랑한 다. 일상적인 활동부터 운동, 스타일리시한 디자인까지 모두 아우 르는 제품군으로 고객의 다양한 요구를 충족시켜 준다.
• A wide variety of designs and color options, perfect for showcasing your unique personality. Crafted with details tailored to Gen Z’s tastes, these socks are made to be worn with confidence, not just put on.
• Made from 30s cotton fabric, offering a luxuriously soft and comfortable feel against the skin. Built for durability, ensuring they maintain their shape over time.
• Tightly woven with a 200-thread count for a smooth, soft touch. Whether for everyday activities, sports, or stylish out fi ts, VOV SOX offers options to meet all your needs.
In the current market trends, user-friendly products like foaming cleansers and liquid soaps have gained popularity due to their convenience. However, among Black consumers, traditional bar soap still holds a significant position. Beauty supply stores carry a wide variety of soaps, highlighting long-standing importance in their hair and skincare routines. This article explores the benefi ts and types of soap consistently preferred by Black consumers and provides guidance on effectively recommending the products to customers.
Difference Between Soap and Cleansers ?
Both aim for cleanliness but differ in composition and function.
Soap Cleansers
• Primarily made from natural fatty acids (animal/plant-based) and alkali (e.g., sodium or potassium hydroxide)
• Requires minimal preservatives and involves a relatively simple manufacturing process
• Breaks down oil and dirt for rinsing with water
• Known for strong cleansing power, effectively removing skin oils
• Made with synthetic surfactants
• Designed with pH closer to the skin’s natural acidity (pH 4.5–6.5), reducing skin irritation
• Provides gentle and balanced cleansing capability
Compatibility of Bar Soap with Black Skin
Sebum plays a critical role in retaining skin moisture, giving a radiant appearance, and offering protection from UV rays. However, excessive sebum can clog pores, leading to itchiness, inflammation, and acne. Black skin is known for its active sebaceous glands, which produce abundant sebum. This makes exfoliation care vital for removing the dead skin cells, encouraging cell regeneration, and maintaining healthy, elastic skin. In that respects, the bar soaps with strong cleansing properties are particularly effective for Black skin, aiding in exfoliation and sebum control, which helps prevent skin issues.
Dr. Bronner’s
Pure Castile Soap
유기농�오일과�천연�비건�재료로 만들어졌다. 뛰어난�보습�효과로 꾸준히�인기를�얻고�있으며 “발음하기 어려운�합성�성분은�넣지�않는다”고 할�만큼�품질에�우선�둔�제품이다.
Made with organic oils and natural vegan ingredients. Perceived popularity for its excellent moisturizing properties and a commitment to avoiding synthetic additives, advertising “Made with organic ingredients you can pronounce”
All-Purpose Soap for Black Consumers: African Black Soap
Originating from Ghana in West Africa, African Black Soap is a versatile product for skin and scalp health. It helps reduce hyperpigmentation and acne scars, promotes exfoliation, and evens skin tone. On the scalp, it clears residue, relieves itchiness, and maintains moisture for a healthy scalp.
Key ingredients are plantain peels, palm tree leaves, cocoa pods, shea butter, and coconut oil that the ingredients are less damaging to the skin. While it offers strong cleansing, moisturizing skin afterward is crucial to prevent dryness. Dry skin users should be cautious, as excessive use can lead to further dryness. It is recommended to use 3–4 times weekly due to its alkalinity, and remove crumbled parts after use and store in a dry place to prevent dissolving. It should be tested for allergies due to its natural ingredients.
고형�아프리칸�블랙�비누로�샴푸�만들기 DIY Liquid Shampoo from African Black Soap
블랙�비누를�잘게�자르면�따뜻한�물에�더�쉽게�녹 는다. 블랙�비누는�보통�큰�덩어리로�판매되므로 약 ��g 정도를�잘라낸�후, 강판에�갈거나�칼로�잘 게�다진다. 정확한�무게를�맞출�필요는�없다. 예를 들어, ���g(�온스) 크기의�블록을�샀다면�약 �/� 을�사용하면�된다.
source: wikihow.com
Liquid black soap is also available on the market, but if it is difficult to find a liquid product from your preferred brand, you can guide customers on how to easily make shampoo using solid black soap. This usage method enhances the value of the product.
Step 1: Grate or chop 28g (1 oz) of African Black Soap.
When black soap is cut into small pieces, it dissolves more easily in warm water. Since black soap is usually sold in large chunks, cut about 28g (1 ounce) and either grate it with a grater or chop it finely with a knife. There is no need to be precise with the weight. For example, if you bought a 110g (4-ounce) block, you can use about 1/4 of it.
하지만 감귤류�에센셜�오일은�사용하지�않는�것이�좋다. 감귤류�오일은�피부 의�햇빛�민감도를�높여�야외�활동�시�두피에�심한�화상을�입을�위험이�있기 때문이다.
Step 2: Place in a sealed container
Place the soap into a small, sealable plastic or glass bottle. You can transfer the finished shampoo into a bottle that is easy to squeeze, but initially, it’s better to use a sealed container to mix the ingredients easily. Using a container with a tight-fitting lid will make it more convenient to shake or mix the ingredients later.
Step 3: Add 240ml (1 cup) of hot water.
Pour hot water over the finely chopped black soap. The hotter the water, the more easily the soap will dissolve. For the best results, it is recommended to use boiling water. If you want to make the shampoo more liquid, add more water, if you want it thicker, reduce the amount of water.
Step 4: Let sit for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. As the mixture cools, the soap gradually dissolves. Stirring with a spoon or wooden stick every 20 minutes will speed up the melting process. If the soap hasn’t fully dissolved after the water has cooled, heat it in the microwave for about 30 seconds and then stir again.
Black soap can cause dryness, so add natural oils to create a shampoo that softens the hair. After the mixture cools, add oils such as jojoba oil, coconut oil, olive oil, or argan oil. Shea butter, grape seed oil, and vitamin E oil are also good options. If using coconut oil or shea butter, slightly heat the required amount in the microwave to melt it before adding. It’s also a good idea to experiment with different combinations and find the one you like best.
Step 6: Add 10 drops each of essential oils like rosemary, lavender, or peppermint for fragrance and benefi ts.
If desired, you can choose 1 to 3 of your favorite essential oils and add about 10 drops of each. Adding essential oils like rosemary, chamomile, lavender, tea tree, or peppermint not only enhances the fragrance of the shampoo but can also benefit hair health. After dropping 10 drops of each oil into the shampoo mixture, mix well.
• Rosemary oil: Helps promote blood circulation in the scalp and stimulates hair growth.
• Lavender oil: Adds shine to the hair and is effective in controlling dandruff.
• Peppermint oil: Helps with hair growth.
However, it is best to avoid citrus essential oils. Citrus oils can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight, which can lead to severe sunburn on the scalp during outdoor activities.
The display, which determines the first impression of the soap, is a crucial factor in sales. It is so important that the sales volume can differ by dozens of times between stores that display their products well and those that do not. Adding simple descriptions to help customers easily find products that suit their needs is also a good approach. Using decorations that evoke nature (e.g., leaves, wooden trays, small baskets) can enhance the luxurious image of the product. Placing the soap near the entrance or in high-traffic areas is more effective than on regular aisle shelves.
Use discounts for faster turnover
If soap is left in the store for too long, its freshness can decrease, which may reduce customers’ desire to purchase. It is advisable to regularly check the inventory, and for products that don’t sell quickly, offer discounts or promotions to ensure they don’t remain in stock.
Engage customers to explain their situation
Ask empathetic questions like “Do you often experience dry skin?” or “Do you have an itchy scalp?” to encourage customers to naturally explain their situation. During this process, emphasizing the soap’s specific functions and making recommendations will be more persuasive. For example, you could say, “This soap contains ingredients that help reduce dryness,” and provide a more detailed explanation.
Offer samples
Soap is a product that customers can find more appealing when they try it for themselves. By cutting the soap into small sizes and offering it as a free sample, customers can experience the scent and texture of the product. This experience is likely to stick in their memory and lead to a purchase.
Leverage user reviews
Reviews and success stories from actual users are powerful tools for promoting soap sales. Phrases like “My skin has become much softer after using this soap” or before-and-after photos can be attached next to the product to build trust. Another good approach is to allow customers to view reviews via a QR code.
In today’s rapidly evolving marketplace, industries are strategically realigning their business models to adapt to shifting consumer behaviors and technological advancements. One standout approach is the omnichannel strategy, which integrates online and offline channels to deliver a seamless customer experience by unifying multiple distribution channels. Unlike multichannel strategies, omnichannel focuses on blurring the lines between channels, allowing customers to shop effortlessly anytime, anywhere. Let’s explore some omnichannel success stories and discover how you can implement these strategies to elevate your beauty supply business.
