2019/20 Activities Report - London Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple

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London Fo Guang Shan Activities Report


菩提園慶佛誕浴佛新體驗 倫敦佛光山菩提園於4月26日進行第四次線上課程,共31位 菩提園學生參與本次的課程。佛誕節即將到來,往年菩提 園的孩子們都會到倫敦的萊斯特廣場表演及浴佛,今年他 們有了一個不同的浴佛節體驗。 首先,播放影片《佛陀的一生》, 雖然大部分的菩提園小 菩薩們都已非常熟悉佛陀的故事,但播放影片的目的是為 了不斷地提醒孩子們保持自己的正念,將佛陀作為榜樣。 老師也請學童們將自己的英文名字寫在紙上,再想出一個 形容自己的形容詞,這些形容詞必須以他們的名字字母為 首。接著大家一起用所有的英文字母想出形容佛陀的詞, 並看看自己與佛陀有什麼相同的詞。這項簡單的小遊戲給 與學童機會,關照自己的內心,並從佛陀身上學習美德。 此次的課程,倫敦佛光山菩提園導師彭寶珊向大家解說浴 佛偈,並鼓勵小菩薩們往後在浴佛時,可以觀想浴佛偈中 所講的一切。 為了讓孩子們能夠更深入地了解浴佛偈,老師讓小菩薩們 發揮自己的創意,寫一首給佛陀的英文詩,或繪畫自己浴 佛的樣子。彭寶珊介紹給孩子們充滿創意的線上浴佛,就 算無法出門,大家依然可以為佛陀淨身,慶祝浴佛節。

Bodhi Garden Online Class Celebrating Buddha’s Birthday On 26 April, Bodhi Garden held its fourth online class and a total of 31 students attended. The topic was on Buddha’s birthday. In the past, London Bodhi Garden students would celebrate Buddha’s birthday at Leicester Square via performing and bathing the Buddha. This year they had a different experience. At the beginning of the class, students watched a short video about “Life of the Buddha” to refresh their memory of the story, and also to remind them to always be mindful and regard Buddha as a great role model. Teacher Roxy asked the students to write their names on a piece of paper and come up with a word that describes themselves with the letter of their names. Then, these words were used with words that describe the Buddha. This simple activity gave students an opportunity to link their similar characteristics with the Buddha and learned about other characteristics of the Buddha. In the class, Teacher Roxy introduced the “Bathing the Buddha Gatha” and encouraged students to contemplate every word said or sang in the verse when bathing the Buddha. Teacher Roxy asked the students to write a poem for the Buddha or draw a picture of them bathing the Buddha to reflect the student’s level of understanding. She also introduced the Virtual Buddha Bathing online which was available online for everyone to bath the Buddha even though we could not go out to bathe the Buddha and celebrate Buddha’s birthday.

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