LSD Magazine Issue 8 - Walls of Perception

Page 293

and play off around this – tiny windows of fleeting illumination, because realistically, this conversation could take us the rest of our lives. I’ll give you a couple of the ones I came up with recently.

but if that’s the case, one of the defining characteristics of a living organism is reproduction. So how does Gaia reproduce? And if Gaia is alive, by analogy, so is the whole universe alive – so how does THAT reproduce?

Here’s an unrelated one while I look through the list of riffs–

A friend of mine is called Yosefia– she tells me that- like Joseph- it means ‘God Increases’…… now that’s a pretty radical concept...And a ‘DJ’s spin but are scared of revolution’. Google really cool name. It kindof answers the old the last 3 words for a ref to the roots of Rap. questions that philosophers used to get hung up on the Middle Ages, like ‘Can God build a Here’s a Theory of Everything. The universe wall so high he cannot jump over it?’. I believe reproduces by generating intelligent, curious that God does want to grow. By God I mean lifeforms who then build huge machines eg the collective intelligence of the universe, Large Hadron Colliders to answer questions about the nature of the universe. The colossal because I don’t have any problem with the energies produced by these machines colliding word ‘God’, or ‘religion’, or ‘Christianity’, and while a lot of people are allergic to those particles at near light speed trigger next big bangs which destroy this universe but produce terms, I do sometimes wish them to have that new ones. A bit like waking someone up to ask allergic response so they can swell up a bit and then heal. Some are absolutely convinced if they were asleep. But hey……That’s life. that God IS NOT some old guy in the sky with That to me is quite a plausible theory. People a beard and they’re fundamentally trapped by talk about Gaia being a living organism, the idea of that God that they don’t believe

Image - Chimera

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