Teaching scotland's future pdf

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teaching Scotland’S future

Teacher Education and Training: A Study (Sir Stewart Sutherland, HMSO 1997) Teacher Education in Transition: re-forming professionalism? (Furlong et al, Open University Press, 2000) Teacher Education Institutions (In Bryce, T. and Humes, W. (Eds.) Scottish Education (3rd Edn.) Edinburgh, University Press. Menter, 2008) Teacher educators’ induction into Higher Education: work-based learning in the microcommunities of teacher education (European Journal of Teacher Education 31(2) Murray, 2008) Teacher Training from 1977 Onwards (SED, 1977, January) Teachers (Education, Training and Recommendation for Registration (Scotland) Regulations 1993 (Scottish Executive, 1993) Teachers’ continuing professional development (CPD): contested concepts, understandings and models (Journal of In-Service Education, 33(2). Fraser, C., Kennedy, A., Reid, L. and McKinney, S., 2007) Teachers Matter (OECD, 2005) Teachers’ perceptions of continuing professional Development (Hustler et al, DfES Research Report No. 429, Nottingham, DfES, 2003) Teaching and Learning International Survey (OECD, 2009) Tears, laughter, camaraderie: professional development for headteachers (Woods et al, School Leadership and Management, 29(3), 253-275, 2009) The Early Years Framework (Scottish Government and Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, 2008) The link between teacher quality and student outcomes: a research synthesis (Goe, L, Washington, DC: National Comprehensive Centre on Teacher Quality, 2007) The revised Standard for Chartered Teacher (Scottish Government and GTC Scotland, 2009) Tomorrow’s Doctors – Outcomes and Standards for Undergraduate Medical Education (General Medical Council, 2009) Tomorrow’s Doctors (General Medical Council, 2009) Transforming Teacher Education (National Institute of Education Singapore, 2008) UK Government’s Education White Paper (UK Government, November 2010) What are the effects of induction and mentoring on beginning teacher turnover? (American Educational Research Journal, 41(3), Smith, T. and Ingersoll, R., 2004) What do specialists do in CPD programmes for which there is evidence of positive outcomes for pupils and teachers? (Cordingley et al. Research Evidence in Education Library. London: EPPICentre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, 2007) What is teacher learning? (P Kelly, Oxford Review of Education 32(4), 505-519, 2006) Young Scot – Review of Teacher Education in Scotland Survey Results (Young Scot, 2010)

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