Biomimética em arquitetura

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Fig.291 Section series.

Fig.292 Yokohama terminal, upper /ayer of topographic space, FOA, 2002.

4.2.11 Evolution and natural selectlon

Evolution of archltecture

"[Evotution is] the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have deve/oped and diversifíed from earlier forms during the history of the earth." "The gradual development of something, esp. from a simple to a more complex form"376 Evolution includes all processes which have led life from its beginning to today's diverse manifestations. Evolution and natural selection are discussed in chapt er 4 .1.5, and approaches for transfer t o technology are shown in chapter 2.2 on the fields of research in biomimetics. Transferred to architecture, "evolution" has at least three different notions: • Evolution of architecture • Evolution in architecture • Evolutionary archit ect ure

ln th e course of the evolution of humans and animais, architecture has evolved as a characteristic expression of the species. Animal buildings have evolved over m illions of years. Existing typologies are bound t o the respective species. Variation of built structures is limited t o features needed for local adaptation (spider's web, termite nest). The human species has always needed shelt er from environment, but "Gestaltung" of shelt er cannot be traced back to its beginnings, and a historical interrelation between species and building typology cannot be stated. The phenomenon of forming the environment to th e respective species needs is known in the animal kingdom as well. Apart from the many temporary buildings like birds' n ests, the buildings of many insect species form an interior environment the survival of which th e individuais depends (ants, t ermites, bees etc.). The buildings of beavers change the environment considerably. But these achievements are small compareci to the way human species has adapted the env ironment to it s needs. By the impact of human activity on the environment , evolution of the human species is projected t owards the outside. This may be a first step in the evolution of a higher levei of organisat ion t owards Lynn Margulis' biosphere as living entity. The evolution of the built environment started with the assembly of shelters or buildings. With growing settlement s, urban stru ctures have evolved along the development of society's complex struct ures and cultural achievements. Examples of urb anisation are known from ali over the world.

376 New Oxford American Dictíonary, program version 10 .0.1, 2005

New approaches


Architectural interpretation of life cri teria


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