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WHAT IS ACADEMIC PROBATION? You will be placed on probation under anyone of the following circumstances: (1) If, after attempting 15 or more quarter credits at Cuyahoga Community College, you have failed to compile a cumulative grade-point average to meet the following minimum requirements (based on a four-point system): Credits Attempted minimum Grade-Point Average 15-44 inclusive ..... . .... . ... .. ................ 1.50 45-74 inclusive . ... .... . ... .. ........ . .... . .... 1.75 75 or more .. . .. . . . ..... .. ............... . . ... 2.00 (2) If you wish to enroll for 12 or more quarter credits at CCC while attending or after attending another college or university which has placed you on probation, you will be adm itted on first pr.obation. You will remain 'on first probation until you have at路 tempted 15 or more quarter credits at CCC and have been either removed from probation or placed on second probation. (3) If you wish to enroll for 12 or more quarter credits at CCC after attending another college or university from which you have been academically dismissed , you should follow the procedures outlined under CAN I BE READMITTED IF I'VE BEEN DISMISSED FOR LOW ACADEMIC STANDING? on page 37. (4) If you have been academically dismissed from a university or if you are on academic probation and wish to enroll for 11 or fewer quarter credits at CCC, you will be admitted on a probationary status. You will be placed on second probation if you have not removed yourself from first probation by the end of the next period of enrollment. You can remove yourself from first or second probation by raising your cumulative grade-point average to meet the requirements listed above.

WHAT DOES ACADEMIC DISMISSAL MEAN? If you are on second probation , you will be dismissed at the end of that period of enrollment unless you remove yourself from probation, or unless your grade-point average for the most recent period of enrollment is 2.00 or higher, in which case you will be permitted to continue on second probation. You will also be dismissed if you have attempted 15 or more quarter credits at Cuya hoga Community College and have compiled lower than a .75 cumulative grade-point average at the end of any period of enrollment.

HOW WILL I KNOW MY CLASS STANDING? A freshman or first-year student at CCC is one who has earned 44 or fewer quarter credits. This includes any credits transferred from other colleges or universities. Students who have earned 45 or more quarter hours, including those transferred from other colleges or universities, are considered sopho路 mores or second-year students. 43

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