The Bauhaus movement (1919-1933).

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This surge in modernism in the United States inspired Hans G. Knoll to create the The Hans G. Knoll Furniture Company in 1938. The first Knoll location was on East 72nd St. in New York. Knoll hung a sign designating the one-room office space “Factory Nr. 1.”

Fast forward to 1979, when Ron Welch moved from Beaumont, Texas to Chicago to sell office furniture. If only he knew what he was getting himself into! Being from Beaumont, Ron had no idea what design was all about, and he certainly did not understand the commercial real estate industry. Under Knoll’s mentoring, he learned style, design, sales, performance, accountability, financial accounting, and most importantly the higher level thinking skills it takes to satisfy what a customer is looking for.

In 1994, Ron left Knoll to open a furniture dealership, which brings us back to the start of the story. Over a glass of wine, Ron and his wife were brainstorming ideas for the name of his new company. They began flipping through a book of Knoll Designs they had on the coffee table when his lovely wife proposed the name “bauhaus.” Ron contemplated this idea and realized that the joining of the artisans and craftsmen at the Bauhaus school was parallel to that of the design industry.

“Comprensión de Documentos de Arquitectura en Inglés”. Mta. en Arq. Claudia Aispuro. •

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