Finding God: Grade 5, Parish, Teacher's Edition

Page 14

Catechist Preparation Ses sion 2

God Saves Us 3-Minute Retreat As you prepare your session, pause for a few moments to quiet yourself. Take a few deep breaths, calling to mind God’s loving presence. 1 Corinthians 15:21 the resurrection of the dead came also through a human being.

The theme of the struggle between good and evil is found in novels, movies, newspapers, TV reports, and our daily interactions with others. The Bible presents this theme many times, particularly in the story of Adam and Eve. Although sin exists within us and in the world, we are saved through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Pray, using these words or others that come to mind for you. God of mercy, along with Jesus my Savior, and Holy Spirit my guide, be with me each moment of this day. Through the saving grace of your Son’s

Scripture Romans 5:12 shares Saint Paul’s understanding of how sin entered the world.



How does my view of the world reflect the hope in the Resurrection? How is my faith in the Resurrection shared in my sessions?

Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.

1 Corinthians 15:21 relates how Saint Paul explains that new life comes through Jesus.

For since death came through a human being,


Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 2

Every day we hear news of the tragic consequences of human sin. We also read stories of heroism and of people caring for one another. The human family forms a unity—created by God. But this unity is damaged by sin. The weakness of the “fallen state” that people experience today is the result of a personal decision of our first parents. However, God, from the beginning, promised a Savior, one who would reconcile the human family with him.

Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching themes are Life and Dignity of the Human Person and Solidarity. See page 1b for an explanation of these themes.

Window on the Catechism The consequence of Adam’s sin for the human family is discussed in CCC 402–408. The first promise of a Savior is presented in CCC 410–411.

Resurrection, renew my relationship with you and

General Directory for Catechesis

with those around me. Nurture in me and in the

As catechists, we proclaim “Good News!” The Good News is that despite our sinfulness, we find Salvation in Jesus. The story of Adam and Eve is only the first chapter in the story of sin and redemption that culminates in Jesus’ Paschal Mystery. Jesus’ role in revealing God’s Salvation for us is summarized in GDC 102.

children a vision of new life in you.

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