Milestone Consulting's Living Safer - Vol. 9, Ed. 1

Page 34

THE FIRST AND SECOND THING YOU NEED TO KNOW: BODILY INJURY LIABILITY Bodily Injury Liability (BIL) is an important component of your auto insurance coverage. If you are found to be at fault for a car accident that has resulted in injuries for one or more people other than yourself, bodily injury liability coverage is

The Advantages of a Higher Limit Auto Insurance Policy

what pays for the costs associated with those injuries—it will

Many people try to justify lower levels of auto

As an example, let’s say your policy states that your BIL is

insurance as a "smart decision" because of the short

25/50. What that means is that you will be covered for dam-

term savings. However, there are many advantages

ages up to $25,000 per person with a cap of $50,000 for any

to higher limit policies that far outweigh the savings

and all injured individuals involved in the accident. Anything

you may receive from a policy that does not truly

over either of these amounts will be your responsibility. You

cover your driving needs.

might now start to see the fallacy of “full coverage.” Cause

also pay for your legal defense if you are sued for damages by an injured party. Makes sense, right? But it’s the first two of those three numbers that apply to bodily injury liability, and it’s important to understand how each of them relates to your coverage.

an accident that injuries one or two individuals, and you’re YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR LESS. The entire point

covered up to $25,000 for each person. Cause a multi-car

of having auto insurance is to keep your finances in

crash where each vehicle has multiple passengers—certainly

order. Remember that you are responsible for all

a possibility on today’s fast-moving and overcrowded road-

aspects of the accident that your insurance company

ways—and you could be looking at half a dozen people with

is not contracted to pay. For most people, it’s easier

injuries and only an average of $8333.33 to cover their costs.

to pay a little at a time than paying a lot at once. BUT WHAT ABOUT PROPERTY DAMAGE? PEACE OF MIND. One second of misplaced attention

Before we get too deep into the discussion over what’s

can cost you tens or even hundreds of thousands

“enough” coverage in the way of bodily injury liability,

of dollars that probably took you quite a while to

it’s important to understand that third and final number

earn. Higher levels of insurance keep your mistakes

of minimum insurance—property damage liability. Again,

from bankrupting your finances and stalling out your

when you are found at fault for a car accident, property

entire life.

damage liability is the amount your insurance policy will pay up to in order to cover the costs associated with


repairing or replacing another person's property. More

it’s often more than you who will be affected by an

than likely, this will involve any damage done to someone

accident. While most are minor, many auto accidents

else's car, but it could also apply to items damaged that

can result in serious injury or even death. Whether

were inside a vehicle or even your neighbor’s fence if you

it’s you as the driver or those who are passengers

were to back into it. So, if you have a 25/50/15 policy,

in the vehicle, a serious accident can put physical,

the amount up to which your policy will pay out for other

psychological and financial burdens on your family.

people’s property would $15,000. Note the wording, “other people’s property.” Don’t make the mistake in

PROTECTING YOUR ASSETS. If you are not properly

thinking that property damage liability will cover

insured and at fault for an accident, you must pay

damage to your vehicle, because it won’t. Remember,

the opposing party for damages and injuries. If you

these components of your insurance coverage are in

don’t have the money, that party may go after your

response to state-imposed minimums, and your state is

personal assets. Depending on the level of damage,

only concerned about any harm or cost you may cause

your house, car, business and other assets may be at

others—if you’re worried about your brand new convert-

considerable risk

ible, you’ll need to ensure you have collision coverage and most likely comprehensive as well.


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