An example of omnichannel in action
Ms. A browsed Sephora’s online site for hair care product information and watched a review video by a trusted influencer. The influencer, who had a similar hair type, helped solidify Ms. A’s decision. Ms. A used her accumulated membership points to complete her purchase, appreciating the convenience of avoiding a stressful in-store shopping trip. To simplify the pickup process, Ms. A chose to have her order shipped to a Sephora store near her home, benefiting from free shipping with no minimum purchase. Just a few hours later, she received a notification that her package was ready for pickup. At the store, a dedicated pickup lane ensured a quick and hassle-free experience. While there, Ms. A checked the actual color of a lipstick she had seen online and decided to purchase additional items. Thrilled with her experience, she posted a positive review on Sephora’s website and earned extra reward points. Sephora enhanced her shopping journey further by sending tailored sales promotions and personalized product recommendations based on her preferences for hair care products and lipsticks. This seamless integration of online and offline channels exemplifies the power of an Key Statistics on Omnichannel Strategy
옴니채널전략�통계 | Effective Omnichannel Strategy
��%의�고객이�구매�완료를�위해�여러�채널을�사용했다. 74% of customers use multiple channels to complete a purchase.
Source: Emarsys
약 ��%의�소비자는�쇼핑�시�옴니채널�이용을�선호한다. Approximately 73% of consumers prefer using omnichannel strategies when shopping.
Source: Harvard Business Review
옴니채널은�단일�채널보다�구 매�및�참여율이 ���% 더�높다. Omnichannel generates 250% higher purchase and engagement rates compared to single channels.
Source: Retail Dive
타겟팅된�옴니채널�고객은 일반�매장�방문�고객보다 �배�더�많은�소비를�한다.
Targeted omnichannel shoppers spend 4x more than in-store shoppers.
North America leads the omnichannel retail market with a 30.2% share in 2022.
Source: Coherent Market Insights
New opportunities for the beauty supply industry
Omnichannel strategies are essential for meeting rising consumer expectations and remaining competitive. While advanced technology isn’t a necessity, leveraging creativity and tailoring experiences to the beauty industry’s experience-driven customers can help boost sales and build stronger brand loyalty.
➀ Offer a seamless online and offline experience
Give customers the flexibility to choose how they shop—whether they prefer trying a product in-store before buying online or browsing online and picking it up in-store. This approach is especially valuable for beauty products, such as hair care and cosmetics, where hands-on experience plays a key role in boosting customer satisfaction.
➁ Personalize product descriptions and recommendations
Provide detailed product information across multiple channels and offer personalized recommendations based on customers’ purchase history. For instance, suggest seasonal hair products or skincare cosmetics tailored to specific skin types to grab their attention and enhance their shopping experience.
➂ Optimize inventory management across multiple locations
Implement an omnichannel system to efficiently manage inventory, ensuring customers can access products even during stock shortages. By linking store and warehouse inventories, you can prevent lost sales and improve customer satisfaction.
Successfully implementing an omnichannel strategy requires clear direction and organized execution.
Build a robust digital infrastructure: Develop a technical foundation that ensures seamless data flow between your online store, mobile app, and POS system.
Train your employees: Provide systematic training to help employees fully understand the system and utilize it effectively to enhance customer service.
Incorporate customer feedback: Continuously improve the customer experience by collecting feedback and integrating it into your services and operations.
Omnichannel limitations and strategies
While omnichannel strategies can be applied by retailers of all sizes, many find the technical complexities and high barriers to entry challenging. According to a PayPal article on omnichannel, advanced technology can enhance strategy implementation, but it isn’t a strict requirement. The article suggests adopting a phased approach—starting with existing resources and scaling investments as your business grows. A recommended first step is to integrate customer data across two or three key channels, such as social media, email, and your website, before gradually expanding. The editors also emphasize that “the right approach is to understand that omnichannel is more of a mindset where marketing is viewed through the needs and desires of customers rather than the aims of the business itself.”
쿠션(핑크 쿠션)과
아우라 쿠션 (실버 쿠션)의 쉐이드를 각 3개씩에서 20개씩으로 확장하여 다양한 피니쉬감을 선사합니다.
Amazon No.1 best seller in All beauty categories
아마존, 뷰티 카테고리 판매 1위 이유가
72시간동안 결점 없이 유지되는 커버 지속력
붉은기를 완벽하게 잡으면서 숨쉬듯 가벼운 사용감 쿠션별로 피부 타입을 고려한 텍스처와 피니쉬감
아시아계�비즈니스�오너�대상�강도�급증, 확산�우려
Robberies Targeting Asian Business Owners Spike, Spreading Concerns
Crimes against Asian business owners have always been a reality, but in recent years, they have become increasingly organized and systematic. Criminals are employing sophisticated tactics, selecting their targets through thorough intelligence gathering, and executing their plans with detailed precision. Colorado police told the New York Post that they fear this alarming shift in crime could become “epidemic.” Unlike in the past, criminals today are more sophisticated and bolder, underscoring the need for sharp awareness.
Recently reported cases
In Colorado, a recent wave of burglaries targeting Asian American families has been reported across 15 counties. Westminster Detective Adam Lanning warned that these crimes reflect a nationwide trend, with organized criminal groups working collaboratively to carry out burglaries in various neighborhoods. Police believe these incidents are part of a criminal network and are actively sharing information with neighboring out-of-state law enforcement agencies to assess the scale of the crimes.
A similar incident occurred in New Hampshire, where criminals broke into the homes of Asian business owners, stealing jewelry and cash. Police reported that the perpetrators used advanced technology, including Wi-Fi signal blockers, to determine occupancy and disable security cameras and GPS trackers. “As we shared information with other local agencies, we realized these incidents were connected to a larger criminal network,” said Sergeant Chris Olson of the Londonderry Police Department. Authorities noted that the criminals conducted thorough research on specific homes, targeting them when they were unoccupied.
A string of burglaries targeting Asian business owners in South Florida led to the arrest of several suspects, who were tracked down and apprehended on wiretapping charges. Investigators identified the South American Thieving Group of Colombia (SATG) as being behind the incidents.
Theft targeting Asian business owners, why concerning?
Premeditation and organized crime
These are not isolated incidents of theft, but organized crimes executed with meticulous planning and detailed research. Criminals carefully monitor their victims’ business hours and personal routines, selecting targets with precision. In many cases, they follow victims’ home from their businesses, putting their families at risk. The involvement of organized criminal networks, rather than lone perpetrators, complicates investigations, making it harder to identify and apprehend those responsible. This leaves victims and communities in a prolonged state of fear until these criminal networks are dismantled.
Possible undocumented immigrant involvement and victims’ fears
Some suspects have been identified as undocumented individuals, further complicating efforts to track and apprehend them. Victims report feeling distrustful and frustrated by the lack of progress in solving these crimes. The incidents have caused extreme anxiety, with victims deeply affected by the invasion of their homes and exposure of their personal information. Many fear becoming targets of further victimization, compounding their psychological trauma.
The Solution
Experts emphasize the importance of individual efforts, institutional strengthening, and community unity in combating crime. Preventing and addressing crime requires collaboration among individuals, institutions, and communities. Here are several key approaches:
• Enhancing individual security awareness: Install high-definition CCTV and alarm systems, reduce reliance on cash transactions, and prioritize protecting personal privacy.
• Strengthening government response: Increase patrols in high-priority neighborhoods, conduct aggressive investigations into crimes involving undocumented immigrants, and enhance cooperation with immigration authorities.
• Fostering community Unity: Develop community networks to share crimerelated experiences and exchange information about suspicious activities, while actively seeking ways to collaborate with authorities.
• Petition sites: A petition on Change.org is calling for enhanced law enforcement and preparedness measures to protect Asian business owners and their families from organized robbery groups.
요즘�핫한�헤어�툴 Tool
Trending Hair Tools You Need to Know About 최근�들어�헤어�툴�제품들의�인기가�뜨겁다. 헤어�살롱에�가지�않더라도�유튜브나�틱톡�등을 통해�스타일링을�할�수�있는�방법이�소개되면서, 실용성을�중요하게�생각하는�젊은�층의�헤어 툴�구입이�눈에�띄게�증가했기�때문이다.
Hair tools are making waves in the beauty world. Thanks to styling tutorials on platforms like YouTube and TikTok, more people are learning how to achieve salon-quality looks at home. This trend has led to a surge in interest, particularly among young, practical-minded individuals who prioritize convenience. We explored some of the hottest new hair tools on the market and highlighted their features and benefits.
