
Page 4



Grammar Summary: Student’s Book pages 111–112

2 Those are the city walls

4 Grammar: singular and plural nouns

7 Vocabulary: numbers

Uzupe∏nij tabel´.

Zapisz s∏ownie liczby. Do ka˝dych trzech podanych liczb dopisz trzy nast´pne tak, jak w przyk∏adzie.



21, 24, 27


twenty-one, twenty-four, twenty-seven thirty, thirty-three, thirty-six

15, 20, 25

party visitors

24, 36, 48

copy people

99, 88, 77

boy photos watch

8 Vocabulary: numbers



lunch families film

1 47 + 19 =


2 65 + 8 = rivers

3 55 + 34 = 4 85 + 6 = 5 49 + 62 =

5 Grammar: singular and plural nouns

6 150 + 170 =

Dopisz koƒcówk´ -s tam, gdzie jest to mo˝liwe.

7 466 + 410 = 8 4500 + 3200 =

1 my thing

9 5350 + 4000 =

2 my surname

10 7500 + 2500 =

3 my friend 4 the country

1 Grammar and Vocabulary

2 Grammar: these/those and plural nouns

5 a bottle of water

9 Vocabulary: time

Napisz pytania do poni˝szych odpowiedzi. Skorzystaj z dialogu na 12. stronie podr´cznika.

Napisz zdania w liczbie mnogiej.

6 a packet of chewing gum


1 That’s your key.

Where is the castle?

2 This is my friend.

It’s in the centre of York.

3 This is your map.




? They’re about 1,700 years old.

It’s at half past twelve. ?

5 It’s twenty-five past twelve.

4 That’s your chair.

It’s at quarter to seven tonight.

2 7.30

9 the castle

3 8.45 5 10.15

6 Grammar: prepositions of place

6 11.40

7 Is that your umbrella?

Wstaw in, next to, near lub on.

7 12.10

8 This is my ID card.

1 York is 2 The castle is very

3 Grammar: this/that and singular nouns Napisz zdania w liczbie pojedynczej.

2 These are my pens. 3 Are those your photos?

It’s five past six.

4 9.00

6 This is her cat.

1 Those are the tickets. ?


1 6.05

8 my key 10 the city



7 my name

5 Is that his book?

It’s 900 years old. 3

Those are your keys.

That is the ticket.

8 1.25

England. the river.

3 The school isn’t in the city centre – it’s

11 4.20

the centre. 4 Mexico is

12 5.55

the USA.

5 The city of Davos is

a mountain in

10 Pronunciation


4 Those are the walls.

6 Brussels is

5 Are these the numbers?

7 This exercise is

6 These are the bottles.

8 Page 9 is

9 2.35 10 3.50

the centre of Belgium. page 9.

Wymów s∏owa. SkreÊl nieme litery. building castle centre eighty listen half tonight

page 10.

7 Those are my bags. 8 Are these her CDs?



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