English dictionary of islamic words expressions

Page 88


(sg. 'ibaadah)(ii·�) .:.1·�)

• ibn

maryam f.>"' .>-!1

ibaaDiyyah �'-!! Ibadis

'ibaadaat (sg. 'ibaadah) (o.,4-c) �,.,4-c

An Islamic sect whose leader was Abdullah ibn AbaD. The followers of the sect are found in the Sultanate of Oman.

Worship practices

ibaaHah 4-'-!!

Any act of worship, such as praying and fasting.

Permitting, making lawful

'ibaad allaah .Jir "�

See "Hill" .

Servants of Allah

Running away

Male people. Sometimes, it may include both male and female people.

The running away of a slave for no legitimate reason.

'ibaadah o.1� Worship Worship in Islam includes any act of the tongue (such as remembering Allah or saying a good word) or the body (such as praying or helping someone) with the purpose of seeking Divine pleasure. Therefore, charity can be a good deed or even a kind word.

'ibaadat al-awthaan l)jjg�f 0.) 4-c Idol worship Worshipping idols or inanimate deities, such as statues of different persons. See "wathaniyyah" .

ibaaq J'-!!

ibliis �! Satan The name of Satan mentioned in the context of the story of the creation of Adam and Eve in the Qur' an. (See, for example, 15: 3040).

ibn as-sabiil �� �� Way-farer In the Qur' an this term refers to the person on travel who needs help. He is one of the eight categories of people who deserve charity and to whom alms (zakaat) may be given. (See the Qur'an, 8:60) .

ibn maryam r"..>-4 �� Son of Mary


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