Interviu · Interview
Tell me more about the deinstitutionalisation of abandoned children and what this represents for Romania in the context of the next decades? We had a moral duty to attend to that sad and ugly heritage Ceausescu left us. There were around 110.000 - 120.000 abandoned children. Most of those children are not orphans, they have been simply ‘left’ because of poverty or because the parents were sent in other regions. The human duty is to attend to their needs, to provide them with a better future and to close down those mammoth-like institutions which swallow hundreds of children lacking individual care and family love. However, the Governments, regardless of the party colour, have understood this duty. Most of the large institutions were closed, but children are the ones who are left with the biggest problems. Even a child who has a normal start, but remains in such an institution, without necessary stimuli, without love, underdeveloped, cannot really be integrated in society. There are also children who are more difficult to place in foster care, children with special needs and our most important duty goes to these kids, to protect them and give them a better life. This calls for time and resources.
Ce soluție ați da pentru a opri brain drain-ul? Avem o nevoie urgentă de investiții în țara noastră, fie din străinătate, fie din interior. Dar investitorul caută stabilitate. Ei cer ca regulile de joc să fie clare, stabile și consecvente. Crucială pentru ei este independența juridică, domeniu în care mai avem multe progrese de făcut. Cât timp judecătorii nu sunt plătiți adecvat, deci incoruptibili, o să mai avem probleme de guvernare și investitorii vor fi reticenți să se implice în țara noastră. Eu cred că tinerii vor exact același lucru ca și investitorii străini: un viitor stabil, să fie plătiți pe măsura muncii lor, să-și realizeze potențialul. Cât timp nu le putem asigura un viitor optimist segmentul tinerilor va rămâne vulnerabil. România trebuie să le ofere oportunitățile pe care le merită, ca să păstrăm talentul în țara noastră.
While in the past it was utterly tragic, Romania is now a good practice example. But because of poverty and lack of sexual education, the abandonment rate started to increase. What is your solution to end the brain drain? We are in dire need of investments, either from abroad or from Romania. But the investor is looking for stability. They want the rules of the game to be clear, stable and consistent. It’s essential for them to see judicial independence, a sector which is largely lagging behind. As long as the judges are not paid adequately in order to be incorruptible, we will have governing problems and the investors will be reluctant to get involved in our country. I believe that young people want the same thing as foreign investors: a stable future, to be paid adequately for the work performed, to achieve their full potential. As long as we cannot provide them with a optimistic future, the young people will remain vulnerable. Romania must give them the opportunities they deserve so that the talents are kept.
Dacă ați avea această putere, în ce obiect ați materializa încrederea? Încrederea nu poate fi cumpărată, trebuie dovedită.
If you had the power to do so, what object would you turn trust into? trust cannot be bought, it must be evidenced.
Trei personalități istorice pentru care v-ați fi simțit onorată să organizați un bal caritabil… Nelson Mandela, Regina Maria, Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Marie Curie, Regina Elisabeta (prima și a doua), Maica Tereza, lista mea ar fi lungă....
Three historical figures you would be honoured to organise a charity ball for … Nelson Mandela, Queen Maria, Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Marie Curie, Queen Elisabeth (the first and the second), Mother Theresa, the list is long...
O carte care să ne responsabilizeze.. Shakespeare și Biblia… Toate principiile de responsabilitate sunt foarte bine reliefate.
A book to make us more responsible … Shakespeare and the Bible… All responsibility related principles are very well emphasized.