Back to Mack Reopening Plan August 2021

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Mackintosh Academy Littleton Campus August 11, 2021 Dear Mackintosh Parents: Our school’s mission is to nurture the keen minds and compassionate hearts of our students. We remain committed to achieving that mission during this difficult time. Our 2021-22 Back-to-Mack Plan provides a road map for the safe, in-person, on-campus teaching and learning environment we all want for our children. The following plan draws from our Back-to-Mack Reopening Plan from the fall of 2020 and is informed by the most recent recommendations from the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and TriCounty Health Department. It has also been approved by our nurse consultant from Children’s Hospital and is consistent with plans from other Association of Colorado Independent Schools (ACIS) schools. This plan will be revised as necessary. We will continue to stay abreast of pandemic-related trends and the recommendations and guidelines of public health officials, both local and national. We will maintain our essential working relationship with Children’s Hospital and will reach out periodically to the parents and board members who served as members on our Back to Mack Task Force and created the 20-21 plan. We will make changes to our policies when it is prudent to do so. Our guiding principle is to do what is best for your children and their teachers and to provide timely communication with you, our Mack parents. While we had hoped the start of school this August would find our country in a more advantageous place regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, we are confident in our ability to partner with you in providing an excellent school experience for your children. Please review the following 21-22 Back-to-Mack Plan. School administration and faculty will adhere to its principles and protocols and continually support each other and our students in its daily implementation. Warm regards, Diane M. Dunne Head of School NOTE: This document applies to the Mackintosh Academy Littleton campus only. All references to "Mackintosh," "Mackintosh Academy," "Mack," or "the school" refer specifically to the Littleton campus.

Keen Minds. Compassionate Hearts. Global Action. An International Baccalaureate World School

Mackintosh Academy Littleton Back to Mack Plan Fall 2021

We are committed to: The safety and well being of our community: students, faculty/staff, and parents. Open and frequent communication with our parent community. Addressing the social-emotional needs of our students during this very stressful time. Implementing the mission of our school while ensuring its long term sustainability. A few guiding principles and assumptions based on current data: Vaccinations are the single most effective weapon against the spread of the Sars-Cov-2 Virus. Risk mitigation, not risk elimination, is the achievable goal. Rapidly changing circumstances will likely require revisions to this plan and this document will be updated accordingly. We will implement researched and recommended layered mitigation measures including: physical distancing; use of face masks for both staff and students; implementation of strict hygiene protocols; increased ventilation. Success depends on the cooperation and proactive growth mindset of our entire adult community -- faculty, staff, and parents.

Keen Minds. Compassionate Hearts. Global Action. An International Baccalaureate World School

Car Line: Pick-Up and Drop-Off drop-off and Pick-Up

Staff-supervised contactless drop-off and pick-up, which means that staff will not open car/trunk doors, help remove backpacks or other student materials, and unbuckle children from car seats. Students, parents, and staff must wear masks the entire time. Parents must stay in their car. Separate procedures for Pre-Kindergarten are outlined in the Pre-K Student/Parent Handbook. Special Pickups and Drop-off (i.e. for dentist appointments)

Arrange in advance through the front office. Students, parents, and staff must wear masks the entire time. Parents must stay in their car. Separate procedures for Pre-Kindergarten are outlined in the Pre-K Student/Parent Handbook.

Classroom Environments


Adherence to cleaning and sanitizing protocols throughout school. Low-risk activities in Physical Education and Performing Arts. Adherence to social distancing among students and staff. Adults allowed inside campus buildings limited to teaching, administrative and custodial staff; substitute teachers; prescheduled vaccinated parent volunteers; and maintenance staff. Students will have personal supply caddies with very limited community-shared supplies. Water bottles required; no drinking from water fountains. No heat-up lunches, microwave use or community supplies of plates and utensils. In-person field trips on hold. Increase circulation by opening windows when possible. Ventilation systems and updated filters will operate properly per OSHA guidance. Maintain portable room air cleaners with HEPA filters in all classrooms. Balance concern for increased air ventilation with the air quality index.

Additional Considerations

Non-staff adults will not be permitted to enter any building, except for emergencies and pre-scheduled volunteering. If a parent needs to speak with staff, it can either be through email, phone, or outside of the building. Avoid large groups indoors (performances, assemblies). Direct instruction to all students on how to wash their hands and use sanitizer -Entering Homeroom Classroom -Before eating and after using restroom -As needed Practice healthy and safe hygiene with diligent and increased handwashing/sanitizing throughout the day and avoidance of touching face. Hand lotion for student use provided with parent permission.



Research-Based Guiding Principles for Masks: Use of masks is key to reducing respiratory droplet transmission, especially indoors.

Arrival and dismissal are masked for all students and faculty Students, faculty, and visitors are required to wear a mask indoors Students should wear a mask upon arrival and bring an extra clean mask each day. Masks should be labeled with child's name. There will be limited supplies of masks available for those who need them. No mask should be worn when a child is napping or eating. Additional social distancing measures will be in place.

Additional Considerations

Standard face shields are not an alternative to cloth masks. Face shields in combination with personal cloth masks may be utilized. A mask is not a substitute for staying at home if ill. All faculty/staff and students who are feeling ill are not allowed to attend school. The CDPHE has identified practices related to transmission mitigation. Mackintosh will be implementing all recommended mitigation with particular emphasis on the combination of social distancing and masks. When a particular measure cannot be in place (e.g., masks during naps) increased levels of other mitigations will be implemented (greater social distance.) Masks that look like an N95 mask with an exhalation valve are not allowed.



Research-Based Guiding Principles for Vaccinations

The school urges all individuals to receive a vaccination as soon as it is available. Proof of vaccination is required for all adults on campus (including volunteers, maintenance staff, and teachers). Vaccination status and records for students aged 12 and above are required.

Additional Considerations

Vaccinated students and staff will not be required to quarantine in case of an exposure. Individual information about vaccination status is kept confidential. Parents must ensure that all student vaccinations are up-to-date, and required records have been received by school before school starts. We urge parents to contact their child’s primary care physician to arrange for influenza vaccine for their child when it becomes available this fall.

Symptoms, Quarantine, Isolation Plans

If you bring your child to school, you are stating that your child is well to the best of your knowledge and furthermore that your child has not had a direct exposure to someone in the last seven days who is diagnosed or suspected of carrying the coronavirus. Mackintosh Academy Littleton may conduct health screening on any child at any time. Symptomatic students at school will be isolated until they can return home safely. It is expected that a parent or approved pick-up person will attend to their child as soon as possible. If any student/staff presents with any new symptoms or a change in usual symptoms, they should stay home. Students/staff should not be kept home for usual symptoms they experience due to a chronic condition unless they are worse than usual. Students with symptoms that do not resolve within 48 hours will require a negative test prior to returning to school. ❏ Feeling feverish, having chills, or

temperature 100.4°F or higher ❏ New or unexplained persistent cough ❏ Shortness of breath ❏ Difficulty breathing ❏ Loss of taste or smell ❏ Fatigue ❏ Muscle aches ❏ Headache ❏ Sore throat ❏ Nausea or vomiting ❏ Diarrhea ❏ Runny nose or congestion

Additional Considerations

Isolation applies to people who: Have a positive COVID-19 test. Have symptoms of COVID-19 that did not resolve in 48 hours. Minimum of 10 days. Quarantine applies to unvaccinated people who: Have close contact with a person who either has a positive test or symptoms (even early symptoms) of illness. Minimum 10 days with a negative COVID-19 test within days five to seven. If we have a positive case of COVID-19 at our school, we will contact TriCounty Health and our nurse consultant and consult with them on how to proceed.

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