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invested in technology, processes, infrastructure and staff. Walker Recycling Services has an environmentally committed track record which means you can be assured that all activities are carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Waste Management Acts, all Patricia Brothwood is the Alex Walker, Ladislav Sindler and office & accounts manager Robert Walker pose for the camera relevant Health and Safety legislation and codes of practice. The company “Yes we would have eight particularly a machine that washes the provides resources, training and controls trucks on the road collecting either the plastic. No one in Ireland is doing that at to ensure that all company activities farm plastics or the cardboard. The fleet the moment. The plastic is washed and adhere to all applications of legislation. consists of Iveco and Renault trucks, cleaned and sold on then. We are “There is a lot of legislation to be which we keep well maintained. We always looking at ways of improving the adhered too in this industry, but it is all have two office staff and seven people business and that is something we will there for a reason and once you stay on working in the yard and seven drivers, all continue to do.” top of the paperwork, it is easier to of who are good workers, which manage. There are plenty of rogue makes the day to day running of the operators out there and they are harming company that bit easier.” Best Wishes & Continued Success to Robert & Alex the industry, so something has to be Robert revealed that he has a good done about that.” working relationship with the Laois Another area of recycling that Walkers and Offaly County Councils now concentrate on is cardboard and (NWCPO) also, which helps to this sees them recycle up to 1,000 tonne alleviate the stress of legislation. per month. With a fleet of eight trucks on “The county councils are very helpful the road, there is always plenty of work and any problems that may occur, to be done at their premises. they are there to advise and help if necessary.” We would also have a good working relationship with the TFS office in Dublin which regulates the shipments abroad. Robert is pleased with how business is going, but that is not to say they are considering expanding in certain areas to ensure that their customers continue to receive a high level of service. “We are looking at bringing in more equipment and Office administrator Lesley Walker

McAteer Recycling Ireland Plastic & Cardboard Processors Best Wishes & Continued Success To Walker Recycling Services The Walker Recycling staff are all highly trained


McAteer Recycling Ireland Tel: 048 30850113 | 0044 7831762634 Email:


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