KPMG's Disclosures Hanbook 2005 - Accounting and Financial Reporting in the Global Airline Industry

Page 55

K P M G ’s D i s c l o s u r e s H a n d b o o k : Ac c o u n t i n g a n d F i n a n c i a l Re p o r t i n g i n t h e G l o b a l A i r l i n e I n d u s t r y 4 5

KPMG comment

Sample risk disclosures

Dependence on key personnel

“Dependence on key personnel.

This risk factor is not a specific airline

The Company’s success depends to a significant extent upon the efforts and abilities

issue. The value of a capable senior

of its senior management team, including Michael O’Leary, the Chief Executive of

management team is an intangible that

Ryanair, and key financial, commercial, operating and maintenance personnel. Mr

is difficult to quantify. It is interesting to

O’Leary’s current contract may be terminated by either party upon 12 months’ notice.

note that labor cost percentages are

See “Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees – Compensation of

now debt covenants for some airlines.

Directors and Senior management – Employment Agreements”. The Company’s success also depends on the ability of its executive officers and other members of senior management to operate and manage effectively both independently and as a group. Although the Company’s employment agreements with Mr. O’Leary and its other senior executives contain non-competition and non-disclosure provisions, there can be no assurance that these provisions will be enforceable in whole or in part. Competition for highly qualified personnel is intense, and the loss of any executive officer, senior manager or other key employee could have a material adverse effect upon the Company’s business, operating results and financial condition.” – Ryanair

Reliance on suppliers

“Supplier failure.

Airlines, like all businesses, are

The Group is dependent on third parties, e.g. fuel suppliers, caterers, IT, for important

dependent on their suppliers to enable

aspects of its operation. It is essential that critical supplies should be maintained; if

delivery of their own services. Failure

this were not so, operations would be disrupted and the business and results would

of suppliers can cause major disruptions

suffer.” – British Airways

and financial loss. Services interuptions at hubs

“Interruptions or disruptions in service at one of our hub airports cold have a material adverse impact on our operations.

Virtually all airlines operate from a small

We operate principally through primary hubs in Charlotte, Philadelphia and Phoenix

number of key airports or hubs through

and secondary hubs/focus cities in Pittsburgh, Las Vegas, New York, Washington, D.C.

which their flights originate. Disruptions

and Boston. A majority of our flights either originate or fly into one of these locations.

at these hubs may have a major impact

A significant interruption or disruption in service at one of our hubs could result in

on those airlines operations.

the cancellation or delay of a significant portion of our flights and, as a result, could have a severe impact on our business, operations and financial performance.” – U.S. Airways

Early retirements

“The retirement of a significant number of our pilots prior to their normal retirement age of 60 could require significant contributions to our defined

Early retirement of employees is an

benefit pension plan for pilots, significantly disrupt our operations and

increasingly common feature where

negatively impact our revenue.

airlines are in financial distress. Employees take early retirement in

Under our defined benefit pension plan for pilots (“Pilot Plan”), Delta pilots who

order to crystallise the benefits they

retire can elect to receive 50% of the present value of their accrued pension benefit

have accrued under post employment

in a lump sum in connection with their retirement and the remaining 50% of their

plans and avoid the risk of a potential

accrued pension benefit as an annuity after retirement. In recent years, our pilots

reduction in benefits in the event of the

have retired prior to their normal retirement age of 60 at greater than historical levels

airlines bankruptcy.

due to (1) a perceived risk of rising interest rates, which could reduce the amount of

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