INSIGHT Volume 2 Issue 4

Page 9

Mixed reality is already present in some churches as the congregation at a satellite location hears a sermon presented by a digital hologram of the preacher miles away. Could even more advanced technology be incorporated in worship, to actually transport important church leaders of the past into a live service? Alternatively, will technological advances allow an entire congregation to be transported to the Hagia Sophia in sixth-century Constantinople to hear a sung sermon by Romanus the Melodist or into eighteenth-century London to sing with Isaac Watts? Twenty years ago connecting with the saints of the past in this way would have only been possible with Dr. Emmet Brown and a Delorian Time Machine, yet through mixed reality Christian worshipers of the future may be able to seemingly travel back to the past. To many, the future is bleak or scary, yet to others there are endless opportunities. The Church needs leaders filled with a biblical vision of the unified and diverse worship of the future age, and who are theologically informed to discern and implement new technologies. LST is positioning itself to raise up leaders who will engage with the future, today. In the Music & Worship Programmes, we are committed to train leaders who can create theologically informed songs, prayers and sermons that are contextualized to the cultures within their unique postal code. As we immerse ourselves in theological reflection and experiment with new indigenous styles and structures of worship, we also long for a deep experience and connection with the church of the past. Will it be possible to experience worship with Romanus, Watts, and Calvin avatars in a mixed reality? Only time will tell. Nonetheless, we do look forward to the hopeful future as the indigenous expressions of worship arise from communities across the earth and unite globally in their worship to the One who sits on the throne and to the Lamb. Jeremy Perigo Director of Music and Worship Programmes & Lecturer in Worship

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