Hot & Hotter Digital Electrical Ceramic Pressing Comb Curved Teeth Annie
The Hot & Hotter Digital Electric Ceramic Pressing Comb features advanced ceramic ion technology, effectively overcoming the limitations of traditional pressing combs. Its even heat distribution makes it perfect for smoothing and softening frizzy hair, especially for Black women. With five adjustable temperature settings ranging from 280°F to 450°F, it offers versatility for use on natural hair as well as a variety of heat-stylable synthetic hair products. Features such as a digital display on the handle, a specially designed tangle-free power cord, and a one-hour auto-shutdown function further enhance its convenience and reliability.
Gold ‘N Hot 2˝ Ceramic Crimping Iron
Gold ʻN Hot의�넓은 �인치�프로페셔널 세라믹�마이크로�크림핑�아이언으로�시 선을�끄는�매력적인�크림프�헤어�스타일 링을�연출해�보자. ���°F에서 ���°F 사 이의�열이�고르게�분산되어�모발의�자연 스러운�수분과�윤기를�보존한다. 보기�쉬 운�전원�표시등과�편리한�핑거�레스트로 손쉽게�스타일링할�수�있도록�했으며, 세 라믹�크림퍼�플레이트는�열을�고르게�분 산시켜�고열로�인한�모발의�손상을�줄이 는�데�도움이�된다. 또한, 예열하는�데 �� 초�정도밖에�걸리지�않아�빠른�스타일링 이�가능하다.
Create bold, glamorous crimped hairstyles with Gold ‘N Hot’s 2-inch Professional Ceramic Micro Crimping Iron. Designed to evenly distribute heat between 200°F and 450°F, it helps preserve your hair’s natural moisture and shine. It features an easy-toread power indicator and a convenient finger rest for effortless styling. The ceramic crimper plates ensure consistent heat distribution, reducing the risk of damage from high temperatures. With its impressive 60-second heat-up time, this tool is perfect for quick and efficient styling.
The Comfort Edge stainless steel blades, equipped with rounded tips, ensure a safe, nick-free shave and precise trimming. Ideal for sensitive areas, it’s suitable for both men and women. Its slim design, paired with a soft grip and a powerful 7000k LED spotlight, provides precision shaving in dark or hard-to-reach areas. The long-lasting lithium-ion battery delivers up to 2 hours of runtime on a single charge. The package includes three comb attachments (1/16inch, 1/8-inch, and 3/16-inch), a charging adapter, cleaning brush, blade oil, and a highly water-resistant design.
Volume Boosting Air Brush
Nicka K Typhoon 2300 Professional Ceramic Dryer
Typhoon ���� Professional Ceramic Dryer는�볼륨감�있는�헤어스타일을�최대 한�빠른�시간안에�완성할�수�있도록�해준 다. 미용�전문가�수준의 DC 모터와�세라믹 기술을�특징으로�곱슬거리는�모발의�손 상을�줄이고, 동시에�정전기를�제거하여 단정하고�차분한�머릿결을�유지하도도록 돕는다. 스타일링�후에는�쿨�샷�버튼으로 마무리하여�지속성을�높인다.
KISS 볼륨�부스팅�에어�브러시는�독특한 물방울�모양의�배럴이�탑재되어�있어, 닿 기�힘든�모발의�뿌리�부분까지�접근하여 볼륨을�최대한으로�살릴�수�있다. �단계 온도�조절이�가능하며, 세라믹�티타늄으 로�코팅된�배럴은�모발의�열�손상을�줄여 준다. 슬림한�인체공학적�손잡이와 ���도 회전이�가능한�전원�코드, 분리가�가능한 브러시�헤드로�다양한�연출이�가능하다.
finishing touch, locking your style in place
Hot Tools
열을�고르게�분배하는�프리미엄�세라믹-티타늄�플레 이트로�머릿결을�매끈하게�스타일링�할�수�있게�해준 다. �인치와 �-�/�인치�아이언은�각각�스트레이트부터 웨이브, 컬까지�다양한�스타일링을�낼�수�있다. 고급
이온�발생기는�수백만�개의�음이온을�방출하여�윤기 있고�부드러운�모발의�텍스쳐를�완성한다. 프로그래 밍�가능한�온도로�최대 ���°F까지�올라가며, 사용자 의�안전을�위한�자동�셧오프�기능, 전�세계�여행을�위 한�이중�전압,
The KISS Volume Boosting Airbrush features a unique teardrop-shaped barrel designed to reach the roots of hard-to-access hair for maximum volume. Equipped with four temperature settings and a ceramic-titanium coated barrel, it minimizes heat damage. Its slim, ergonomic handle, 360-degree swiveling power cord, and detachable brush head offer versatile styling options for professional-quality results.
Black Gold Evolve Ionic Salon Hair Flat Iron Bundle with (1 in) and (1-1/4 in)
This iron’s premium ceramic-titanium plates provide even heat distribution, delivering smooth and sleek results. The 1-inch and 1-1/4-inch irons offer versatility, allowing you to create a variety of styles, from straight and sleek looks to soft waves and bouncy curls. The advanced ion generator releases millions of negative ions, enhancing shine and giving hair a smooth, polished texture. Additional features include a programmable temperature that reaches up to 455°F, an auto shut-off function for safety, dual voltage for worldwide use, an easy-to-read digital LED display, and an audible alert when the desired temperature is reached.
This iron is the smallest on the market. It features diamond-encrusted ceramic and tourmaline plates that release an abundance of negative ions. The ions enhance shine and seal the cuticle for healthier, smoother hair. Its lightweight body, crafted from DuPont plastic, ensures comfort and ease of use during styling. Additional features include dual voltage for international compatibility, a 9-foot swiveling power cord, a digital readout, and a sturdy yet lightweight body made from DuPont plastic.
The Knot Dr. All-in-One Smoothing Dryer Brush
이�제품�하나만�있으면, 모발을�말리는�것 부터�스타일링까지�모두�가능하다. Knot Dr. 올인원�스무딩�드라이어�브러시는�에 폭시�팁이�달린�플렉살라이트 (Flexalite bristles) 나일론�강모가�당김�없이�머리카 락�엉킴을�풀어준다. Conair 제품은 ���� 년부터�헤어�스타일링�도구�등을�만들어 왔으며, 고품질�헤어드라이어, 브러시, 스 타일링�도구, 헤어�액세서리�등을�판매한 역사�깊은�회사이다.
9 10
From blow-drying to styling, this versatile tool does it all. The Knot Dr. All-in-One Smoothing Dryer Brush is equipped with nylon bristles and epoxy-tipped Flexalite bristles, designed to gently detangle hair without pulling. Since 1959, Conair has been a trusted name in haircare, providing a wide range of high-quality products, including hair dryers, brushes, styling tools, hair accessories, and more.
This 3-barrel curling iron is ideal for all hair lengths. Its ceramic plates produce negative ions when heated, resulting in soft, shiny, and frizz-free waves. Unlike traditional curling irons that can be time-consuming, this tool allows you to style your hair in just minutes. It heats up to 410°F (210°C) in only 60 seconds and features adjustable temperature settings to suit your hair type. The clear LCD display provides an easy temperature readout. The 360-degree swivel cord, tangle-free design, non-slip handle, and insulated barrel tip provide enhanced safety.
CONAIR INFINITIPRO BY CONAIR Curl Secret Automatic Curling Iron - 3/4-inch Barrel
This innovative tool utilizes revolutionary technology to draw hair into the barrel, creating beautiful curls. Its tangle-free design safely pulls in hair and gently holds it in place for flawless styling. You can choose from three preset curl types and three curl directions to achieve a variety of looks. With five heat settings (300°F, 330°F, 355°F, 385°F, and 410°F) and ceramic technology for even heat distribution, it effectively minimizes hair damage.
Golden Key가�제안하는�비즈니스 Tip ‒ 금융
진실�혹은�거짓 데빗카드�편 ➁
Business Tips from Golden Key - Finance True or False - Debit Cards (2)
지난�칼럼에서�언급했듯이�은행에서�손님들이�현금�인출�기계를�이용할�수 있도록�데빗카드를�발급하기�시작했고, ����년�비자(VISA)가�직불카드를 도
As mentioned in the previous column, the banks began issuing debit cards to allow customers to use ATM machines, and the Visa introduced the concept of debit cards in 1975, marking the start of the credit card era. Continuing from the previous column, let’s delve into some common questions about debit and credit cards, particularly the “True or False of Debit Cards”.
