Focus on bullying Student's book

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Focus on Bullying will tell you about teenage bullying in North America. The book is put together from firsthand accounts, websites, newspaper articles, poetry, short stories, and videos. You will hear the stories of students who have ex­perienced bullying and meet parents who have lost their child due to bully-related suicide. You will see how bullying is handled in the USA and get plenty of chances to reflect on and compare it to your own experience.

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ISBN 978-87-23-51553-7


With social media being part of teenagers’ lives inside and outside of school, bullying is no longer restricted to school. Cyberbullying is a growing problem that has turned bullying into a 24/7 ordeal.

focus on

Bullying is a global issue. Around the world, schools, parents, and governments focus on addressing and preventing it. But we still hear about bullying victims committing suicide and children being traumatized for life.

focus on


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focus on




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FOCUS ON BULLYING Heidi Kokholm og Lene Nielsen © 2017 Alinea, København – et forlag under Lindhardt og Ringhof Forlag A/S, et selskab i Egmont Mekanisk, fotografisk, elektronisk eller anden gengivelse af denne bog eller dele heraf er kun tilladt efter Copy-Dans regler.

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Forlagsredaktion: Sara Barbou des Places


Billedredaktør: Vibeke Sommer

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Grafisk tilrettelægning: Mette Plesner Omslagslayout: Mette Plesner

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Illustrationer: LLUSTRA/Simon Bodh Nielsen

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Trykkeri: Livonia Print

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1. udgave, 1. oplag 2017 ISBN: 978-87-23-51553-7



11 Eulogy. ©Ron Streeter.; 12-13 The Alex Harrison Memorial

Front page: FatCamera/iStock; 4 gemenacom/iStock/Think-

Foundation. Reprinted with permission by PK Harrison.; 18-19

stock; 7 RADsan/iStock/Thinkstock; 8 Martha Irvine/AP/Polfoto;

The Bullying Circle: Courtesy of Olweus Bullying Prevention

10-11 Martha Irvine/AP/Polfoto; 12 Martha Irvine/AP/Polfoto;

Program and Hazelden Publishing. ; 24-25 The role of the

14 PeopleImages/iStock; 14-15 Khoon Lay Gan/Alamy/All Over

Bystander. Inspired by

Press; 16-17 Digital Vision/Photodisc/Thinkstock; 20-21 Voisin/

html.; 30-32 The Bully’s Side of the Story. Excerpt from Greene;

Phanie/REX/All Over Press; 22-23 JonathanBessemanns/iStock/

The Bully’s side of the Story by Lauren/ThisTimeIMeanIt from:

Thinkstock; 24-25 Movie “17 Again” ©New Line Cinema/Cour-’s-side-of-

tesy Everett Collection/All Over Press; 26-27 Zorani/iStock 28øv

the-story; 33 The Bully: by ThisGirlWillMakeMistakes, reprinted

Mim Friday/Alamy/All Over Press; 28mv Gallery-1441136809-

with permission by Teen Ink magazine and;

ht-lady-gaga; 28nv Dennis Van Tine/Future Image/

40 Amanda Todd: Bullied Teen Made Disturbing Video Before

All Over Press; 28nh Splash News/All Over Press; 29øv Matt

Her Suicide: by Johnny Dodd, October 17, 2012. PEOPLE

Sayles/AP/Polfoto; 29nv. Logan Cyrus/AFP/Scanpix; 29øh You-

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stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about it (video):

44ø YouTube/Fine Brothers Entertainment; 44n YouTube/Fine

Used with permission by Emma Holten & Cecilie Jensen Bød-

Brothers Entertainment; 46-47 Frances Roberts/Alamy/All Over

ker.; 42 Amanda Todd: Bullied girl’s memorial pages targeted

Press; 48 portrait: the authors; 49 Splash News/Fox News/All

by negative messages: by Micah Luxen, October 13, 2012.

Over Press; 50-51 Rafinade/iStock/Thinkstock; 52ø portrait: the

Reprinted with permission – Torstar Syndication Services.;

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44 YouTube: Teens react to Bullying: Fine Brothers Entertain-

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ment, ;

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54-55 The Bullycide Project (video and photos). Printed with permission by Lori Thompson. Please observe: We have made an effort to contact rights holders and to receive permissions; if you are aware of any errors, please contact us, and we will make the necessary corrections.

