Luxury Life MAGAZINE No.41 I Autumn/Christmas Edition 2019

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Customers who have already had a classic facelift also benefit from a “liquid facelift”: the areas of the face that have already been firmed up can be sculpted even more beautifully with hyaluronic acid, resulting in an even more harmonious face shape. Dr Tabrizi, in the “beauty scene” beauty treatments have become a lucrative side business. What is important for someone to consider when seeking to choose the right specialist? Since the face is probably one of our most important body regions, I feel it shouldn’t be regarded as a “side business” at all. Frown lines, dark circles around the eyes or puppet lines involve a complex muscular system that needs to be understood holistically and anatomically and assessed individually for each patient. To make sure you are in the best possible hands, I thus recommend finding a specialist in aesthetic medicine who specialises in minimally invasive methods and, in addition to the necessary expertise, is really at home in this field and has the relevant experience. Very important for a perfect result: a thorough prior analysis of the current facial shape, as well as competent advice and in-depth information regarding the possibilities and different methods that will ensure a harmonious, natural end result. Many providers are out there trying to attract customers with low-cost offers. What should be considered in this respect? This is a very important point that is often forgotten – the products to be injected themselves. Hyaluronic acid, for example, is

Swiss Medical Aesthetics in Zurich.

available in numerous levels of quality and also in different compositions, depending on the part of the face that is to be treated. The contouring of the lips requires a different hyaluronic acid

Das Gesicht ist wohl eines unserer wichtigsten Körper-

than the treatment of dark circles under the eyes or wrinkles. In

regionen und darf deshalb aus meiner Sicht auf gar

many cases, low-quality products are used for injections in order

keinen Fall als „Nebengeschäft“ betrachtet werden.

to keep prices low. However, mistakes in the choice of product

Hinter Zornesfalten, Augenringen oder Marionettenfalten

combined with a lack of expertise can leave unattractive marks

verbirgt sich ein komplexer Muskelapparat, den es

– such as overly full, unnatural looking lips or loss of the person’s

ganzheitlich und anatomisch zu verstehen und bei

natural facial expressions. For me it is very important to use only

jedem Patienten individuell zu bewerten gilt. Um best-

recognised brand products of the highest quality. Besides offering

möglich aufgehoben zu sein, sollte man sich deshalb

the best possible expertise, we make sure our customers receive

an einen Fachspezialisten für ästhetische Medizin mit

only high-quality products: those who save on quality and exper-

Spezialisierung auf minimalinvasive Methoden wenden,

tise also save on their personal aesthetics in the long term.

der nebst der erforderlichen Fachkenntnisse auch die entsprechende Routine und einschlägige Erfahrungs-

During our interview, I’ve gained the impression that you are

werte vorzuweisen hat.

very demanding in terms of the final result of each individual

Sehr wichtig für ein perfektes Resultat ist eine sorg-

procedure. Is that accurate?

fältige vorgängige Analyse der aktuellen Gesichtsform

That’s correct. Our goal is always to painstakingly restore the

sowie eine kompetente Beratung und Aufklärung über

patient’s individual facial structure, with a final result that is as

die Möglichkeiten sowie die verschiedenen Methoden

natural as possible. Our focus is on optimising each person’s own

für ein harmonisches und natürliches Endresultat. Medical Beauty

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