Is the debit card safe? – No
There is a common belief that debit cards are safe from the card frauds. This is because you need to enter a PIN to use a debit card, and if the PIN is incorrect, the transaction is considered invalid. However, there’s a flaw: just like in restaurants, there is an option to use the card as credit without entering the PIN. If the cashier doesn’t require a PIN, the cards can be used regardless of stolen or lost cards. In busy situations, cashiers may not have the time to check if the receipt shows “Pin Verified” or just the signature. Even if they notice the signed receipt, there may not be enough time to compare it to the signature on the back of the card. If the card has no signature on the back, the cashiers would bear large burden to resolve the issue. However, if all debit cards require the PIN, it would lead to even more conflicts.
Due to serious issues in card information theft, where the information in magnetic strips was cloned into another card, a new system called EMV Chips was introduced. We are currently living in a time of, so called, one mobile phone per person. Accordingly, with the advent of secure systems like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay, users can protect their information better, as these systems only work when the phone is locked, offering better security than debit card PINs.
Is there a fee difference between PIN debit and credit debit? – No
Many people believe that if you use a debit card as credit without entering a PIN, the same 2-3% fee applies as with credit cards. This is a misconception. You can check your monthly statement to see what types of transactions were made. Even if it’s a debit card, you may find transactions made through the Visa/Master network. Thanks to a law passed by Congressman Durbin, even when a debit card is used as credit without a PIN, the debit rate applies.
We are now in an era where virtual currencies are used for transactions. In some countries, Bitcoin is already used as a national currency. It’s possible that systems for payments using cryptocurrencies may emerge in the U.S in the future. When that happens, people may wonder how transaction fees will be calculated. Keeping abreast of any type of transaction systems, Golden Key will do its best to keep up with these trends and provide services accordingly.
� (���) ���-���� goldenkeypos.com
Byeong chul
Kim of Misung Commercial Co., Ltd. Chapter 6. Discovering Advertising Breakthroughs in Africa
BNB Magazine has been publishing memoirs in the spirit of learning from the past. This year’s memoir series features President Byeong Chul Kim, Misung Commercial Co., Ltd. Starting as a founding member of Misung in the 70s and spanning five decades, his life in wigs is a colorful story that spans two continents and the history of Korean wigs. Based on the vivid oral histories of President Byeong Chul Kim, here comes a vivid account of his time in Africa.
앞선�이야기에서�언급했듯이�나는�미성상사에�입사하기 전, 삼천리�연탄에서�근무하며�삼척�탄좌, 정암�탄광�등 을�두루�거쳤다. 그때�자주�듣던�말이 ʻ석탄은�동발과�바 꾼다’는�말이었다. 깊은�탄광에서�석탄을�캐내려면�갱도 의�붕괴를�막고�작업공간을�확보할�수�있도록�나무기둥( 후에는�철제기둥으로�바뀌었다) 즉�동발을�받쳐야�하는 데, 광산에서는�동발이�들어간�만큼�석탄이�나온다는�얘 기가�널리�통했다.
그런데�낯선�아프리카�시장에 ʻ니나(NINA)’라는�새로운 브랜드를�갖고�뛰어들어�보니�제품은�광고와�바꾸는�것 이었다. 아무리�열과�성을�다해�제품을�만들었어도�소비 자가�몰라준다면�어디에�어떻게�팔겠는가. 과거의�제조업 은�생산�설비를�가진�이가�주도권을�쥐었지만, 이제는�창
The power of advertising in driving sales
As I shared in my previous story, before joining Misung Commercial Co., Ltd., I worked at Samchully Briquette Co., Ltd. and spent time in the Samcheok and Jeongam coal mines. During that time, I often heard a saying in mining: the amount of coal extracted is directly proportional to the number of wooden beams used. In deep mining operations, wooden beams (later replaced by steel) were essential for supporting the shafts, preventing collapses, and creating safe working spaces. In other words, the quantity of coal extracted reflects the effort and resources invested.
When we entered the unfamiliar African market with our new brand, NINA, I realized that we need to build “advertising beams” to create pathways for selling our products. No
의적인�제품�기획과�마케팅을�통해�브랜드가�시장을�주도하 는�시대로�변화하고�있었다. 그래서�나는�제품�출시�초기, 자 금이�부족해서�종업원�급료를�빠듯하게�지급하던�형편에도 우선은�니나�이름을�알리는�광고에�힘을�쏟았다.
니나란�이름이�입에서�입으로�퍼질�무렵, 다음으로�시도한 게�잡지책�광고였다. 당시에는 ʻ아미나(AMINA)’라는�유명한 월간�프랑스어�잡지가�있었는데, 여기에�처음에는�반쪽�광고 를�싣다가�이후�한�페이지로�늘리고�나중에는�세�페이지에 걸쳐서 �/� 광고를�실었다. 광고는�니나의�상징인�빨간색�바 탕에�하얀�글씨로�브랜드명을�새긴�단순한�형식이었는데, 이 것이�아프리카�전역으로�배송되면서�니나�이름을�널리�알리 는�단초가�되었다.
Byung Chul Kim’s
matter how much heart and soul you pour into your product, if consumers don’t know it exists, how can you expect to sell it?
In the past, the manufacturing industry was ruled by those who owned production facilities. Today, however, the market is driven by brands that thrive through innovative product planning and strategic marketing. At the launch of NINA, even though funds were tight and managing employee payroll was a challenge, I made advertising a top priority to establish the brand’s name.
월간�프랑스어�매거진�아미나(Amina). ����년�창간하여 �년�간 세네갈에�본사를�두었다가 ����년�파리로�이전했다. 초기에는 아프리카�흑인�여성을�대상으로�했으나�이후�유럽, 북미�흑인�여성으로 독자층을�확대했다.
Amina is a monthly French-language magazine that was founded in 1972. After spending its first three years based in Senegal, it moved to Paris in 1975. While it initially catered to Black African women, the magazine later expanded its reach to include Black women in Europe and North America.
The first approach was a radio commercial featuring the “NINA CM Song,” sung in Wolof by Senegalese national singer Youssou N’Dour. The song aired on O.R.T.S. during lunch breaks, and soon even children playing in the alleyways were singing, “Ah, NINAO, NINA.” The name NINA originally came from the daughter of a local man who was involved in the early stages of Misung’s joint venture to expand into Africa. The brand name NINA carried a warm and familiar resonance with the local customers.
Once the name NINA caught on, I turned my attention to magazine advertising. At the time, a popular monthly Frenchlanguage magazine called Amina was widely read across Africa. The campaign began with a half-page ad, followed by an upgrade to a full-page ad, and eventually featured one-third-page ads spread across three pages. The design was simple yet impactful: the brand name in bold white text on a red background, the signature color of NINA. The magazine was distributed throughout Africa, marking an important first step in building brand recognition for NINA.
세네갈�외무성을�지나는 니나�광고�버스 A NINA bus passing by the Senegalese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
daughter, Hye Sun, in front of a NINA street billboard (1990)
Bong Sang Lee, President of Misung Commercial Co., Ltd., in front of a NINA advertising bus
As the advertising gained momentum, the ideas kept flowing. Red billboards were erected to catch attention on the streets, and soon I decided to try something more dynamic—bus advertisements. Buses featuring NINA ads became ubiquitous across Senegal, appearing near government offices, markets, and on busy roads. At the time, Coca-Cola and Marlboro were also prominent brands advertising on buses. Interestingly, NINA shared a similar design concept with them: bold white text on a striking red background. This led to frequent side-by-side displays of Marlboro, NINA, and Coca-Cola advertisements in large formats, creating a powerful visual impact.
We even ventured into airplane advertising. At the time, Air Afrique operated a route from Panama to New York City, and passengers fastening their seat belts were greeted by an ad that read “Mèche NINA” (French for “NINA hair”). The idea was to tap into the fact that many passengers on this route were traveling to New York to trade wigs and braids.
The NINA brand wasn’t just visible on the streets of Africa—it took to the skies. As brand recognition grew, NINA products began selling like wildfire. The bold advertising strategy proved to be a resounding success in driving sales.
Samchully Group Chairman Sung Yeon Yoo once said, “Take this money to Africa and see how it disappears—just know exactly what it is.” Our accomplishments far exceeded his expectations. NINA Venus continued reinvesting its profi ts in Senegal without any additional support from Misung Commercial Co., Ltd. Not only did it maintain its advertising efforts, but it also expanded by building factories across Africa.
Opening the NINA photo studio
Founded in 1983 in Senegal’s Zone Franche free trade zone, Venus Industries quickly established itself under the NINA brand, leveraging strong local connections and strategic advertising. Just two years later, the company expanded with a factory in Cameroon, followed by another in Togo two years after that. Interestingly, this growth wasn’t driven by any grand expansion strategy.