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CONTENTS Introduction 4 Chapter one – When Bullying Turns Deadly 6 The Story of Alex Harrison


Ron Streeter


The Alex Harrison Memorial Foundation


You have been RAK’d


Chapter two – The Dynamics of Bullying 16 The Bullying Circle


Facts on Bullying


Warning Signs and Effects of Bullying


American Voices on Bullying


The Role of the Bystander


Focusing on the Victim


The Lady Gaga Story


The Bully’s Side of the Story


The Bully – a poem


Chapter three – When Bullying Goes Online 34 On Cyberbullying


Sexting 38 Amanda Todd ...


Bullied girl’s memorial pages ...


Teens React to Bullying


Chapter four – What Can Be Done? 46 The Legal System


When Schools Take Actions


Is Cyber Control the Answer?


The Bullycide Project


Student Run Initiative


Cooperative Learning 58 Glossary 59

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ullying is a global issue for children and teenagers. Around the world, schools, parents, and governments focus on addressing and preventing it. But we still hear about bullying victims committing suicide and children being traumatized

for life. Bullying is repeated purposely aggressive behavior based on an imbalance of power. It can take many forms. It can be verbal, physical, psychological, or social. Bullying includes actions such as name-calling, attacking someone physically or verbally, spreading rumors, making threats, or leaving someone out. With social media being part of teenagers’ lives inside and outside of school, bullying is no longer restricted to school. Cyberbullying is a growing problem that has turned bullying into a 24/7 ordeal. Focus on Bullying will tell you about teenage bullying in North America. You will hear the stories of students who have experienced bullying and meet parents who have lost their child due to bully-related suicide. You will see how bullying is handled in the USA and get plenty of chances to reflect on and compare it to your own ex­perience and

how bullying is handled in Denmark. The book is put together from first-hand accounts, websites, newspaper articles, poetry, short stories, and videos. It is built on a communicative approach to language learning and includes a variety of Cooperative Learning activities. On the website you will find additional digital resources such as soundtracks, videos, links, and worksheets. Good reading, Lene Nielsen and Heidi Kokholm.


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Chapter one


ullying is a degrading and challenging experience that can happen to anyone and for no apparent reason. In most cases, the victim is able to express his or her worries to immediate family or to his or her teachers

at school. Sometimes this is enough to stop the harassment. However, occasionally it does not stop there. There are even cases where the bullying is taken to the extreme and turns deadly. This chapter will tell you the story of ALEX HARRISON. He was a teenager who took his own life when he couldn’t stand the bullying any longer. Through his parents and friends, you will hear about his last days and the impact his death has had. As a result of Alex’s suicide, his parents have set up a foundation aimed at preventing teenage suicide due to bullying. The slogan for their campaign is: See it. Hear it. Stop it.


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Alex’s parents, Tom and Patricia Harrison.

ALEX’S MOM: Alex was sixteen when he died. We had no clue at all that it was coming. He did not give any of the typical indications they say to look for if someone is going to take their own life. They don’t eat as much or they sleep more or they start giving away their possessions. All those lists of things – he showed no signs of any of that.

cool girls are calling me a geek.” So we

But Alex was a really unique young man. He

He had friends. He participated in acti­vities.

was one of those really high IQ kids. So he

It is not like he did not. He did sports. He

was probably more shy than typical. And a

was in Boy Scouts. He was only one step

lot of kids did not understand that shyness.

away from his Eagle Scout when he died. He

He had a really good core group of friends.

was on the racing team, the varsity ski team.

But probably starting in about maybe fifth

So he was doing things and he had friends.

talked about that and I even talked with the teachers and told them that he was feeling this way. So we thought we had that handled. He really did not say too much about it anymore. We thought it was okay. What happened was that in some classes he actually started to try and not show his intelligence.

or sixth grade, he started being targeted by some of the “cool kids”, the popular kids.

