The Witch's Book of Power, by Devin Hunter

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that they will simply know to give a message. A mental medium will receive messages from those who are not incarnate via mental processes (images, songs, symbols), similar to a psychic-medium; however, the mental medium usually needs to “tune in� before receiving messages. Physical mediums have the ability to receive messages through physical sensation and have been found to also produce physical psychic phenomena such as ectoplasm, which has been reported to help spirits appear in the physical. The type of mediumship will determine its classification as passive or projective. Both mental and psychic mediumship are considered to be perceptive, whereas physical mediumship can be both.

The Witch Power generally works for each of us in some combination of these abilities. Even if you have never had a spirit walk up to you and start talking, chances are that you have had some message in the form of inexplicable knowledge come to you just before making a major decision, or perhaps you have felt the pull of a friend in need without knowing why. The Witch Power speaks to us individually through these processes and gives us the ability to interact with the world on a whole new level.

Revealing the Witch Power Within Witches come from all walks of life and modern witches are just the latest in a long line descended from great beings of power. It is up to us to challenge ourselves through self-discovery and discipline in order to find where the true power of a witch lies. To do this we must face our fears, challenge paradigms, and be willing to accept that we are one tiny part of a much bigger picture. The Witch Power guides us through fields of self-discovery and that very process is what will activate and empower our abilities. You will find that the most powerful witches are those who were willing to put aside

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