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also were called by some „Free Macedonia‟. But some go so far as to call the whole of the country Macedonia" (Strabo Geography, Book VII, Chap. 7, 6). In ancient Macedonia, or Lyncus, there lived a famous tribe called the Lyncestians, whose inhabitants were part of the ancient Macedonian population. Philip II‟s mother, Eurydice, came from the Lyncestian tribe and actually she was born on the territory of today‟s Republic of Macedonia. Thucydides also wrote about the Macedonian origin of the inhabitants of Lyncus: "There is an upper Macedonia, which is inhabited by Lyncestians, Elimiots, and other tribes; these are the allies and the „client states‟ of the lower Macedonians, but (they) have kings of their own". (Thucydides, Book II). The capital city of the ancient Macedonian region of Lyncus, called “Lynk,” was located on the territory of today‟s Republic of Macedonia. This city was located in the current village of Bukri, located at the curve of the Erigon, or Black River, at today‟s “High Hill” (Visoko Brdo). The ancient Macedonian city of “Heraclea,” also located on the territory of Lyncus, is reported to have been personally established by Philip II of Macedon. Even today, the city‟s ruins are evident on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia and all are free to visit these sites. Other sites found in today‟s Republic of Macedonia include the famous ancient Macedonian cities: Gordinia, Atalanta, Eidomenè and a significant part of the ancient Macedonian region of Amphakstida. That Eidomenè is located on the territory of the present Republic of Macedonia and also was an ancient Macedonian city is further supported by Thucydides. In his description of the war between the Thracians and the Macedonians, in the middle of the fifth century BCE, Thucydides explains that the Thracian army attacked the Macedonians and took the city of Eidomenè:


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