Cherrywood Foot Care A BreAkthrough LAser
treAtment For toenAiL Fungus Many people suffer from a condition called Onychomycosis (on-ni-koh-my-ko-sis), which is better known as toenail fungus. This condition is noticeable by a thickened, yellow or cloudy appearance of an individual’s toenail plate. The toenail can become rough and crumbly or can separate from the nail bed. There is usually no pain or other bodily symptoms unless the disease is severe. The condition can often affect a person’s ability to enjoy the simple things in life such as going barefoot or wearing sandals. Is there hope for sufferers of this condition? Cherrywood Foot Care in Nassau County has just introduced a medical breakthrough by offering the newest in laser technology for toenail fungus: the Cool Breeze Laser. Cherrywood Foot Care, led by founder Dr. Joseph Burke, has been a part of the Long Island community for over 24 years. They offer quality medical and surgical foot care. The facility features cuttingedge emerging technologies such as a diagnostic ultrasound and a state-ofthe-art operating room on premise and this new laser treatment for toenail fungus. Dr. Burke and his qualified staff have the most advanced training and use the most advanced techniques in the treatment of this condition and your entire foot and ankle healthcare. Cherrywood Foot Care and Dr. Burke are leading the industry with this revolutionary treatment that quite simply can eliminate toenail fungus. The laser treatment destroys pathogens that cause toenail fungus. This is a serious and powerful medical advancement that the public needs to learn more about. This revolutionary new laser treatment appears more effective than all previous treatment options. Laser therapy for toenail fungus is completely safe, painless and has no side effects. In most cases, usually only one treatment is needed. This treatment leaves patients with a significant improvement in the health and appearance of their toenails. The laser operates in a very tight spectrum of near-infrared light. The laser light passes through the toenail without causing damage to the nail or the surrounding skin. The beam created by this specially designed medical device
kills the embedded pathogens in the nail plate and nail bed, leaving normal healthy tissue undamaged. Only minimal adverse reactions, injuries, disabilities or side effects have been reported in clinical studies with this new laser technology and treatment. In contrast, topical treatments are minimally effective. “Oral medications available today can cause side effects to the liver, kidney and eyes, and may even affect your senses of taste and smell,” states Dr. Burke. At the time of the procedure, the toenail will not become instantly clear, it takes time to grow out. A new healthy nail will be seen emerging from the cuticle area as the nails grow naturally. The average toenail replaces itself every six to nine months. Within one to three months of the procedure, a healthy new growth will be visible. The laser treatment is very effective, according to clinical studies performed in Sacramento, Calif. Most patients experience significant improvement. In most cases, the fungal nails are improved with a single treatment. The vast majority of our clients require only one treatment, which usually takes about 30 minutes. No anesthetic or injections are ever used and you will be able to resume all of your normal activities immediately after the treatment is done. It is recommended that after the treatment (just like you practice good oral hygiene to keep your teeth and gums healthy), you will need to practice good foot hygiene to keep your toenails healthy. Find out how to end your struggle with toenail fungus by visiting or call Dr. Joseph Burke for a free consultation. Their professional medical staff will help you to feel welcome, relaxed and comfortable with a caring office experience. Cherrywood Foot Care can have you barefoot and smiling with confidence once again with this revolutionary new laser technology. It can eliminate unsightly toenail fungus giving you clear healthy toenails with an affordable one-time treatment! Put your “Best” foot forward.Call us today to see why we were voted #1 BEST Podiatrist On Long Island! L o n g I s l a n d P r e s s f o r M arch , 2 0 1 4 / / / w w w. l o n g i s l a n d p r e s s . c o m