I don’t know – it seemed like things were really going along quite well. He had got-

We recognized a couple of things then in

ten his driver’s license back in December,

middle school when he came home like

just a couple of months before he died. He

on the second day and said; “Well, Mom,

got his Jeep. He had a girlfriend. She was a

I found out it is not cool to be smart. The

really nice girl that he was enjoying. He was


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just getting to know her. He had his friends.

and had started a note on a notepad. He

Winter was his favorite time because he was

had taken one of the shotguns that are in

on the ski team. So everything seemed really

the house. He came upstairs and exited the


house. There was about fourteen inches of

snow on the ground. We have thirty acres of property.

ALEX’S DAD: So well, on Alex’s last day of school at

He walked back there with a flashlight, a

lunchtime that day he went to sit down with

notebook and pencil, and a shotgun and

the “cool kids” at the “cool table” as he did

two shells all the way off our property. So

many times before. He was told that he could

he had walked literally almost a quarter

not sit there. They would scoot over and not

of a mile. He sat down under a big maple

let him sit in their area.

tree and added a few more things to the

notebook and then pressed the shotgun up Finally, this day one young lady who was

against his chest and shot himself through

quite popular and on the basketball team got

the heart.

up and out of her seat and said; “Alex, don’t you get it? Don’t you understand? We don’t like you. We hate you. Why don’t you just around.”


So Alex took that without saying anything.


He walked around and sat down with his

Worksheet 1

get the hell out of here? Nobody wants you

core group of friends as he always did. We called them the Geek Squad, lovingly.

2 WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Worksheet 2


Alex had built his own computer. They were

Your teacher will give you an expression from the

all computer gurus in my mind. He went on

text to research. Use the internet to find the infor-

through the day. He finished out the day in

mation. Use the CL-structure Expert Puzzle©.

school and ended up taking three or four of his friends to their homes.

3 HOT CHAIRS • Interview Alex. In pairs, prepare questions for

In the evening, his mom and I decided to go

Alex. Imagine you can talk to dead people.

out to a movie. After we came back, Alex was

• Interview the bully. In pairs, prepare questions

still downstairs on his computer. I opened

for one of Alex’s bullies.

up the paper and had a beer. His mom came down and said, “Alex, it is late. I am going


to bed. I love you.” He said, “I love you too,

• Come up with ideas about how you could have

Mom.” I was watching TV. He was on the

computer. I spent about an hour down there

• Consider what these could have done: The

with him, just hanging out. I went up to bed.

school · His peers · His friends · His parents ·

Alex had taken out a notebook and a pencil

Alex, himself.

helped Alex.

• Share your findings in class.

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RON STREETER, a friend of Alex, said this in his eulogy: Alex Harrison – not many people really took

the time to get to know him. He was a very close friend of mine. We did many things together and spent much time just enjoying life. He always had a knack for making any situation into a good one. If I was down, he would tell one of his many jokes. I wish to God I could have been there to help him like he helped me so many times before. Alex was a good friend and I was one of the few people he gave the privilege of truly knowing him. Many knew him as a man of few words but I knew him as one whose words transcended intelligence. We had a name for such statements. We called them Alex Logic or Harrison Logic. Alex’s own genius showed the most at lunch when his friends surrounded him. We all sat around the smallest table and talked about all things humorous and oftentimes deep thoughts of life. I guess what I’m really trying to say is that he was our glue – our rock upon which we friends stood and he supported us like the great columns supporting the coliseum. He anchored us to this world and to each other and without him I am at a loss – at a loss of words, loss of feelings, and a loss of reality. He never spoke ill of any soul as he suffered the berating of a multitude of torturers. Just as Alex was our rock, we were his refuge. He was a wonderful person. I am glad to have known him in life. And now, gather together as we say goodbye with all of our hearts to this wonderful man and receive this spring he has given us. He was my friend and a brother to me. I loved him as if he was my own flesh and blood.




Worksheet 3

Worksheet 4



Take a closer look at the language in the

Sum up what you have learned about Alex

eulogy. Write down the five coolest or most

so far. Use your own words to describe him.

interesting phrases you find. Compare lists

Share your findings with your partner. Add

with a classmate. Do you agree?

new information to your own notes.

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