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9 It was like walking through the vanquished streets of a city that had tried to impede the march of time, and finding yourself overwhelmed with a strange feeling. * It was like the moment of recognition that the strange feeling is nostalgia, for a past not your own, a nostalgia all the more potent for its double displacement. * It was like slowing your pace and then gradually coming to a stop, stopping to mark this moment in time, in recognition, this moment of stoppage, of halting the march. * It was like accidentally glancing down at your watch, and then accidentally up at the clocktower, and feeling the doubleness of time, the stoppage and the ticking—the ticking, the ticking. 37 It was like the little group of tourists on a walking tour trembling with excitement when the tour guide points out the bullet holes from a long-ago war still visible in the parliament building. *

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