Training Manual for Capacity Building Workshops for Non-State Actors (NSAs) in Nigeria

Page 45

Conclude with questions and answers on the simulation and any other matter arising from the session.

FACILITATOR’S NOTE SOME GENDER MYTHS: Print out the list of some Gender Myths and ask participants to state whether they agree or not giving their reasons.                   

“Training Women is useless because it amounts to investing in another family”. “Men should not cry or show emotions”. “Women should be seen and not heard”. “Men Are More Competitive”. “Women Are More Talkative”. “Women Are More Intuitive”. “Women who are exposed to western education are wild and irresponsible “Women are home makers”. “Women don’t sell or buy land”. “Women should not eat eggs and meat when pregnant so that the kids will not steal” “Pregnant women do not eat rabbit and snail” “Women do not eat gizzard of chicken, they eat the waist because they deliver babies”. “Boys are better in Mathematics”. “A woman’s Education ends in the kitchen”. “Politics is not meant for women” “Women cannot lead” “Women cannot be Ministers of God neither can they preach” Women cannot sit in Council of Elders” “Women do not plant economic trees” “Men don’t cook”


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