Kritische Komplizenschaft / Critical Complicity

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supply and demand within a market will equal out. At that point, all competing forces and tensions are neutralised, everybody is satisfied, and nobody has disproportionate power. The idea of market equiliBrium, and

general EQUILIBRIUM for the whole economy, has been convincing to many great economists, and continues to the present day. However, they have argued incessantly about what it means and how you get there.

Following this model of criticality, the practice of complicity implies concrete consequences for the most important templates of normativity, the institutions. Literary theorist Peter B端rger has famously pointed out: The intention of the historical avant-garde movements was defined as the destruction of art as an institution set off from the praxis of life. The significance of this intention is not that art as an institution in bourgeois society was in fact destroyed and art thereby made a direct element in the praxis of life, but that the weight that art as an institution has in determining the real social effect of individual works became recognizable.4

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