The Senegalese factory exported products to neighboring countries like Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and Mali, but the process faced significant challenges, particularly customs duties. Tariffs were imposed at every border crossing, leaving little to no profi t margin. While small retailers sometimes bypassed costs by trucking goods cheaply across borders, this method was impractical in regions where car transportation was difficult. The most effective solution to avoid these tariffs was to establish factories within each country, enabling local production and sales. This necessity became the driving force behind the company’s expansion across Africa.
It’s such an attracting market to give up on, and there’s no silver bullet. As we pondered the challenge, we spotted a niche opportunity: a photo a photo studio. At the time, photo labs were incredibly popular across Africa—if you wanted to make money, you either ran a wig shop or a photo studio. We met a talented young man in Dakar, Senegal, who had experience working at Kodak. We hired him to open a photo studio called NINA Photo in the Republic of Benin, which borders Nigeria. NINA Photo quickly became a business hub for Nigerian merchants, serving as a bridge to Nigeria and helping establish the NINA brand locally. 베냉에�세워진
The process was far more challenging than it might seem, especially in Nigeria, which was a prime target due to its large population and expansive market. The barriers to entry were significant. For example, Nigeria’s main hub, Balogun Market, was already crowded with over 100 braid vendors, creating intense competition. Even if a business managed to enter and sell, currency conversion presented a major hurdle. Nigeria’s currency, the Naira (NGN, ˜ ), made accessing dollars or CFA francs difficult, adding yet another layer of complexity.
The NINA Photo Studio in Benin
아프리카에�널리�퍼진�이름, NINA
그런�과정을�거쳐�나이지리아�시장을�좀�더�파악한�후�결국 에는�나이지리아�공장도�세우게�된다. 세네갈에서�시작된�니 나�비너스는�몇�년�새�카메룬, 토고, 남아프리카공화국, 나이 지리아, 코트디부아르까지 �개�직영�공장을�갖추고�인접�국 가로�뻗어�나갔다. 그야말로�아프리카�어디서든 ʻ니나’ 이름 이�통하던�황금기였다.
Through these processes, we gained a deeper understanding of the Nigerian market, eventually enabling us to establish a factory in the country. Over the years, NINA Venus expanded from Senegal to neighboring nations, establishing six local facilities in Cameroon, Togo, South Africa, Nigeria, and Côte d’Ivoire. It marked a golden age for NINA, as the brand flourished across Africa. As each new factory was established, my role in the company advanced rapidly—from assistant manager to director, then managing director, and finally executive vice president. Whether life truly rarely goes as planned or I’m just framing it that way, I couldn’t simply walk away. What began as a one-year plan for a trip to Africa had transformed into a journey lasting decades.
→ Continued in the next issue
단 �가지�변화로
Wig Transformation is Innocent!
Just 2 Changes can Unlock Countless Unexpected Styles
트셀러 Perfect Hairline 제품의�모든�장점을�유지하면서�두 가지�새로운�기능을�추가했습니다; 첫째, 템플�관자놀이�주변 의�레이스를�넓혀�더�고급스럽고�자연스러운�스타일을�연출 하며, 최신�트렌드인 pre-plucked V자형 widow’s peak 헤 어�라인을�추가했습니다. 둘째, 더�넓어진�레이스를�제공하여 귀�근처까지도�마음껏�가르마를�탈�수�있고, 매일매일�새로 운�스타일을�원하는�대로�쉽고�간편하게�연출할�수�있습니다. 특히�새롭게�선보이는 Widow’s Peak 스타일은�유명�인플루
• 열�스타일링�친화적 연출�가능�스타일: 템플�액센트�브레이드/ 딥 C 사이드�파트/ 지그재그�파트/ 매끈하게�휘어진(Swooped) 뱅/
PEAK 703,702,701
Perfect Hairline-True Frontal has everything customers love about our best-selling Perfect Hairline wigs and more! We added 2 new features: more lace at the temple areas for a high-grade upgrade and an on-trend, pre-plucked widow’s peak. Perfect Hairline-True Frontal offers more lace. With extra inches of lace, she can part her hair anywhere, even near her ears, allowing her to create one perfect style or a new style every day.
Our new widow’s peak style is inspired by influencers and celebrity hairstylists! Now there’s no need to book a hairstylist for a widow’s peak customization!
Styling Possibilities: Temple Accent Braids/ Deep C Side Part/ ZigZag Part/ Slicked and Swooped Bang/ Half Up Half Down/ Sleek Bun & Ponytail/ Double or Triple Part Styles & More!
새로운�시작을�위한 특별한�헤어�케어�솔루션
A Special Hair Care Solution to Kick Off 2025 with a Fresh Start
Black n Gold products are based on natural ingredients like Tea Tree to provide safe and effective solutions for our customers hair and scalp. We believe that healthy beauty comes from nature, and the well-being of our customers is our top priority.
A Special Hair Care Solution by Black n Gold:
• No itchiness | No flakes | Long-lasting style
• A product perfected through years of research and rigorous testing
• Made with natural ingredients, delivering the goodness of nature
• Provides exceptional care for healthier hair and scalp
Introducing Braidmasters’ care line for braids and locs. Designed to support healthy hair and scalp with natural formulas, the products deliver noticeable results that customers appreciate. Move beyond maintenance that feels like a compromise and offer upgraded solutions that enhance customer satisfaction and strengthen your business. Quality crafted by masters makes all the difference.
The Refresher Spray Lemon Berry 8 oz
gently nourishes the scalp and hair while providing a fresh scent. It eliminates build-up and odor. Pheromone Infused for ultimate freshness! (Coconut, Mango, and Pomegranate are also available in the 8oz size)
Knot Remover 8 oz
formula softens and detangles curls, kinks and coils to ensure fast braid & twist removal. It is infused with nourishing ingredients to strengthen and prevent breakage.
Stop Patting Itch Spray 8 oz
Anti-itch scalp treatment, with eucalyptus and natural vitamins. It is formulated to increase scalp blood flow, eliminate dry scalp and remove protective style build up.
Braidmasters Braid & Loc Gel Original 8 oz
provides maximum hold and the ultimate in nourishment. This no build-up formula is alcohol free and naturally formulated to hold, strengthen and increase growth.
• Are your customers coming in tired of itching due to scalp irritation?
• Is the synthetic hair poking their scalps?
• Are they having trouble scratching under their sew-ins?
Stop them from relentlessly patting, with Stop Patting 8oz. spray and 4 oz. drops…this will STOP Patting in its tracks!
Stop Patting 8 oz. 스프레이와 4 oz. 드롭은 유칼립투스와 천연 비타민이 함유된 가려움 방지 두피 트리트먼트로 진정 및 보습 효과가 탁월하여 가려움을 즉시 중단합니다.
세계 최대 전자상거래 아마존마저 진격의 중국
기업들 때문에 전략을 새로 짜는 모습입니다. 지
난 11월 아마존은 Temu, Shein과 맞짱 뜨기 위
해 초저가 제품을 판매하는 'Amazon Haul'이
라는 웹스토어를 오픈했습니다. Amazon Haul
이 기존 아마존과 다른 점은 $2� 이하의 제품
을 판매하며 $2� 이상 구입 시에만 무료 배송이
가능하고, 배송 기간도 1~2주가 소요 된다고 합
니다. 대부분의 물건은 $1� 이하이고 $1짜리 물
건도 제법 많다고 하니 테무와 쉐인을 직접적으
로 겨냥한 듯 보이는데요. 배송이 1~2주 걸린다
고 하니, 아마존 프라임에 익숙하셨던 분들은
Amazon Haul 이용 시 인내심은 기본이 아닐
까 싶네요.
온라인 쇼핑의 가장 큰 걱정거리는 집 앞의 소포
를 훔쳐가는 Porch Pirates인데요. 실제로 온라
인 쇼핑 경험자의 약 ��%는 적어도 한 번은 구
입한 물건을 도난당한 적이 있다고 합니다. 이에
새로운 보험상품까지 등장했죠. PorchPals는 1
년에 $12�의 보험료를 내면 한해 총 3번 $2,���
까지 도난당한 물건을 커버해 준다고 하네요. 최
근 아마존은 도난이 빈번한 흑인 지역 2곳(zip code 2��19 & 2��2�)의 프라임 회원들에게 의
도적으로 배송을 지연시켰다가 소송을 당하기도
했는데요. 이커머스 시장이 커질수록 사는 자, 배 달하는 자, 훔치는 자의 전쟁이 더욱 격화될 것 으로 보입니다.
항만, 바쁘다�바빠!
트럼프 정부 출범 후 추가 관세가 부과되기 전에 물건을 오더하는 기업이 늘면서 미국 컨테이너 항구의 3분기 중국 발 수입 물동량이 전년 동기
대비 14% 이상 증가해 역대치를 기록했습니다.
