Dairy's Bottom Line January 2016

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Volume 18: Issue 1 January 2016

BOTTOM LINE Sharing ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.

Be inspired, stay inspired IN THIS ISSUE: Editorial....................................... 2 El Nino winter challenges ......... 4 Organic in Wisconsin ................ 5 Manage commodity margins ... 8 Protect dairy’s resources ....... 10 Teat health.................................12 Improve profits ........................ 14 Balance and expansion ............16 Millennials ................................ 18 Mastitis treatment .................. 19 Dairy robotics ..........................20 Retirement planning ............... 22 Reproduction success ............24 Take a fresh look...................... 25 Oxidative stress .......................26 Volatile times ..........................28 BMR corn and herd health......29 Trust ..........................................30 Energy savings ..........................31

Admit it. Getting out of bed is easier when you are excited about what you do each day. In an industry where we all are faced with good days and bad, what inspires us to get up every morning and keep thriving for excellence? For me, the answer is three-fold – my family, my work cowside and having my hands in the soil. I am both inspired and satisfied by hard work and seeing the fruits of my labor flourish as calves grow and our family works together to accomplish common goals. All my life I’ve wanted to be a dairy farmer. I remember following my dad around the barn, trying to literally walk in his footsteps, leaping from one step to the next. While dad and mom milked cows I tended to “my herd” using a pile of rope hauls to corral every calf in the pen. My preschool years were spent halter-training calves, providing “veterinary” care to farm cats and tagging along with dad. My passion for this great industry has grown throughout the years, and I’m happy to share that passion with my family and with my “brothers and sisters” in the industry. While being enthusiastic is easy when everything runs smoothly, it takes deep-seeded passion to inspire us to overcome challenges, beat the odds and


Shelly Mayer with her youngest son, Dylan, poses many years ago with Sarah, his first show calf.

outplay limitations. That inspiration makes us great. It fuels innovation and ambition, and separates the average from the outstanding. Fueling your passion There is a tiny photo on o u r r e f r i g e ra t o r t h a t inspires me — a picture that is faded and tattered from more than a decade of display. It features our youngest son, Dylan, and me posing with Sarah, his first show calf. The picture was taken when Dylan’s firstgrade class toured our farm. For me that photo captures my “why” and the core of what inspires me: My love

of family and farming. I love dairying and am inspired daily by my children, industry family and my love for the amazing dairy cow. As you welcome the New Year, I challenge you to picture what inspires you. Ask yourself “why” …and be honest about your motivation for each day. Inspiration comes from within … it fuels your drive, perseverance and greatness. Let’s welcome the New Year with enthusiasm and excitement for the days ahead! Think about your “why.” Define your success. Be inspired. Stay inspired. Shelly Mayer Professional Dairy Producers

Professional Dairy Producers® I 1-800-947-7379 I www.pdpw.org

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