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112. CUT TO: INT. BRIDGE - PILLAR OF AUTUMN - DAY The hallucination shatters. Master Chief is back on the bridge. His MA5B assault rifle is raised, and firing, and he's emptying a full clip into Keyes. The tendrils that surround him fall away as his bullets rip into the central mass of pulsating flesh. The FORM disintegrates, exploding under the pressure of its spore-filled tumors. As the spent clip drops from the assault rifle... ... the shreds of the Keyes form fall to the ground. MASTER CHIEF ... Is that it? Is the Flood dead? CORTANA Not even close. While there's a single spore, the Flood remains. (beat) But you killed that particular vessel pretty good. Master Chief reaches down into the mess of organic matter and mutated bone at his feet... ... and pulls out the DOG-TAGS of Captain Keyes. He looks at the steel plates a moment, imprinted with the Captain's name. Then his fist closes around them.



Meanwhile, Cortana is working the console. Suddenly, around Master Chief, those monitors that are still functioning all flick to the same display. A COUNTDOWN. Set at TEN MINUTES...

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