중국의 물류 회사들도 항만 인근 창고 확보에 안
간힘을 쓰고 있는데요. 세계 최대 규모의 창고 임
대 회사 Prologis에 따르면 올해 3분기까지 미국
내 warehouse 순임대의 2�%는 중국 기업들이 휩쓸었고, 특히 NJ 지역의 올해 3분기까지 중국
기업들이 임대 계약한 창고 면적은 �.6 million
SF으로 작년 한해 면적의 3배라고 하니 당분간
입지가 좋은 항만 인근의 창고 임대 비용은 부르
는 게 값이 아닐까 싶네요.
개봉박두! Three Amigos 2
오랜만에 오공(오콩뉴스 공부) 시간이 돌아왔습
니다! 오늘은 Downward Filtering(또는 Filtering Down; 이하 "DF")에 대해 깊이 알아보도록 하겠습니다. DF는 새로 지어진 주택 단지가 시간 이 지나며 집이 낡고, 동네도 상대적으로 낙후되
면서 기존 주민들이 새로운 지역으로 이주하고, 그 자리를 소득이 낮은 주민들이 점유하게 되는
과정을 설명하는 주택시장 역학 용어입니다. 조
지아처럼 땅이 넓고 도시 외곽으로 확장이 용이
한 지역에서는 이런 DF 현상을 흔히 볼 수 있습
그런데 지난 12월 초 월스트리트 저널(WSJ)에
미국 주택시장에서 DF 현상이 붕괴되고 있다는
기사가 실려 많은 이들의 이목을 끌었습니다. 투
자은행 UBS에 따르면, 1968년 이후 미국의 신규
주택은 기존 주택에 비해 평균 약 16%의 프리미
엄(즉, 새집이 더 비싼 가격)을 가져왔습니다. 하
지만 올해 들어 이 프리미엄이 3%로 크게 줄어
들면서 이제는 새집과 오래된 집 사이의 가격 차
이가 거의 사라졌다고 합니다.
그렇다면 DF가 무너지는 이유는 무엇일까요? 모
두가 짐작하듯, 가장 큰 원인은 주택 공급 부족입 니다. 서브프라임 사태 이후 신규 주택 공급은 줄
곧 부족한 상황이었는데요. 여기에 팬데믹 이후
초저금리 모기지가 더해져 집을 소유한 사람들
이 이른바 '황금 수갑(golden handcuffs)'을 차
고 집을 팔 수 없는 상황이 되어버렸습니다. 매물
가뭄이 심화되면서 기존 주택의 가격이 크게 오
르게 된 것이죠.
이뿐만 아니라, 최근 들어 신규 주택의 크기 축
소도 주요 요인으로 꼽힙니다. 미국 인구조사국
(US Census)에 따르면 올해 3분기 신규 주택의
평균 면적은 2,384 제곱피트(SF)로, 3년 전과 비
교해 약 6% 줄어들었습니다. 이는 건설회사들이
한정된 부지에서 최대한 많은 주택을 짓고 수익
을 극대화하려다 보니, 면적이 상대적으로 작은
타운홈(townhome) 건축이 늘어난 결과라고 볼
수 있습니다.
대화 중에 상대방이 "요샌 오래된 집도 가격이 참
비싸지?"라고 얘기하면 "맞어~ 그래서 Downward Filtering 현상이 사라지고 있는 거야"라며
새해를�맞이하여�따뜻한�열대�지역으로�겨울�휴가를�떠날�계획이라면 wet and wavy헤어를�고려해�보세요. 관리하기�쉽고�생기�있는�룩�연출이�가능
Happy New Year…Are you under the impression that your customers are thinking only this? Well, for many wearers of Braids and Locs it means it’s time for a new look, Happy New Year Happy New Me! You might imagine that having these styles would limit your options, but in most cases, it allows for full versatility. Why? Well for instance… someone wearing braids can have cornrows, box braids, braided ponytails, half braids and half loose in any variation stated not to mention those not referenced.
A great styling point of wearing braids is the use of color. Because braids usually have added hair, either synthetic or human, you can select from a rainbow of options. The colors can be mixed together to add depth in the same way a person adds highlights to lose hair or left as is for a more traditional braided appearance. One can have brown hair but for highlights add a blond mix of hair around the braids framing the face. The hair can be strategically added to some braids in a different color that would give the appearance of streaks otherwise known as Balayage throughout the hair. For an ombre effect a different color might be added subtly only to the last 2-3 inches of the hair to achieve this. Younger customers are much more adventurous. They like to do their hair in bright colors. All in an effort to be more outstanding and to demonstrate their own unique style and creativity. To achieve this, they might opt for stitch cornrows not only with a beautiful pattern but braided with pink or blue hair. As long as you carry a large variety of colors, they will purchase them.
As you welcome the New Year and plan a winter getaway to somewhere tropical, you might want to consider wet and wavy hair. Its manageable and dramatic and it already looks wet, so when you go for a swim, it comes out looking very similar to the way it looked before it got wet. The only thing that limits their styles is the imagination of the wearer and the skillset of the stylist/braider.
Another very popular option is exaggerated lengths; some might find the excess cumbersome and downright dangerous to wear. They will get mermaid braids that are curly on the ends, but those curls will cascade down as long as their knees and believe it or not sometimes even as long as their ankles but that’s not for the weak.
Loc wearers really benefi t in the color and accessory category. Locs too can be styled; they just take a little more creativity and risk. The word risk is used because you have to be willing to bleach your locs to introduce color. If you have naturally darker strands, they must first be lightened in order to deposit color, and this may require bleaching the hair before adding color.
Many of the styles available also depend on the thickness of the individual loc. Based on the width of the Loc, you can put them in colorful hairclips and barrettes, the locs can be made into a bun or two, as well as worn in a wrap and allow the locs to overflow over the top. Again, all these styles are up to the user’s imagination. Maybe they aren’t ready for real Locs so they opt for Faux Locs and get some that are fire red for the New Year or Neon green.
Whatever the style, its temporary, so have fun with them. Remember, a New Year could mean a New You too!
구입 시 꼭 필요한
전량매매 허가서Bulk Sale
비즈니스를 사고 판다는 것은 셀러와 바이어에게 각기 다른 의미로 다가올
것이다. 셀러 입장에서는 오랜 기간 본인의 땀과 눈물로 성장시킨 자녀를 다
른 이에게 시집 장가보내는 느낌일 것이며, 바이어 입장에서 비즈니스 구입
은 희망과 포부를 안고 출발하는 새 여정의 첫걸음으로 다가올 것이다. 따라
서 비즈니스가 매각된 후에도 셀러와 바이어는 서로 협조하여 기존 사업체
가 꾸준히 번영할 수 있도록 최선을 다한다.
이러한 셀러와 바이어의 좋은 관계가 클로징 이후 어긋나는 경우가 가끔 발
생하는데, 셀러의 금전적 책임이 바이어에게 전가되었을 때가 바로 그 대표 적인 예다. 셀러의 금전적 책임 중 가장 커다란 부분을 차지하는 것은 세금이 다. 즉 셀러가 지불해야 할 세금을 다 완납하지 않은 상태에서 사업체를 바이 어에게 매각한다면 그 미납 세금에 대한 책임이 바이어에게 옮겨갈 수 있는 것이다. 이를 방지하기 위해 셀러가 제공해야 하는 서류를 ‘전량매매 허가서 (Bulk Sale Release)’라고 한다.
타주들과 마찬가지로 일리노이 주 역시 전량 매매에 관한 법률(Bulk Sales Law)이 존재한다. 즉, 어떠한 사업체든 그 사업체 자산의 50% 이상을 타인에 게 매각 양도할 경우 이 법률 조항에 따라 합법적으로 진행해야 한다.
부동산 세금은 개인에게 청구되는 것이 아닌 그 해당 부동산 건물에 청구되
는 개념과 마찬가지로, 비즈니스에 관련한 세금도 그 해당 비즈니스에 청구되 는 것이라 생각하면 된다. 따라서 미납된 세금이 붙어있는 비즈니스를 사는
바이어는 최악의 경우 클로징 이후 그 세금에 대한 책임을 본인이 직접 져야 하는 경우가 생길 수 있다. 대표적인 세금 종류는 법인 소득세(Corporate Income Tax), 프랜차이즈세(Franchise Tax), 판매세/부가가치세(Sales Tax), 급여세(State Income Tax Withholding), 그리고 실업 보험(Unemployment Insurance) 등이 있다.
바이어는 반드시 셀러로부터 전량매매 허가서를 받고 구입하고자 하는 비즈
니스에 미납된 세금이 없는지 확인해야 한다. 일반적으로 전량매매 허가서는
일리노이 주에서 발행하지만, 비즈니스가 위치한 도시에 따라 그 해당 도시
에서 발행하는 전량매매 허가서가 추가로 있는 경우도 있다.
