SEN Policy Revised June 2011 JJ

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Madeley High School A combination of these tests will be used, as appropriate, in identifying and assessing special educational needs.

5. Staff Concerns Staff referrals of pupils who may need additional learning support may be facilitated through: Referral to SEN Co-ordinator detailing a) the type of concern b) strategies already employed to bring about change. Referral through Middle Leader Meetings, Pastoral meetings, Form Tutor meetings. 6. Pupils Any direct request from an individual pupil who is concerned about his/her progress will be investigated by the SEN Co-ordinator using the schools existing identification structures. 7. Assessment by outside agencies Additional assessment will be requested from LEA agencies; SENSS; Schools’ Psychological Service for visually impaired pupils; Service for hearing impaired pupils and other professional as deemed appropriate. 8. The Three-stage assessment model In line with the Code of Practice, a three stage assessment model will be used.

School Action (SA) School action is when a subject teacher, a member of the pastoral team, the SENCO or the “Feeder” school identifies a child with SEN and provides interventions that are additional tp or different from those provided to the rest of the child’s class. As part of School Action the SENCO may carry out further assessment of a pupil to discover their strengths and weaknesses. The pupil’s parents should be contacted as soon as concerns are expressed about their child. As part of School Action an individual education plan (IEP) will be drawn up. The IEP may outline different teaching strategies, equipment or group intervention rather than individual support.

School Action Plus (SA+) When a pupil makes little or no progress despite intervention at School Action it may be decided at a review meeting to request help from an external specialist. The pupil will then be placed on the SEN register at School Action Plus. School Action Plus will involve more specialist assessments that inform planning and allow progress to be measured. A new IEP will be written that will include strategies suggested by the external specialist. The SENCO will co-ordinate the advice of the external specialist and will liaise with parents and teaching staff.

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