1916 - EVINRUDE Outboard Sales Brochure

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Evinruding enchants everyone




The lEWlllJ1lll'lllJ<dl<e Magneto-Built-In Fly-Wheel Type-is standard equipment on all Evinntdes. The magneto is built into, and made part of, the fly-wheel. The armature and all connections are waterproofed and insulated, so that moisture or spray cannot affect the spark, as is the case with coil and batteries, or the exposed horse-shoe magneto. With the magneto in the fly-wheel, the lEWllJmll'lllJ<dl<e is one compact, complete unit, with no extra burdensome packages to carry. The lEwiilJ1lll'lllJ<dl<e ~1agneto has been in successful use on thousands of Evinrudes for the past two years and is also widely used by manufacturers of stationary gas and oil engines. It is absolutely guaranteed to supply a hot spark at high or low speed, under all conditions, fresh or salt water. Although the necessity for its use is infrequent, an additional safe-guard is provided by arranging two binding posts for the attaching of a single ordinary dry-cell. This dry-cell, operating through the magneto coil, acts as a "booster", when required under unusual weather conditions, due to dense, salt water fogs of the ocean. ELECTRICAL The high-tension cable, leading fr~m the armature to CONNECTIONS the spark plug, has. a heavy coat1l1g of pure rubber. Over the spark plug IS fitted a removable hood to prevent any short-circuit and also to protect the operator in the stern from shock. A bare elbow accidently bumped against the spark plug is saved that unpleasant "kick" that will be remembered by ome. To pre\'ent others from using the motor without authority, the hightension cable mav be removed by unscrewing the plug from the armature - - .:)Ur fingers. It's a matter of seconds, )revent a great deal of annoyance nience. It's a new feature. TO By means of a special induction VG coil, the boat can be electrically 7M lighted from the magneto. The , coil is clamped to the boat by neans of the motor-bracket-thumb:crew. The lamp, which is mounted on a pedestal, can be easily placed in any part of the t of waterproofed wire being furnished extensions. The connections are ease to the large screw of the timer lever, , the ground post. The lamp throws m of light for a considerable distance readily seen by passing craft. Right in front of the operator is the timer lever. To speed up, push it to the Right-to slow down, shove it to ) stop dead, press the little brassbutton g-er's end. Everything within reach, easily understood. For a very slow, ~d the lEwiilJ1lll'lllJ<dl<e "Sure Catch" Trollnent may be fitted to the propeller in time-or as quickly detached.



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