만일에 대비하여 바이어의 권리를 확실히 보장하기 위해 대부분의 매매 계 약서에는 셀러가 미납 세금을 정해진 기한 내에 해결하지 못할 경우 바이어 는 합법적으로 매매 계약을 취소하고 계약금을 돌려받을 권리가 있다고 명 시한다.
또한, 만약 특정한 상황에 의해 셀러가 미납 세금을 클로징 전까지 완납할 수 없는 경우, 바이어 변호사 혹은 셀러 변호사가 에스크로 통장을 통해 셀러 판
매 대금의 일부를 별도로 보관하는 경우도 있다. 셀러의 미납 세금에 관련하
여 바이어의 금전적 손해를 방지하고자 맡아두는 일종의 보험금인 셈이다.
만약 셀러가 일정 기간 내에 세금을 완납하지 않으면 에스크로의 대금으로
미납금을 대신 지불한다. 셀러가 세금을 완납하고 전량매매 허가서를 제공하
면 그때 그 대금은 셀러에게 다시 돌려주게 된다.
서로 잘 아는 지인의 사업체를 양도받거나 혹은 널리 잘 알려진 믿을 만한 사
업체를 구입하는 경우라 하더라도 세금을 비롯한 여러가지 채무 관계를 사
전에 잘 파악하여 클로징 이후 불미스러운 일을 최소화 하는 것이 현명한 처
사라 하겠다.
*이 법률 칼럼은 <법무법인 시선>이 속한 일리노이 주 주법을 바탕으로 작성됩니다.
부동산법이나 상법은 기본적으로 주법을 따르므로, 독자분들이 속한 주의 주법과
차이가 있을 수 있습니다.
배겸 변호사 | Principal, Sisun Law LLC
3400 Dundee Road Suite 250,Northbrook,IL 60062
Tel 847.777.1882 / 847.777.1883 Fax 844.318.2087
Email k.bae@sisunlawllc.com l www.sisunlawllc.com
Red Pro, 플로리다�이발사를
RED PRO, Captures the Attention of Florida Barbers
매년 성장하는 미국 내 바버 시장
현재 미국의 바버 시장은 약 ��억 달러 규모로 연
평균 약 3%의 성장률을 기록하고 있다. 시장이 확
대됨에 따라 바버들의 수도 꾸준히 증가하는 추세
다. COVID-1� 팬데믹으로 �만 명 수준까지 급감했
던 미국 내 바버 수는 �0�0년 중반부터 회복세로
돌아서 이제는 팬데믹 이전과 비슷한 �만 �천 명 선
에 이른다. 이러한 성장세의 주요 원인으로는 현재
미국 남성들 사이에서 클래식한 헤어스타일이 인
기를 끌고 있다는 점, 그리고 바버 샵들이 최신 기 술과 제품 도입 등 항상 새로운 트렌드에 대응하고
U.S. Electric Hair Clipper & Trimmer Market Size, by Product, 2020 - 2030 (USD Billion)
● Hair Clipper ● Hair Trimmer ● Blades
The Growing Barber Market in the U.S.
Currently, the U.S. barber market is valued at approximately $5.8 billion, with an annual growth rate of about 3%. As the market expands, the number of barbers has steadily increased. The number of barbers in the U.S., which had sharply declined to around 40,000 during the COVID-19 pandemic, began to recover in mid-2020 and has now reached approximately 58,000, similar to pre-pandemic levels. The main drivers of this growth include the rising popularity of classic hairstyles among American men and the ability of barbershops to adapt to new trends by introducing the latest technologies and products, which have garnered strong consumer support.
The Concurrent Growth of the Barber Appliance Market
The growth of the barber market has led to an increased demand for professional barber appliances. According to market research firm Grand View Research, the North American hair clipper and trimmer market is estimated to be valued at $1.18 billion in 2023, with an expected annual growth rate of 3.8% from 2024 to 2030. In particular, the growing interest among men in personal grooming and self-care, as well as the rising demand for professional tools among non-barbers, is cited as a key factor driving the growth of the appliance market.
바버 시장의 성장은 전문성이 필요한 바버 어플
라이언스 수요 증가로 이어졌다. 시장 조사기관인 Grand View Research에 따르면 북미 지역 헤어
클리퍼 및 트리머 시장 규모는 �0�3년 11억 �천 만 달러로 추정되며, �0��년부터 �030년까지 연 평균 3.�%의 성장률을 보일 것으로 예상된다. 특 히�남성들의�개인�그루밍과�자기�관리에�대한�관 심이�높아지면서�바버�외에�일반인들이�전문가�용 품에�대한�관심이�급증한�것도�어플라이언스�시 장의�성장�원인으로�꼽힌다.
RED PRO New Products Captivate the Florida Market
One of the largest Barber shows in the U.S., BarberCon, held its first exhibition in Orlando, Florida, on November 17. Red Beauty, the hair tools and accessories division of KISS Beauty Group, participated in the show with the largest exhibition booth, given the growth potential of the barber industry in Florida. This allowed them to capture the attention of professionals in the industry.
플로리다 시장을 사로잡은 RED PRO 신제품
미국 내 가장 큰 바버 쇼 중 하나인 BarberCon
은 지난 11월 17일 플로리다 주 올랜도에서 처음
으로 전시회를 가졌다. KISS Beauty그룹의 헤어
툴 및 액세서리 담당 디비전인 Red Beauty는 플
로리다 주내에서의 바버 인더스트리의 성장성을
고려하여 이번 쇼에 가장 큰 부스로 참가했고 그
만큼 전문가들의 시선을 사로잡는 성과를 이뤘다.
이번 쇼에서 RED Beauty가 처음으로 선보인 신
제품은 X-King Vector Motor Clipper이다. 기
존 제품보다 30% 이상 강하고 빨라진 신기술의
Vector Motor를 적용하여 최대 10,000 rpm의
속도를 자랑하며, 지금까지의 그 어떤 클리퍼보
다 가장 강력한 제품으로 바버들이 빠르게 원하
는 스타일컷을 할 수 있게 되었다. 또한 그립감이
좋은 디자인 구조에 메탈 바디로 견고하게 만들어
져, 여러 이발사들에게 진정한 프로페셔널 용 클
리퍼라는 극찬을 받았다.
Red Beauty 관계자는 플로리다가 바버 샵들이
성장하고 있는 주요 시장이라고 생각하여 이번 쇼
에 참가하게 되었다며 “신제품인 X-King Vector Motor Clipper에 대해 바버들이 기대 이상의 호
응을 보여 쇼에 참가한 의미가 있었다. RED PRO
At the show, the Red Beauty introduced its new product, the X-King Vector Motor Clipper. With a new and improved Vector Motor technology, this clipper is more than 30% stronger and faster than previous models, boasting speeds of up to 10,000 rpm. It has become the most powerful clipper ever, enabling barbers to quickly achieve their desired styles. Additionally, its design features a comfortable grip and a sturdy metal body, earning praise from barbers as a true professional-grade clipper.
A Red Beauty representative stated, “We decided to participate in this show because we believe Florida is a key market for the growth of barbershops. The response to our new X-King Vector Motor Clipper has exceeded our expectations, making this show worthwhile. We will intensify our marketing efforts to expand the number of barbers seeking RED PRO products.”
Training Sessions with New Products
Barber Battle
Barber Battle Main Stage
키스�프로덕츠Kiss Products , “Giving Tuesday” 뜻깊은�기부
“Giving Tuesday” A Meaningful Donation from Kiss Products
또�하나의�프로그램인�케어�패키지�프로그램은�롱아일랜드�케어스(Long Island Cares, INC.)와�협력하여�지역�미혼모들에게�식료품과�베스트셀러인�뷰 티�제품으로�구성된 ���여�개의�케어�패키지를�전달하는�프로그램이다. 특히 이번�행사에는�키스�프로덕츠�임직원들이�직접�포장작업에�참여하여�지역�미 혼모들에게�실질적인�도움을�제공하고�그들의�삶을�응원했다는�데�의미가�있 다. 준비된�패키지는�글렌�코브의�나소�카운티�경제�위원회와의�협력을�통해 지역�내�미혼모들에게 ��월 �일에�전달되었다.
KISS Products successfully concluded its 2024 Giving Tuesday initiative on December 3rd through two signature programs- “Matching Gifts” and “Care Packages”- in partnership with local organizations serving the under-privileged communities. Giving Tuesday is a global day of generosity observed annually on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, and KISS Products’ initiative underscores its commitment to fostering sustainable development where everyone can flourish.
In the lead up to Giving Tuesday, on November 19th, KISS Products hosted “Inspiring Stories of Service,” a panel event featuring Pastor Taehoo Lee of North Philly Community Church, renowned for his dedication to underserved youth in inner city Philadelphia, and Kaylin Peterson, the Corporate Philanthropy Manager of Long Island Cares. Over 200 hundred employees from the company’s Headquarters in Port Washington attended, gaining practical insights on how to support local communities meaningfully.
As part of the initiative, the first program- “Matching Gifts”- supported Pastor Lee’s mission by matching employee donations dollar for dollar, effectively doubling their impact. The funds raised will directly benefit programs for youth in North Philadelphia. The second program - “Care Packages”- partnered with Long Island Cares, the Harry Chapin Food Bank, to deliver over 400 care packages containing essential food supplies and bestselling beauty products to single mothers in the Long Island area. KISS Products actively participated hands-on in packing these care packages in a show of solidarity in support for vulnerable communities. The packages will be distributed on December 6th in collaboration with the Economic Commission of Nassau County in Glen Cove.
• 독특한�세대의�스타일: Gen Z세대의�취향에�맞추어�매일 최상의�모습과�기분을�느낄�수�있도록�개발되었습니다.
• Identifying a Market Opportunity: Lela by Ana Beauty® identified a need for high-quality, trendforward haircare products that resonate with today’s beauty enthusiasts.
• Inspiring a New Generation: Our products are designed specifically for the younger generations. Our brand delivers fresh, vibrant products that stand out on the shelf.
• Innovative Product Portfolio: We offer a diverse range of essential products, including sleek edge gels and reliable wig bonds, meticulously created to meet the dynamic styling needs of modern consumers.
• Empowerment Through Style: Developed to empower the next generation, Lela products help them look and feel their absolute best every single day.
최상의�품질, 건강한Human Hair 로�만들어진 �PC 번들과 closure까지�포함된 multi pack
• ���% Unprocessed Human Hair
• � Piece Bundle + ��” Closure
• 한�팩으로�멋들어진Full style 완성
• Bleach, Color, Perm 로�자유자재�스타일링 가능
Exceptional quality now in a one pack bundle, so you can achieve your style how you want it.
• 100% Unprocessed Human Hair
• 3 Piece Bundle + 12” Closure
• One Pack Style Solution
• Bleach, Color, Perm
The COCONUT Short 으로�가장�꾸준히�판매되고 사용범위가�넓은�스타일로 ����년도를�업그레이드�하세요.
• 올게닉�코코넛�오일이�사용됨
• 짧은�길이의�유니크한�룩을�연출할�수�있는�다양한�색상�보유
• 다양한�스타일�보유
• 하나의�팩으로�하나의�스타일�연출에�충분함
Upgrade your look 2025 with the most versatile and timeless short hairstyle -The COCONUT Short Chic and effortlessly sweet, it's your ultimate styling companion for every occasion!
• Infused Organic Coconut Oil
• Pre-Color For A Unique Look in short Length
• Pre-Perm Giving You Silkiness
• All You Need Is One Pack All In Solution
Odeon Professional Ultra Lifting Powder is a professional-grade lightening product offering up to 7, 9, or 11 levels of lift for diverse hair lightening needs.
• Up to 7 Levels – Achieves medium to light blonde shades, ideal for natural or pre-lightened hair.
• Up to 9 Levels – Lifts darker tones to very light blonde or platinum, maintaining hair structure.
• Up to 11 Levels – Provides maximum lift for dramatic results, perfect for resistant hair types. Its formula balances strong lightening with hair protection, delivering reliable, low-damage results. Mix with a developer for customizable consistency and lift.
• Inspired by BOMBSHELL, MAVEN a new and inspired style.
• This style offers a natural-looking bang and an elegant layered length, perfect for daily wear. Achieve an effortlessly feminine and sophisticated look.
Experience effortless glam with Model Model’s Glam Mode Frontal Wig! Crafted with ultra-thin, soft HD lace and a pre-plucked hairline, this wig delivers a seamless, natural look with minimal visible knots. Featuring three stunning styles and a versatile 13x6 frontal lace, it offers endless styling possibilities. Designed for a no fuss, no adhesive install, each unit is GLUELESS with an adjustable band for a perfect fit. Available in vibrant blonde shades and face-framing highlights. Elevate your style with this sleek, chic, and effortlessly wearable wig!
• 우아한�프렌치�디자인: 클래식하면서도�현대적인�감각으로 재해석된�프렌치�네일�컬렉션
• 차분한�뉴트럴�톤�컬러: 고급지고�세련된�디자인으로�모든 분위기에�어울리는�색상�조합
• 오래�지속되는�품질: 뛰어난�유지력을�자랑하는�고품질 네일
• 손쉬운�셀프�네일�아트: 전문가�수준의�프렌치�네일을 집에서도�간편하게�완성
• Salon-Quality French Nails at Home
• Classic style meets trendiness and adds sophisticated touches that elevate your style for every moment.
• Long-lasting Quality: High-quality formula offering durability.
• Elegant French Design: A reimagined French nail collection that blends timeless classics with a modern twist.
Bare Luxe Lace™는�투명을�넘어서는�새로운�레이스 기술로�빛을�굴절시켜�반사가�없고�피부에�더욱�투명하게 멜팅됩니다.
• 어느�방향으로든�가르마가�가능한 �”X�” 의�핸드�타이 레이스
• Bare Luxe™, 감쪽같이�피부에�녹아�들도록 ��% 더�얇아진 레이스
• Pre-plucked된 �"의 깊고�넓은�파트
• Glueless wig 로�편안하고�안전한�착용감을�위한�신축성 있는�밴드
• Fully Hand-Tide 6”X5” Lace Frontal with offering parting versatility with a flat-top finish
• Bare Luxe™, 40% thinner lace for more transparent melting on the skin.
• Pre-plucked Lace Area, with 5" Deep Parting Space
Introducing the latest curtain bang wig additions to the L’SOL brand! Perfect for those looking for a versatile, long-length wig in three gorgeous stylesAll styles have hand-cut bangs and soft, natural layers for effortless movement and a chic finish.
Designed to celebrate diversity, featuring stunning shades loved by Black and Hispanic customers alike. Don’t miss out on these universally flattering colors and a style that’s timeless
• Loved by users for its consistent popularity and satisfaction, FRENCH CURL BRAID 6X!
• Perfectly allows separation without tangling or breaking curls, minimizing hair loss.
• Maintains bouncy curl patterns from root to tip without sagging for an extended period.
• Achieve complete styling with just one pack.
�면�노즈핀 LED 디스플레이
• 맞춤형 �면�패키지
• �면은�개별�포장된�고급�노즈핀, �면은�벌크�패키지�노즈핀 아이템으로�구성되어�실용성 UP
• 취향에�맞게�원하는�아이템으로�자유롭게�채울�수 있습니다.
• 다양한�선택, 무한�가능성 4-SIDED NOSE PIN LED DISPLAY
• Customized 4-sided packaging.
• Two sides feature individually packaged premium nose pins, while the other two sides include bulkpackaged nose pin items, enhancing practicality.
• You can freely fill it with items of your choice to match your preferences.
• Diverse choices, infinite possibilities.
RA Cosmetics의�천연�바타나�오일은�아마존에서�온 ���% 순수한�보물로, 모발과�피부를�복구하고�영양을�공급하는 효능으로�미스키토족에게�사랑받고�있습니다.
• 강력한�모발�복구: 손상된�모발을�되살리고�부드럽고 관리하기�쉽게�만듭니다.
• 모발�성장�촉진: 필수�영양소로�더�두껍고�건강한�모발을 돕습니다.
• 피부�재생: 깊은�보습, 피부�부드럽게�개선, 흉터와�잡티�감소.
• 다용도�뷰티�필수품: 헤어�케어, 피부�보습, 네일�관리에 완벽한�제품.
지금 RA Cosmetics 천연�바타나�오일로�당신의�뷰티�루틴을 변화시켜�보세요!
RA Cosmetics Raw Batana Oil is a 100% pure treasure from the Amazon, cherished by the Miskito people for its ability to repair and nourish hair and skin.
• Intense Hair Repair: Revives damaged hair, leaving it silky and manageable.
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Trim by the line and post it in your store.
BNB 독자�참여 Reader’s Letter
BNB에서는�독자분들의�진솔한�이야기를�담을�코너가�늘�준비되어�있습니다. 참여 를�원하시는�독자분께서는�언제든지�편하신�방법으로�연락�주시면�감사하겠습니다.
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Absolute New York 75 516-399-2045 / www.absolutenyproducts.com